View Full Version : Please...big favor from someone with Classmates Gold Membership...

08-07-2003, 11:51 PM
I'm sorry to ask this of someone one, but if you have a Classmates Gold membership, there is an email address I would love to get a hold of. My membership expired, and if you read my post about my wonderful adventure in Hawaii, you'll read about my hubby's wallet getting stolen with all of our credit cards. So I am out of luck contacting this person until we get our new cards. If you don't mind helping me, please PM me and I will give you the name. I would be very appreciative! I want to talk to this person so bad I am about to pee my pants....Please don't let that happen! :) Spare me my dignity!! :) Thankyou!

08-08-2003, 12:17 PM
Bumping up in case someone can still help me with this one. Pretty please? I'll send you a postcard fresh from Hawaii land of sweat 'n' sunshine! ;)