View Full Version : File sharing...is it theft?

07-29-2003, 07:24 AM
Seriously, be cool about this, I really want to know what you think...Is downloading music and burning it to a CD theft in your eyes? I'm not talking about downloading brand new movies someone got from China, I'm just talking music here....

07-29-2003, 07:37 AM
I don't think so I do it all the time. for my own use.

07-29-2003, 07:47 AM
I don't think it is theft either. I use to do it all of the time and now I am a little scared. When this all blows over (and i think it will), i will start again.
I don't think it is any different than having someone "dup" one of their c.d.'s for you (that they got from someone they knew). I can remember growing up and sitting in my bedroom for hours listening to the radio for certain songs so that I could record them on tape. Everyone I knew did that, and it was never a big deal..

07-29-2003, 07:47 AM
no, i think once it hits the radio air waves it belongs to every one. i went out and bout the beatles one cd, because it had all there number one hits. but there was one song that wasn't on there and it just happens to be my fave song of thier, but i dont want any of the songs that are on it's album because i all ready have every other song i want on the one cd. so i downloaded it.
also i want songs that you can't just go find in stores, downloading it is the only way i can find them.
and there are many artists that only sing one song i like, i sure am not going to buy a whole album of junk for one good song. and they dont make singles of every song.

i use to tape my friends tapes and tape songs off of the radio when i was a kid and no one was threatening to sue me then, i dont see how doing it on line is any different.

the whole thing is stupid, they have made money off of these songs, some of the ones complanning are multi millionares, i dont even have a job, i have to figure out how i am going to pay for my house and buy food at the same time and they are upset because thier millions could be billions. it reminds me of an episode of the simpsons where montgomery burns is talking about his fortune and says "i'd give it all up for just a little more"

07-29-2003, 08:14 AM
I think it is theft.

07-29-2003, 08:18 AM
i guess they will be busting up kids birthday parties next demanding royalties for us singing "happy birthday"

after that they will storm into church for using downloaded mp3's on the key borad for hymnals, or drag out the piano player and throw her in jail.

07-29-2003, 08:20 AM
Yes, I think it's theft... if you NEVER buy cd's. I realize alot of times there's only one of 2 songs ppl like and they don't wanna buy them, and that's cool. But I think ppl should buy the greatest hits albums cause they usually have alot of the songs ppl like on them. I'm like NINK tho, I d/l alot of German gothic music that's never even been released in the United States and I'm not about to pay almost 40 dollars to have it imported to me unless I *know* I'm going to like the entire cd... it's just way too much money. But if I do really like the whole cd, then ya, I will buy it. I still burn copies of it tho cause I'm not going to put an original I payed that much for in my vehicle.

07-29-2003, 08:21 AM
I don't think its theft. Its no different than a friend buying a CD and you copying it, or sharing it... or borrowing it. I feel if they continue to push the issue so much... the music industry will hurt their sales my making consumers mad.

My 2 cents... :)

07-29-2003, 08:26 AM
according to what i've heard and read, it's stealing. You're stealing the money the person would have received for selling that particular song. Not only from the singer but from the people behind the scene, the musicians and such. They're talking about sueing people that have downloaded songs. YIKES! I've not downloaded any, but still who knows. Have a good day

07-29-2003, 08:27 AM
i think what kitkat said is true, i use to buy alot of cd's and now that thye are so greedy i really have no intentions of buying any, even if they made it to where we couldn't download songs, or changed the technology to where we couldn't copy cd's , there would be people so mad they would not buy music, or go to concerts or buy merchandise, there will even be people who will refuse to listen to the radio. i wonder just how far they are willing to take this, they may end up alot worse off than they are now. especially in a tight economy, you dont want to make your customers mad at you.

07-29-2003, 08:28 AM
"MP3 Downloads Are Theft, Despite Court Ruling"

Posted by Tom Sparkman
Monday, April 28, 2003

In a major blow to the entertainment industry, U.S. District Court Judge Stephen Wilson has decided that the software used to swap music, the technique used by the leading Internet MP3 Music Services--Kazaa, Streamcast, and Grokster--is not in itself illegal. Despite this ruling, people should recognize that ''swapping'' music files is still very much against the law, though the court is saying you can’t shoot the messenger.

It is distressing that private property can be so easily traded, and no one--including now the court--can do anything to stop it. Jack Valenti, chief executive of the Motion Picture Association of America, disagreed with the ruling and stated: ''It's stealing. And I don't believe any court, in the final end, is going to condone that. Therefore I feel quite confident in the end that we will prevail, because we are right.''

Mr. Valenti should win. Perhaps the Recording industry learders should do more to embrace--rather than fight--the Internet, but that is their decision to make, not the thousands of theives stealing ''files'' every day. There is no doubt that music and film are copyrighted material and are worthy of full legal protection.

07-29-2003, 08:36 AM
to what extent is it coyrighted i wonder, i mean are men in bloack suits going to jump out of the bush's and grab you if you hum a few notes of stairway to heaven?

where will they draw the line. if i here a song on the radio- a free public service-and i tape it on a tape recorder easily purchased at any store and than you make a copy of my tape are you in trouble? am i in trouble? is the radio in trouble?

