View Full Version : Pharmacy messed up and I need to turn them in...

08-25-2003, 11:33 AM
The pharmacy I use for my dot's meds really messed up on an antibiotic script that she has been taking for over a year.

They filled a new script of the same med but indicated on the bottle to take half the recommended dose.

We noticed the difference in amount of medication before giving to dot. We called the Dr. and made sure the dose was correct. He indicated that we were to give the same amount as before and not what was written on the label.

Dumb pharmacy indicated it was not thier mistake. But the Dr and we know much better. I also work in the Hospital where this pharmacy is located. And I know many different types of medications.

The Dr and I figured out that the pharmacy misread the instrutions of single strength and said to cut the pill in half and give the med half a tablet twice a day. Also at this dose the med would have to be turned into liquid form and not tablet form.

I want to remain anonamous and do not want the pharmacy/hospital to know it is me that turned them in. As again I work at the Hospital and do not want to cause myself trouble.

I know there are agencies that deal with things like this but don't remember whom they are.

Do you?

08-25-2003, 11:45 AM
I don't know but I wanted to send a big hug..... (((((((((hug)))))))

I'm just glad you discoved the mistake before giving it to your dot.
For the pharmacy to say it is not their mistake is a crock, they should have the original prescription that your doctor wrote in your dot's file (I think by law they have to keep them). Whenever I have had a problem, that is usually what they show me.

I would insist on a copy from your dots record.....then see what kind of story/excuse they give you.

08-25-2003, 11:49 AM
No but I'd also like to know-My mom goes to CVS and last year they gave her the wrong meds TWICE -the last time she got very sick and dehydrated and she called the pharmacy and they said to bring them back asap-my mom thought it was a generic name for the meds she was on and when she went back to the dr-he said she had had a small stroke due to what he thought was the wrond meds-she was supposed to get pain meds and they gave her meds to reduce swelling on the brain-the pharmacy just apologized but I see cvs's commercials and they say they are checked by several people-the one thing similar in the names was they both ended in "one"-usually I cannot read the drs handwritting but even I could tell it was not the meds they gave her. Then another time before this they gave her someone elses RX and she caught it before she left the store-I've tried to get her to sue or something but the dr she was seeing moved to another state and she does not think she'd win-I changed from CVS cause it would take hours waiting for RX-you'd think they'd get it right! Sorry for taking over but this is so dangerous and ot really ticks me off

08-25-2003, 11:51 AM
I brought up the original script which I saw before turning it in and it said S/S tablet (Single Strength) not the 1/2 tablet they indicated. But they still say it was the dr. whom wrote the script was wrong.

edited to add; that the script was typed. The only signed area was the Dr.'s signature.

08-25-2003, 11:57 AM
Isn't there the original script somewhere? Do pharmacies 'keep' the original script? Wouldn't the script be noted in Tiffany's medical record at the doctor's office?

I'd be careful reporting this. Especially since the pharmacy is connected to the hospital you work at. Surely there's some sort of watchdog group you can report this to, but I don't know what they could do for an 'anonymous' report, since they wouldn't have anything to work with, i.e., patient's name, script, doctor, etc. Good luck.

I'm glad you caught the mistake. How's Tif doing, by the way?

08-25-2003, 12:02 PM
Could your doctor report them?

08-25-2003, 12:03 PM
Tiffany is doing very well. She is back to visits to the Dr. just once a month. She starts sixth grade (Middle School) tomorrow and has no restrictions.

Her hair has returned, curly and dark brown. She has gained weight and is at her goal at this time. She has more weight to gain but is at a much better range for her health.

Two meds where just today lowered. And will continue to be under Dr. supervision.

08-25-2003, 12:06 PM

My sil's hair went from blonde to medium brown and straight to curly as well, after her BMT! Strange, isn't it? I'm very glad she's gaining the weight and that school will start this year in a MUCH better way for her. Amazing that it's already been over 9 months since her transplant! She's always in my prayers.