View Full Version : What Should a 17 Month Old Be Doing Now? Wondering if Aubri's Doing Okay...

09-26-2003, 01:14 PM
This was the original reason I came here today.. You guys are always great with this kind of stuff, so that's why I'm here! :)

My daughter is now 17 months and I'm worrying that maybe she's not developing like she should. She's done everything pretty late. She started crawling soon after her first birthday and she didn't start walking while holding my hands until a couple months ago. But I've seen kids her age who are walking, talking and all that. But she can't walk yet, she won't even walk in her walker. She doesn't even know her nose or eyes or anything. I try and teach her but she just doesn't get it. She says a few words, she can say mama, dada, hi, and bye and she can sign milk, candy, more and sock. (I don't know why she'll sign sock but not mommy) So, I was just wondering what the average kid... or your kid is able to do at this age.

09-26-2003, 01:25 PM
Aw, thanks. That's very nice of you to say! And thanks for your help, I'm gonna look for a number right now and see what they say. :)

Okay, I just called and they were no help! She said they only do them for preemies. And since my daughter isn't a preemie, I guess I'll have to try the school and see if they call help me.

09-26-2003, 01:33 PM
I searched around and found the following site which gives all sorts of info. I think that all kids do things at different times. I definately think that you should contact her dr. and talk about any concerns. That would be the best place for info.
But here is that site I saw that might be of interest just in general to you.
http://www.babycenter.com/general/toddler/toddlerdevelopment/6474.html So many children do things late or early, I think the info on that is just for a "loose" guideline. Most of us have worries, etc but I totally think a health professional is the best way to go in getting your worries calmed and answered. Good luck!

09-26-2003, 01:43 PM
My daughter is 9 months and she does everything that a 9 month old should, but she is really tiny. I had her at the health department today and her growth rate has completely dropped off the chart. They referred me back to my pediatrician. My mother is afraid that she might have craniosynotosis like I did as a baby. I wish I could be of more help for you. All I can say is that I know kinda what you are going through and if you need to talk, I'm here for you.

09-26-2003, 01:51 PM
All children develop differntly,and hit their milestones at different times, and i don't know about any children but my own.
My first son started to walk (on his own) at 1 year, and my second son started to walk (on his own) at 10 months. My first son used a walker, and while i was pregant with my youngest son I learened from my Dr. that walkers can inhibit a child's learning to walk, so my youngest son did not use one.

My oldest son also lost most of his teeth when he was 5, my youngest is 8, and has just lost his first teeth...

It doesn't have to really mean anything, just that your child is going at their own pace..but if you are worried you can have your child tested.

09-26-2003, 01:53 PM
I hope you both get all of your answers and that all is well for everyone!

09-26-2003, 02:48 PM

My oldest daughter didn't talk much at all even when she was 5. I was so worried how she'll be at school but all she needed is incouragement. She's now at 2nd grade and she's a terrific kid! She (finally) talks and reads and writes and counts and spells!!!:) :) :) She is very smart and teacher told me that she is a perfectionist (like me) and if she's not sure 100%, she will not say it so teacher had to work hard with her and telling her that it's all right if she gets something wrong sometimes (she cries sometimes if she doesn't know the answer or answers wrong :eek: ). She started walking at 14 months but she was premie so that puts her at 12 months (actually she started walking exactly 1 year from her due date)

My son now 4 and he doesn't talk much either:eek: but we can tell that he is smart. When I was at doctor's when he was a little over 3, they asked me about his speech development and they said that at 3 he should say at least 3 phrases which he did. Sometimes it's easier for him to bring me a cup and a bottle of juice and gave them to me so I can pour him a cup of juice than to say "Mom, I want a cup of juice". I encourage him to talk and ask my daughter to speak with him as much as possible but still he's not speaking much. BTW he's a perfectionist too :eek: : Last year I went to the school appointment with him and my daughter and the way he was organizing the toys there -- it suprized all the teachers and they told me that he's a perfectionist and a smart kid!:p

Hang in there: each child has his/her own pace of development. My brother started walking at 17 months and he's now 16 and very intelligent and honor student. I started talking and walking very early (too bad my kids didn't inherit it): my mom said that I talked in complete sentences before I started walking (and of course asking to use potty) and I started walk at 9 months. So figure....

To PreciousDarlin: I don't know what craniosynotosis is but my daugher was down low in all charts too even adjusting for her being premie. After she turned 1, she started growing more and now she is as normal as she can be.

I know it won't stop you from worrying, I guess it's a part of being a parent, it never goes away (as in "What a girl wants"-what a nice movie) but each child develops differently and they create those charts based on many kids and those kids that are right in the middle, there are only few of them but about 50% is above and about 50% is below. Even though I know that I would prefer for my kids to be in top 50%, it doesn't always work that way. My son too was in 35-25% chart on growth/weight but he looked like a normal kid to me. I'm small and petite myself so I guess my kids are too.

09-26-2003, 03:58 PM
I guess I should have explained this before, but this is craniosynotosis is: The fontanelles (soft spots) start closing too early in a baby's skull causing the skull to grow longer front to back instead of rounded. Almost 22 years ago when I was diagnosed, there was a treatment to correct it (ie surgery to remove a piece of bone from the skull) but it was considered cosmetic at the time and there was no medical proof that it caused any long term effects. Now, they have decided that it can put pressure on the brain and cause long term brain damage.
I dunno about other people/children with this condition, but I was diagnosed initially at 3 months and for sure at 6 months. That is why there is a doubt in my mind that this is what it is, but my mother is fairly certain.
As for her charted growth rate, it's completely off the bottom of the charted grid.....not even in the bottom 5% anymore. I'm sure there is nothing to worry about, but there is still that fear in my heart that something is wrong.

09-26-2003, 08:11 PM
I agree with everyone else here. Different children develop at different times. My youngest who turned 4 in June did not even attempt to walk till he was atleast 1. Did not talk till well after he was 1. I was very worried! After like 1 1/2 or so he just started talking and walking and he was reading books by 3. The pediatrician just said that he is the type that likes to do things when HE is ready. Some kids just like doing things in their own time. I know it is frustrating and scary but just let her develop in her own time. If you are worried, ask your pediatrician what he/she thinks.Mine was very helpful thru this. I have to add too that my son was a preemie (Born 6 weeks early weighed 4 lbs 13 oz).

09-26-2003, 09:23 PM
Children develope at their own pace and you shouldnt go around comparing your child to someone else's. Remember Dr. Spock and how wrong he was?

Just an fyi, Maya Angelou didnt talk until she was 5 and she speaks over 8 languages now besides being a wonderful poet and writer.

Just keep working with her and it will all fall into place.