View Full Version : Awww how cute...

09-11-2003, 12:35 PM
Sil took my mom to get groceries today and she took her 2 year old(moms grandson) and she said the store had set out several buggies with stuff in it discounted and sil let him pick something he wanted(he had one of those little kid carts) and he walked around the whole time carrying it and when it was time to check out sil told him to put it in his little thing and he said "no, mamaws buggy!" and he put it in hers.

I know it sounds weird but that's the first time he's ever called her mamaw or grandma or anything like that(long story) and she was so excited that he knew who she was(again..long story). So can ya'll leave her a message or soemthing? TIA:)

09-11-2003, 02:30 PM

I know exactly how it feels. My grandson started calling my husband Baba when he(grandson) was about 14 months old. But he never called me anything.

One day I hit upon an idea. Since he was fascinated with the alphabet and the letter "M" was his favorite, I just started drawing out the "M" sound...making it "Emma" and pointing to me.

I did this for two weeks and...nada. Then one day, we pointed to my hubby (as we always did) and asked TJ who it was. He responded, "Baba". We then pointed to me and asked who I was and lo and behold, he said "Emma!".

I can't tell you how thrilled I was. I wouldn't have minded being called Grandma...but I like having my own special name for him to call me...even if I had to coach him...LOL!!!

09-11-2003, 02:54 PM
Awww... I bet that felt good. :)

09-11-2003, 05:12 PM
Awww, that is really sweet. I call my grandma, mammaw :)

09-11-2003, 06:01 PM
I am so thrilled that all of our grandkids (7 of them) call me Nana. They call hubby Grampa and he's tickled with that.