07-29-2003, 09:43 AM
I think it's stealing if you are burning copies and selling them, but if you do it for your own personal use.....they should leave you alone. I figure, when these musicians start paying my way, then they have the right to tell me what I can and can't do. For many years I bought the cd, even if was for only one song that I liked. Now that I can do this, I feel I have a greater freedom to enjoy the music I love. I have a cd with everything from Nelly to Beethoven on it. If they want to be paid for this, then why not work out something with the blank cd companies, take a percentage or something. I don't know. They charge for eevery little thing nowadays.......I'm waiting to be charged for the air I breathe. Wait....I do pay for that already....with my health.

07-29-2003, 10:51 AM
I feel its theft only if your selling disks full of songs to people ie ebay.. I lost a lot of songs due to a neighbor, and im extreamly upset over it, because some were so rare that its very difficult to find them.
I dont mind paying people to help me replace my songs, but i would only pay for shipping & handling, packaging, and for the disk itself and for their time to make the disk for me... But I would not pay for the songs themselves. I still buy cd's of music once in a while. but anymore, Its rare I find a cd full of songs that I like. If the record company would make it possible to create a disk of songs from their label and artists and pay them the same amt for a released album I would much rather go that rout, then at least I would know im getting my moneys worth with having ALL the songs I like one on disk instead of just 1-3.

07-29-2003, 11:55 AM
There would be so many artists that I wouldn't even know about if we couldn't download songs. The other thing that comes to mind is what about when we used to tape songs from the radio-was that stealing?
To me, it's all publicity. Some artist's even want you to download their music and pass it on.
That is *ahem* the ones that aren't insecure.
It's just like books, we swap them with each other-does that mean that we are stealing because we didn't go and buy the book?

07-29-2003, 01:40 PM
I don't think it is stealing. I was into Celtic music for awhile and found a Celtic station on the net, from there I got to know some of the artist and downloaded some of their songs. It is a wonderful way to get to know other types of music.

07-29-2003, 01:46 PM
If it's for personal use no I dont think it's stealing but if You sell them for profit then it is. JMO:)

07-29-2003, 02:57 PM
I dont think it is theft at all. I have 1200 songs, but its not like I sit and figure up ways to screw artists out of their money. I buy CD's yet still download music.

07-29-2003, 03:49 PM
I'm agree with all that think as long as it is for personal use. I don't think it is right if a person downloading music or movies and are burning, taping or whatever cd's and selling them.

07-29-2003, 03:59 PM
Originally posted by ajksmom
I'm agree with all that think as long as it is for personal use. I don't think it is right if a person downloading music or movies and are burning, taping or whatever cd's and selling them.

Perhaps it's contradicting myself... but I DO think it's stealing if you d/l movies. If it's not in the theatre, then I don't see a problem w/ it, but as long as it's in the threatre and since the trend really seems to be picking up speed then there ARE ppl losing money. Someone has to make popcorn and sell cokes. Do I think actually going to see a movie should be cheaper? Yes, I do. In my area some theatres have made it as little as 3 dollars to get in to see brand new releases, but they still way over charge at the snack bar. The difference in movies and music, to me, is that music doesn't go to a theatre before it's released to the public and no ones jobs truely depend on the ppl going to that theatre to listen to it. I make it a point to go see a movie before I will let hubby d/l it, in this job market, everybody needs some job security.

07-29-2003, 04:24 PM
All I was saying is that I don't think it is right to download them to sell. Do I download music YES I DO, do I download movies NO I DON'T. The point that I was making is that I don't think a person should download music OR movies to make money off of.

07-29-2003, 05:13 PM
Originally posted by ajksmom
All I was saying is that I don't think it is right to download them to sell. Do I download music YES I DO, do I download movies NO I DON'T. The point that I was making is that I don't think a person should download music OR movies to make money off of.

Ok, calm down, I wasn't trying to scold you, you were just the one who mentioned movies so you were the one I quoted... good lord, sorry.

07-30-2003, 01:21 PM
So is anyone still downloading music? Like I said before I have pretty much stopped (so my hubby will leave me alone). I even went so far as to transfer all of my music to a different file so the "music industry lynchmen" wont target me out (I have quite a bit). So is anyone else worried about getting in trouble??

07-30-2003, 01:38 PM
I'm not really worried (the service I use has not been targeted that I know of yet).

I still d/l music.

I am making back up cds though. Just in case. lol.

07-31-2003, 11:01 AM
i'm downloading, the site i go to is not under investigation either. i don't down load whole albums just to rip off the companies, if i like an entire album i'd buy it. i just down load one hit wonder and other hard to find songs. or stuff from people who only make one song i like. i do alot of disney songs for my kids, we buy the movies on dvb but it's just nice to get the songs for them.

my hubby uses it more to see if he likes certain artists enough to purchse thier cd, if it weren't for downloading he'd never buy cd's.

we've never downloaded anything other than song files, except share ware games and other free things offered from the company who made them

07-31-2003, 07:12 PM
I have been using winmx, does anyone know if it is under investigation? If so can anyone suggest one that isn't.

07-31-2003, 09:42 PM
The things I download are usually live/demo/oneshot tv appearance songs/videos. How can I be stealing from the musicians when I haven't been given a chance to pay for the music?

07-31-2003, 09:56 PM
I think it's stealing. I won't say I'm perfect, I have downloaded something here or there, but I play it and then delete it. I have done this a time or 2 when someone has said I would like a particular song or something and I can't find it on the radio. If I like the song I'll shell out the cash for the CD, it's not fair to all the people in the music industry if everyone just downloads music for free. It really even spreads down to the little guys, I've seen so many little independant music stores go under in the last few years because now those "rare" or "hard to find" songs or albums that people would have had to buy from them are now freely available to download. :( :(