View Full Version : ever been confined to bed rest?

08-19-2003, 11:54 AM
my aunt is 5 mths pregnant and she had some bad pains and went in to the e.r., she has been in the hospital since friday and she isn't allowed out of bed, and even if she gets to come home she is on bed rest for the rest of her pregnancy. aparently the placenta has tore away a bit and they are afraid she will tear it all the way off and the baby's lungs have not developed yet so it would die. she is so upset. they said if it just hangs in there a few more weeks it will have a much better chance of living.

anyhow, what is she suppose to do with her time? she is going nuts and if she has nothing to do all she can do is think about what is going on and stressing over if the baby is going to be allright.so if any of you have been on bed rest what did you do to keep busy? she pretty much has to just lay there, she will be going to stay with her mom when she gets out and she doesn't have cable, she'll only get like 5 channels, plus her son will be there and he is a handfull to put it mildly, so her mom will be busy caring for him. her hubby will be at work. 4 months of that, she is nuts just from a few days.

08-19-2003, 12:06 PM
reading, if she crochets, knits, or does other needlework this is a good time to catch up, and if not this would be a good time to learn, TV, puzzles (get one of those lap desks for her), word puzzles, logic puzzles, letter writing, journaling, having company to just come talk! hand held games, etc...and of course, reading...make sure she gets a steady supply of things to do and visitors when she wants. latch hook kits, you can buy all kinds of boxed craft kits and some of them are pretty cheap.....

eddie's cousing has been on bed rest for the better part of the past 2 or 3 years for other health issues.....she is always asking him when she goes to the hosp to visit to bring her batteries for her little games.

08-19-2003, 12:25 PM
hmmm...if she scrapbooks or is wanting to start scrapbooking....
now would be a good time to do some simple pages minus the pics so when the baby comes she just has to add pics...
not to mention doing other photos she has....

she's in my prayers...i don't know what i'd do in her shoes...prob. go wacko...i can't stand to stay in bed all the time...

08-19-2003, 01:33 PM
I was on bed rest for a bit when I was pregnant... I did some crocheting and read alot. I also had the computer right next to my bed... so that helped. :) I hope her and the baby both make it fine... :)

08-19-2003, 02:08 PM
I was put on bed rest with my oldest for the last two months of my pregnancy. My cervix was starting to dialate so I was put on medication and bed rest. The doctor said I didn't actually have to lay in bed all the time. I could get up and take a shower and sit on the couch but he didn't want me climbing stairs, or cleaning or lifting anything. Your aunt's situation sounds much more serious though. The hospital just may keep her there if her placenta has torn away.

08-19-2003, 02:36 PM
I was on bed rest for 6 weeks when I was pregnant with the twins, I read alot, watched T.V.,I did Cross word puzzles & word searches, and some needlepoint.
It was really hard for me, it was so boring, and I got really emotional at times. She will have bad days, and she will need lots of understanding and support when she does. I wish her the best, and please keep us updated.:)

08-19-2003, 03:07 PM
I was confined to bed rest the last 3 months of my 2nd pregancy, due to back pains/probelms. I had a deck of cards (solitaire), television/vcr, magzines, crossword puzzle books, and my hubby put one of those small refrigerators like you get in hotels next to the bed, and filled it with juice/diet soda/fruit, etc. I had a clock radio on my head board, so I could listen to the talk radio staions I liked, adn my fav. music station.

08-19-2003, 04:06 PM
I was on bed rest with my son, for almost a month. I was aloud to go the the restroom and take a shower and that was it. And an occasional car ride to my moms to lay on her couch while I was there. I had preeclampsia, (high bloodpressure). I took a month early off work to rest before baby arrived, boy did I get it, a whole months worth. I have no other suggestions besides what the other ladies have recommended. I watched alot of tv, and slept. And a bunch of fill-in puzzles. (not smart enough for crosswords and other stuff..lol)

Hope everything turns out ok.

08-19-2003, 04:54 PM
If she likes ppl over I would recomend LOTS AND LOTS of visitors!!!! Thats what I would want if I was on bed rest!! I will keep her in my prayers and YOU KEEP US UPDATED PLEASE!!!!!!! thanks!

08-19-2003, 05:45 PM
I was on bed rest for the first month after I found out I was pregnant with my 9yr old AND also for the last 2 1/2 months. I read, made cross stitch Christmas ornaments, watched network(Local) tv till I had to stop because the noon news made me cry too much. It gets boring and rough but at least she will have her mom and your son to talk to. I had NOBODY.

Everyone here has given good advice. I will keep her in my thoughts.