View Full Version : Anyone have Thyroid problems?

08-29-2003, 03:21 AM
Has anyone ever had thyroid problems? I was diagnosed with Graves disease. They were going to have me drink the radioactive iodine to kill the thyroid, but my surgeon decided that my thyroid needed to come out. I went to another doctor and he said the same thing. I have some lumps on the sides of my thyroid and they are going to do a biopsy. I'm having the surgery next thursday. The doctor said he is going to cut me from one side of my neck to the other, sounds scary! I've lost 24 pounds in 4 weeks. My hands shake all the time and I'm wired up for awhile and the next minute I'm so tired I feel like I can't make it to a chair. I had to start taking a iodine solution yesterday, I have to put 10 drops of it in a cup and mix it with something three times a day for seven days. It taste horrible! I have felt really bad the last couple of months. I just hope I'll start feeling better after the surgery. My doctor said there is a chance of my nerve to my voice box getting damaged, if so I'll be hoarse for awhile or permantely, also my calcium gland could get bruised and I would have to take calicum suppliments for the rest of my life. If anyone has had the surgery I would love to hear how you are doing and how you felt the first few days afterward. I wouldn't wish this mess on my worst enemy!

08-29-2003, 04:53 AM
I had thyroid problems. I did the radioactive iodine thing to kill it quite a few years ago, it was a little freaky, but no problems. I'm assuming they told you that you'll have to take synthroid for the rest of your life, (not a big deal here either, just a little pill). Once they get your levels right, you will feel like a new person!!! For me personally, it took a few months for mine to even out, but once it did I've had no problems, just a simple blood test usually every 6 months to check on the levels.
My mom & my SIL had the surgery. Neither had a problem. My SIL's scar is still pretty visible, she had the surgery about 2-3 years ago, my mom's you can hardly see & she had it about 5 years ago.

Good Luck!!

08-29-2003, 06:00 AM
My mom and sister take synthroid. This stuff runs in the family like wild fire! I bet your happy yours is straightened out. If I get to feeling 50% better than what I'm feeling now I'll feel like a new woman! lol!

08-29-2003, 06:14 AM
My sis had thyroid surgery.They went in there and removed her thyroid, then when they tested what they took out she had cancer so they did it again about a week later and took more out.It really isn't as bad as it sounds. She talked low and weak for a few days.

From the way they say they are cutting you from one side of your neck to the other it really sounds like they are fixing to cut your head off. It's not nearly as bad as it sounds. My sister really didn't hurt real bad or anything and she's the kind that milks stuff for all it's worth.lol
Her scar really doesn't show that much. Probably wouldn't notice it if you didn't know it was there. She wasn't in the hospital very long either time. It's scary but it's nothing as bad as what you imagine it's gonna be. By the way I was there with her both times so I saw it all first hand. They did make her stay in icu over night because she was a smoker and they said they wanted to watch her close because of that.They said smoker's can start bleeding easier. She didn't have any problems eating or anything like that.
You'll be fine and you'll see IT'S NOT AS BAD AS WHAT YOU'RE THINKING

08-29-2003, 06:33 AM
I have Grave's. I had it for about 2 years now and I know what you are going through. I take Levothroid now and for the rest of my life because I had the radiation. Before that, I shook all the time and it seemed that eating made it a little bit more tolorable. I lost so much weight. I felt horrible all the time. They gave me a choice to do the radiation or the sugery and I picked the radiation. I remember the iodine, my thyroid swelled and I could really feel it. When they took my xray, it looked like a big butterfly sitting on my throat. Even after the radiation, it took about 4 months for my doc to get the right dosage/brand of synthetic Thyroid. But, I feel a whole lot better now. And, very glad I had it done. I have to get my levels check about 3-4 times a year. If you need someone to talk/support. email me @ ladyseals@yahoo.com

08-29-2003, 08:16 AM
My blood tests showed hypo and my xray showed hyper. I am exhausted quite a bit but thats all so must be lucky. I have an appt for a specialists but its not for two months. A nurse said that I may make the history books for having both at once.

here is a informative site I just found: http://thyroid.about.com/


08-29-2003, 08:39 AM
I too suffer from the thyroid disease...

I had radiation done over a year ago and I think it worked..not sure yet.I put on ALOT of weight and was very,very uncomfortable.

Most of the weight is gone now (started going down after the radiation treatment)but I still feel uncomfy and half of the time I feel like I'm freezing to death when everyone is hot!!Its not a nice feeling but I'm alive and i believe I survived the worst stages so I cant complain.

08-29-2003, 08:47 PM
Whew...been there, done that! I was hyperthyroid (Graves) and lost a ton of weight. Did the iodine drink (if you mix this w/grape juice, you don't notice the taste near as bad!), had the surgery....I was so scared also, it sounds so horrible. I had already had two stomach surgeries, and was more scared of them cutting on my neck! I think its because of the scary TV shows that show slit neck things! Actually, the surgery was pretty easy, my scar never did show much and I did feel better for quite some time.........................here is my question for all of you others that have been through this, they only took out 95% of my thyroid saying that the other 5% should take care of my needs, and I have never been put on any medication at all. I am always tired and have been gaining weight & losing weight off & on for the last year, and my thyroid levels still show as normal, anyone else had this problem?