View Full Version : The Christian Life

10-10-2003, 08:27 PM
The Christian life involves a number of different aspects. Among the key ones are

Fellowship with God
Our relationships with others
Obedience to God's commands

The Goal
Christianity is about personal relationships: with God and with others.

One of the most important terms for Christians is "fellowship". This term covers our life together as Christians. This means first of all that we spend time together, in worship, educational activities, service to others, and just having fun. In addition to their primary goal, these activities help us get to know each other, and to develop into a community. The Bible refers to the Christian community using organic metaphors, such as a vine and a body. It talks about us sharing with each other and supporting each other.

The Challenge of Sin
I believe that we would be involved in a process of growth and discovery even in a world without sin. However this is not such a world. Because of our inborn tendencies to sin, this process is also one of recovery from sin. As such it involves repentance (acknowledge of sin and turning away from it), healing, and reconciliation with both God and those around us.


Jesus' life and teachings make it clear how important prayer is. In the Gospels, he is continually described as praying, particularly when things got difficult. Among the things Jesus said about prayer:

It should be from the heart. God isn't impressed by long-winded or impressive prayers.
Personal prayers should be in secret.
Prayer is the necessary preparation for just about everything else.
Your prayer won't be heard unless you've forgiven those who have wronged you.

Christianity is about personal relationships: with God as our father, with Jesus, with our family and friends, and even with enemies. Relationships are based on communication. Since prayer is the primary means of communicating with God, it is the basis for our relationship with him.

People will sometimes ask why we need to pray, since God knows everything about us already. That might be true if the only purpose of prayer was to get God to do what we want. But it isn't. Sometimes what we want isn't quite right. In that case prayer may help us come to understand what God's will is. Sometimes we need guidance.

The term "repent" means "to turn around". It is our response when we realize that we have done something wrong, or when we recognize an attitude or approach that is not in line with what God would have.

Repentance is important because we are imperfect. One of the major goals for Christian life is to weaken the hold of sin on us, and to bring our lives into line with God's will for us. It would be wonderful to think that we make regular progress, without setbacks. But much of our growth occurs when we realize we've done something wrong, or that there is something that we need to change.

Christian life doesn't happen by accident. It requires planning and a consistent approach. Repentance is particularly difficult for most of us. We find it difficult to face our faults, and also to admit them to others. This means that if we don't take specific precautions, we're likely to "forget" to do it. These precautions are referred to as "discipline".

Study is a part of Christian life, because spiritual growth is one of the main goals.

For Protestants, the most visible study has always been Bible study. This includes both individual reading of the Bible, and group studies. Bible study is often done using some systematic plan, that guarantees coverage of the whole Biblical message. While there can certainly be academic study of the Bible, the sort of Bible study I'm talking about here is primarily devotional. An individual or group will take a passage from the Bible, look at its meaning in the original context, and then see how it might apply to them. This sort of devotional Bible study has been one of the major tools for growth and change. I've often heard it said that one of the best ways to get a church moving is to do a serious study of the Acts.

The discussion so far has focused inward, on actions that are primarily concerned with the spiritual life of an individual or group. However Christians are also committed to serving others. Jesus indicated that the primary way of judging someone's spiritual state was by looking at what they did.

God knows what is best for us. Indeed most Christians believe that he has a specific intention for our lives. This means that when we have significant decisions to make, Christians will try to find God's will. Two of the most important places where we try to find God's will are in choice of husband or wife, and choice of vocation (except in cultures where they are chosen by parents). Christians will pray carefully about decisions of this kind. They will also consult with those who know them well (e.g. parents, friends, and pastor).

Jesus commanded his disciples to spread his message to the entire world. This is referred to as "evangelism". Christians practice evangelism in many different ways, ranging from "friendship evangelism" to sending missionaries to other countries. Evangelism is commonly combined with service. For example, missionaries often run medical facilities and teach.

People sometimes believe that Christians practice evangelism because they think all non-Christians are damned. That is not always the case. Many Christians believe that non-Christians will have an opportunity to be saved. There are effective missionaries who believe this. We do evangelism for the same reason that we sponsor famine relief and projects to help prevent hunger: we do it because we care about other people. Christians believe that being Christian makes a difference, both to individuals and to cultures or nations.

10-10-2003, 09:13 PM