View Full Version : Need advice.........Sensitive Subject

08-03-2003, 03:12 AM
This has been on my mind for YEARS. I've finally made an appt. to talk to someone about it.

I am wanting to have a Reduction Mommoplasty. I have been "endowed" for longer than I can remember.......I don't even remember wearing a training bra!!!!

Last time I saw my GYN we discussed it and she said due to my size (I'm 4'10 and a WHOPPING 98 lbs.) she thought that I could be a great candidate.

You always want what you don't have.....right??? Well, I don't want "them" anymore.

I'm tired of having to buy larger sizes only to have them altered and still not fit "properly". The elasticity is all but gone now as I've hit 40. I'm 4'10 and weighs a WHOPPING 98 lbs. Other stats are above a 40 DD.

I'm not afraid of surgery as anyone knows. I'm not hesitant about plastics.....I've had a total butt/skin graph and facial reconstruction from auto/pedistrian accident in 99. That's the least of my worries. 4 more scars under clothing is the least of my worries.

What I'm curious about is:

Has anyone here ever had it done?
What's the recoop. time?
How uncomfortable, painful is it?
Medical reasons...Did insurance help pay?
Is it worth it?

I'm putting further strain on my back w/being diagnosed w/Spinal Stenosis....have had 3 operations to try and ease the pain.

Being in a chair I feel doesn't really help much either. (I'm not complaining about the chair either. I wouldn't have it any other way). Don't get me wrong about the chair...It's the ONLY life I've ever known besides braces/walker which I turned in years ago for a chair. I'm much happier for doing that.

Mom thinks it's a great idea. Aggie says "If that's what you want to do, go for it". I'm not "iffy" about it at all. If the dr. will agree I would gladly go in the same day and have it done. I'M SERIOUS.

I'm not looking for sympathy in ANY WAY. I'm really looking for advice from any woman who's ever had it done.

If you would rather not post a reply please pm me. I'm really looking for advice and what to expect out of it all. I have an appt. on August 20th. w/a plastic surgeon.



08-03-2003, 06:25 AM
I can't say from personal experience, but I had a friend that had a reduction. This poor girl was so well endowed that she was in medical books. She suffered horrible back pains and was always embarassed from people staring at her. Actually, it took two surgeries to reduce her to the size she wanted. She had absolutely no regrets - her back pains stopped and she gained confidence and a better attitude. I don't think the surgery was that bad, she seemed to recover pretty quickly. I can't imagine having to carry that around with your petite size! Although with you it is not a question of vanity, it sounds more like a health issue, don't disregard the fact that you will be able to pick clothes off the rack and wear whatever you like. I am 5'3", 100# and a 34B, I'm maybe 10 lbs. under the weight I should be (and I'm on the Ben & Jerry's diet) but I am able to wear any style of clothing. I think that is one of the major benefits you would have - as petite as you are, you would be able to wear anything and look good in it. I say go for it, hotwheelstx, and please let us know what you decide.

08-03-2003, 07:11 AM
A friend of mine had this done, She says it is the best thing that she ever did. She was in quite a bit of pain after surgery, but she says it was worth it. It took about 6 months before everything was back into the "correct" shape and she could find bras that fit properly, but she is sooooooo much happier now. Her back problems are gone and she can wear "real" bras and clothes! The insurance paid for it due to medical reasons!
Good luck in whatever you decide!

08-03-2003, 08:33 AM
I have never had this done..actually contemplating implants..
but I think if it would make you happy/more comfortable/feel better, and you can find that it is safe, I say go for it.

08-03-2003, 08:51 AM
I've had two friends who had it done and other than the stitches after the surgery, both of them were glad they had it done. Jackie was back to work after a week and she looked great. It took care of her back problems and she felt much better. Insurance paid for it in both cases.

I would have it done if it was causing back problems. And you need to have your insurance pre-approve it but I would think that considering how small you are and the size of your bust, you probably won't have a problem.

08-03-2003, 09:54 AM
My mil had this done. She was very wel endowed. The dr removed almost 10 lbs. She also has Scholiosis(sp?) Her health ins paid for the surgery, She did say was in some pain after surgery, but it has been 8 years and she is still very pleased with the results. She says her back has never felt better.

08-03-2003, 10:29 AM
I got into this thread by mistake - I try to stay out of the girly stuff.
But I feel that I might offer a suggestion as long as I'm here - you can have any surgery pre-approved by your insurance. Have the Doctor's office submit to them and make sure it is covered - I always do that as a matter of habit since I have an HMO

Kyla Kym
08-03-2003, 10:48 AM
Yeah, if I was you, I would most certainly get it done. I never in my life heard of someone weighing 98 pounds having to get a bra that was 40 around no matter how big their cup size was. You must be miserable.

I've always been large busted. And my inches around only grow when I grow. LOL

Like when I was at my smallest weight 129 I wore a 34D or 36D. As I grew so did the inches around until I reached a 42DD.

It's a wonder you don't tip over trying to carry that around on your 98 pound body.

I seen them do that surgery on TLC or Discovery. Don't remember which one now. But the lady was very pleased with the out come. They even reset her nipples to where she looked like a perky teenager. ;)

08-03-2003, 11:27 AM
as one of the card carrying "overtheshoulderboulderholder" memebrs...DOIT!! if you feel the procedure is safe? and the hubby hasbn't problem with it..and you'll FEEL better? then by the Gods woman get to tht DR!! *G*..i'm weeble..if ya take my boobs...i'dfall over backwards... i rather like having a LARGE rack *giggling hystericaly** i hope it works out for you!! G;luck!!

