View Full Version : Med Appt Update

09-25-2003, 09:57 AM
Eddie has been having chest pain.

It does not seem to be reflux or GERD, none of those meds are helping.....it has been back and forth to the GP's to rule out the cardi prob and try a few different meds to take care of any reflux. so after waiting almost 2 months he finally had an appt with a gastro last week.

We had an appt scheduled for an ultrasound tomorrow to check for gallstones, but the pain has been really bad this week. he called his gastro who called the imaging office and had him moved up to today.

so......keep it all in your thoughts & prayers.

09-25-2003, 10:10 AM
nah, they won't give the results to Dr Herman until tomorrow.

BUT, I will try to be in the room. The rad techs won't tell you what they see, but I know enough to know. The stones are more dense and will show as white spots on screen.

Anyway, after this Dr Herman also wants to do a scope.

09-25-2003, 01:19 PM
let me know how it goes....

09-25-2003, 04:10 PM
Hope everything goes well, please keep us posted.

Prayers & Hugs to you and Eddie

09-26-2003, 08:25 AM
we're waiting to hear back this morning and see if the doc wants to do a scope now.

update: eddie just called. no stones. he's having a scope on monday afternoon.