View Full Version : I need some contest ideas.....

09-17-2003, 05:28 PM
As some of you know I am the boxtops for education coordinator at my daughters school. I decided today to start going to local merchants to ask for donations of anything that could be used as prizes. The first place I went to was the local dollar store....and let me tell you I hit the jackpot! The manager was SOOOOOO nice!! Thank goodness I went in my suburban because I left there with 79 balls:eek: And I'm not talking little tiny balls either. These things are the ones that are already inflated and about 10 inches big. I was so excited, but now I'm trying to come up with creative contests to do lol. I will do contests for the students that bring in the most box tops each month but I want to do other contests too. Thats where you come in b/c heaven knows bbs members have the most creative minds there are:p

09-17-2003, 05:29 PM
pizza party for the class that brings in the most...

09-17-2003, 05:56 PM
they can enter each top for a raffel ticket to win something

09-17-2003, 06:09 PM
We always have parties for the winning classes each month. We do parties for K-2 and 3-5. We serve something you can get a boxtop off of to make it a theme. The kids really like these parties and work hard to win them. At the end of the year, the classes that had the most all year get ice creams.

Keep your eyes open for contests through your local grocery stores. Two years ago our Safeways teamed up with General Mills to have a BoxTop contest decorating contest. We ended up winning $5,000 from the contest.

09-17-2003, 06:13 PM
Have you tried the coordinator forums at boxtopsforeducation.com?

09-17-2003, 06:49 PM
Originally posted by twinkiesmom
Have you tried the coordinator forums at boxtopsforeducation.com?

LOL Yep. That's why I am here now, I have wrote down all the ideas from there but now I'm mooching off you guys *blushing*

OOH miccit thanks for the themed party ideas! And so far the only promotion I have found is through Kroger. I think it ended yesterday, anyhow it was where if you bought 12 boxtops products you kroger would give you a certificate worth 100 free boxtops. I sent the letter home when the promotion started so I'm hoping parents took advantage of it.
I am doing a popcorn party the first week of oct for the class that has raised the most boxtops but what I'm really needing are ideas for contests to use these donated things for.
I really like the raffle idea that h2223m suggested. I know I won't have any probs getting rid of the prizes, I just didn't want to have the same kinda contest for the prizes month after month ya know. But then again this is for K-4th so these kids won't care what kinda contest it is lol. I think I'm just being too picky *blushing again* lol

09-17-2003, 07:41 PM
Originally posted by angelseyes28
And so far the only promotion I have found is through Kroger. I think it ended yesterday, anyhow it was where if you bought 12 boxtops products you kroger would give you a certificate worth 100 free boxtops. lol
Oh yeah, thanx for reminding me to go to kroger to get receipt w/the bonus bt's on. Gotta hit there tomorrow.

09-17-2003, 07:45 PM
auction with bte for $, yard sale with bte, offer free babysitting for moms (each bte worth 10 free min...etc) tons of stuff you can do.

09-17-2003, 07:45 PM
Put those balls to use! Let them dribble them for a certain length of time or something and then they can keep them.

09-17-2003, 10:32 PM
Here's one that came to mind.
Follow me;
First make a big thermometer on a piece of paper. To do this you need to have a goal in mind. Obviously, the goal is the top of the thermometer.
Each class has a different color line (making tic marks as the "mercury rises")
At the end of the week, tally each classes box tops, then mark on the thermometer. Kids like to see that they are ahead of whoever. When they reach a certain mark, they all get something small -gum pieces, jacks, etc, like party favors. You can get them by the bag pretty cheap.

Here is another idea:
Each one that brings in say X amount of tops that week (maybe 10 or 20, depending on what your goal is)gets the "prize of the week", again, something small, maybe a bag that they can put their hand in and grab something.
Another idea is that they can go "fish"-after bringing in Xamount of tops. Make a cardboard lake, stand it upright. Then make a pole with whatever that is stick-like, tie a piece of string to it. Put your prizes in baggies, then someone stands behind the cardboard, and "hooks something" on the end of the line.

I hope this makes sense. I was a room mother, and then a manager of a phone room-we did this stuff all the time.

09-18-2003, 03:36 AM
Ooh you guys are great! I knew I could count on you! {{{{hugs}}}}

Hey twinkies mom don't forget to have parents at your school sign up for the booster club too, the program runs through sept. 30:)

09-18-2003, 06:38 AM
Originally posted by angelseyes28

Hey twinkies mom don't forget to have parents at your school sign up for the booster club too, the program runs through sept. 30:)
Is that the one where u sign up and provide 5 email addys, if they sign up your school gets 25 bonus bt's?

09-18-2003, 07:08 AM
Here are a couple of ideas.

Dont know if your school has book fairs or does the weekly reader program, but if it does, for an individual prize winner, you could have the PTA to pay for a book or to award a gc in the amount of $5 or $10 and they could use that to buy their books.

See if any of the businesses in your area, ie McDonalds, Wendy's ect can donate gc's to give away.

09-18-2003, 09:16 AM
Originally posted by twinkiesmom
Is that the one where u sign up and provide 5 email addys, if they sign up your school gets 25 bonus bt's?

No you don't have to do anything other than sign yourself up. All you do is go to www.boxtops4education.com and click the "join the booster club" once you join you will receive an email with a button to click. once you click the button your school earns 5 boxtops which simply put means your school earns 50 cents for every person that signs up. once you get 25 people signed up your school gets a 100 boxtop bonus plus the 50 per person. 50-74 new people= 200 boxtops and 75 or more=300 boxtops. It's worth it if you can get the word out. From what I understood when talking to the boxtop people, the booster club bonus will run till the 30th of this month. Hope that helps some:)

Thanks for the idea cinnamonch, I am meeting with the manager of the video store here tomorrow. And I will do the fast food places Monday:)

09-18-2003, 09:29 AM

09-18-2003, 09:35 AM
Originally posted by Princess4J

Got it:)