View Full Version : Is Your Lover Lying? The Signs

09-16-2003, 10:55 PM
There's lying - "No, honey, that outfit does not make you look fat" - and there's lying. The trust-busting, heart-breaking, "No, honey, I told you I was just working late" kind. Want to know the truth about lying? Read on for the signs if you've got a no-bull baby or if it's time to pull on a pair of boots.

Is His Nose Growing?

Not too unlike Pinocchio, most liars are given away by certain physical characteristics when they're caught fibbing. Most experts agree that when someone isn't telling the truth, their eyes tend to look down and away, they fidget more (out of nervousness), they cover their mouths (in an attempt to 'cover' the lie), or scratch their nose or ears.

Is Her Gabbing a Giveaway?

Fabricating information requires an energy, memory, and attention to detail that most of us can't keep up full time. Listen in for conflicting information - liars can often be caught on the little details they're often tempted to add to their stories for believability. Be equally suspicious of a noticeable lack of minutiae, like if your partner claims to be going out with "some people from work" and ending up at "some bar".

What's With the Sudden Interest In Cologne?

A dead giveaway that your lover is getting some on the sly is a sudden change in routine. Is your usually lazy couch potato suddenly inspired to log long hours at the gym? Is your usually natural beauty taken to trying out new lipsticks? Have your radar running particularly high in the bedroom. A usually lusty lothario may suddenly lack interest or your typically shy seductress may surprise you with some new moves.

What Is She Blaming Me For?

If your partner's got something to hide, expect a defensive reaction to your relatively innocent queries. Often, the guilty party will pull a reversal on you, demanding to know why you can't trust them.