08-03-2003, 12:08 PM
a friend of mine had it done while we were in highschool. Her insurance paid for it. They did have to take before pics for the insurance.....to show it was a medical thing and not cosmetic.

She recovered fast, 1 week, and then her mom treated her to a shopping spree at Victoria's Secret!


08-03-2003, 12:54 PM
I'm well endowed, but luckily not so much that I've had health problems. I have known people who've had it done, and none of them have regretted it. The only problem is that some waited so long to do it, they had permanent grooves in their shoulder bones from the strain of all that weight on the bra straps.

If you have the chance, GO FOR IT!

08-03-2003, 01:07 PM
This discussion has made me feel a whole lot better. I'm not at all aprehensive about it........just curious. I have been told for YEARS that I was to "big" for my size. I was all set to have this done about 10 years ago I think and then came all that stuff about implants and I backed out. Don't ask me why they were'n't putting anything back.......they were taking it out.

Thank you for your input.

:) :) :)

08-03-2003, 01:09 PM
I want to get this done so bad, I know i am a little over weight but I have never had small "friends" At my smallest I was 36D now after 3 kids I am a 40DD and still that doesnt fit right. It sucks having the deep grooves on my shoulders, not being able to stand and do all the dishes at once becuase of the back pain. Heck I cant even sit up right, I find myself leaning forward to try and take some of the strain of my back.

Yes I am looking into getting this done but unlike you Hotwheels I am scared to death of surgery. You would think after 3 kids and having a gall bladder removed I would think 'no sweat' ;)

I seen them do that surgery on TLC or Discovery. Don't remember which one now. But the lady was very pleased with the out come. They even reset her nipples to where she looked like a perky teenager.

yea Kyla Kym I seen this too, That is what I want PERKY BOOBS;) :) :) LOL

Anyway I say do it. If you want it and you know it will make you feel better then do it.

Good Luck Girl!!

08-03-2003, 03:05 PM
I have thought a great deal about getting it done myself. I never wore a training bra either. My first bra was a c cup. Unfortunately I wear a DD now. I have back pain but it's not real bad. I think if I could get it covered by insurance I would get it done.

08-03-2003, 03:24 PM
I have a friend who had this done. She missed a grand total of one week from work. Her only regret is that she didn't have it done sooner. Granted not everyone can be recovered in one week, but that is true of any surgery. Some people just heal faster than others. And since you've had surgery before, you should have some idea how quickly you heal.

Most insurances will cover breast reduction, but they usually require so many grams of tissue to be taken from each breast. Your insurance probably already requires that you get surgery pre-approved, so that way you'll know it's covered. With the size of your bosom compared to your overall size and you back problem(s) you should have no problem getting this approved by your insurance.

If it were me, I'd do it. :)

08-03-2003, 06:12 PM
Please let me know how this turns out for you. I would love to have this done but have been chicken for a long time. I wear a 44dd and it is nothing but a horror story. I've had to listen to cracks about my breast size since i was about 12. My shoulders are rounded and I am in horrible pain practically every day because of it. Please let me know, ok?? thanks

08-03-2003, 06:54 PM
a girl at my work just returned after having this done and she also says she regrets nothing!
She looks great and stands up nice and tall now.....lol
I myself am a "bigger" woman.....5'9 over 200lbs and a 40D!
I'll keep what i have but wish ya the best @}------

08-04-2003, 09:28 AM
I know two women who have had this done. One because her doctor determined it was causing her back problems (after ruling out everything else) and the other because she wanted it done. Both of them were extremely pleased with the results and wish they had it done sooner. The first lady was out of work for 4 weeks (Doctor recommended due to the back problems), but I am not sure of the other woman's recovery time. My friend told me just about anyone can have this done and get it approved by insurance due to the fact that being too well endowed is a know cause of back problems.

08-04-2003, 02:37 PM
This thread just called out to me. I happen to be in the club of people who have had a reduction. When I was 22 (Now I am 28) I was 130LB and had DDD. My shoulders had the indents of an 80 year old. My insurance did pay for 80% of it since it was hurting my health. I am not going to lie.. it did hurt a lot and took about 2 weeks to get back to good mobility. You will go through some hard times because your boobs will look gross, black and blue and pussy. I lost feeling in one boob for the longest time. Now they are very sensitive. ( But it is in a good way). I still have twinges of pain time to time. And I was told that I will never be able to breast feed. I have heard that some people who had the sergery have. Would I do it again. YES, YES, YES.... 4 days before my 22nd birthday i got to look down and see my feet.

P.S I even ended up in the emergency room on my birthday with an infection in my left breast. And I have scars that I have come to love.

08-04-2003, 02:40 PM
Originally posted by feliciac
I know two women who have had this done. One because her doctor determined it was causing her back problems (after ruling out everything else) and the other because she wanted it done. Both of them were extremely plesaed with the results and wish they had it done sooner. The first lasy was out of work for 4 weeks (Doctor recommended due to the back problems), but I am not sure of the other woman's recovery time. My friend told me just about anyone can have this done and get it approved by insurance due to the fact that being too well endowed is a know cause of back problems.

If you would like me to anwser any more questions feel free to email me at akissfrmme@hotmail.com . I am not shy.. but very proud of my 36 C CUPS.