View Full Version : Another question, Do you think small children should be in church? Why or why not?

07-23-2003, 06:47 AM
Now, in my church, we do have a cryroom but it is small and not very many people use it. I have heard a lot of people complain in church when the small children yell or cry and our pastor actually said once that some of the people in church were complaining that parents of small children did not use the cryroom enough. We do not have a nursery or sunday school during mass for the children to go to. ("Nanajoanie"'s cute post just reminded me of this issue.) Just wondered what your thoughts were and if you know of any specific Bible verses that relate to this issue.

07-23-2003, 08:20 AM
children are children and they are cute no matter what, but I think that if a child starts having a fit and crying nonstop and you can barely hear the Speaker or your pastor, and or distracting the reverence in the room, I think the parent should take their child outside until the child calms down and is ready to go back in.

07-23-2003, 09:45 AM
Some of my first memories are sitting in Church. We live on the border in Iowa. My grandparents lived just over the border in Missouri. We would go to their Church every Sunday. My grandparents were so proud to have us in the pew. It always felt like home to us. My grandma would always come prepared with crayons and tablets and pencils. She hardly ever needed to entertain us though, because we learned at a early age from them about the wonders of God. We have always known God partly because even before we were in school, we were in church. I was married in that Church, and later baptized in that Church. I remember my Grandpa telling me I looked so beautiful on my wedding day, but never had I been as beautiful as the day I was baptized. I do believe kids belong in Church. I do agree, that if they are having a bad day, they shouldn't be allowed to ruin the sermon for everyonr else.

07-23-2003, 11:55 AM
Originally posted by tikitiki
children are children and they are cute no matter what, but I think that if a child starts having a fit and crying nonstop and you can barely hear the Speaker or your pastor, and or distracting the reverence in the room, I think the parent should take their child outside until the child calms down and is ready to go back in.

I agree;)

07-23-2003, 12:09 PM
Yes, I agree children as well as babies do belong in church. Like the above I always had quiet toys (crayons, books, little cars) and cheerios to munch on in a baggie for my boys. If they got loud, we went to the cryroom, and if that didn't work, then on to the church nursery.

Our church has always been very proactive with children and had a children's Bible story prior to the sermon. It is on their level and a simple prayer is said line by line and echoed then by the children. Some little ones would then go to the nursery for supervision.

We also have those weekly special children's bulletins that list the Bible verses for the day with a dot to dot or fill in the blank pages for the children that are a little older.

In addition, one of the Moms is in charge of these individual large gallon ziplock bags (about 75) that contains a Bible storybook, crayons, paper,etc. and are kept in the back of the Narthex in those big rubbermaid tubs. One is for the new packets and one tub is for the 'used' packets to get refilled for the following service.

My question is this:
If a child never attends an actual church service, when is the proper age to start? (This is a rhetorical question......) At the age of 13, 41, 91, or never? Jesus, our Lord and Savior said, "Let the little ones come unto me. For such will enter the Kingdom of God."

My boys were Baptized as infants in our church, and one of the promises we made was to see that our children were raised in the church, taught specific prayers, shared the Bible with them, and made certain we went to church as a family. One of my greatest joys was to be able to hear their first little prayers, said all by themselves.

Is my life perfect? Am I rich? Do I have everything I want? Is my family exactly perfect 24 hours a day? No, but because I am a Christian, and love the Lord, I just keep on trying my best.

Keep on trying! And God Bless!

07-23-2003, 05:27 PM
Yes, children belong in church.
Our church has a nursery for 2 years and under. Once the children turn 3, then they have a kid's church for them in the back. All children are welcome to stay in the sanctuary for the praise and worship and then once the sermon starts, then the children are taken to the nursery or kid's church. Some people still keep their kids in the sanctuary and that's their choice. But if the kids' become rowdy, the parent's usually take them back. A couple of times, the parents didn't take a child back and when they continued to cry, the pastor gently told them that we had a nursery in the back if they wished to take their child back. Usually, it was just someone who wasn't familar with our church and didn't know about the nursery.
But we also believe in our church that children should be able to sit through a service and be well-mannered if need be. Of course, little children would have difficulty sitting through a service. But I believe that children should be well-mannered, because how a child acts reflects back on the parents. My daughter has sat through a service before quietly...but I usually bring her crayons or something like that to keep her busy.

07-23-2003, 07:12 PM
Originally posted by FishmansBetrHalf
Sure they should be in church.

With my children when they were little, I would carry quiet things for them to do. Crayons & coloring book, Board books, Small puzzles in cardboard trays. Most of the time they were good and very quiet. Other times when they chose to be loud ~~ they were taken outside till they settled down. Children shouldn't be allowed to totally disrupt the service for others~~~ But How are they going to learn how to act in church if they are not given the chance? Children have to be taught~~~and the best time to start is when they are young.

I agree.

07-23-2003, 08:04 PM
I think children belong in church. I know that sometimes they are going to cry or throw a fit, and when they do take them outside and calm them down. I always bring along snacks, paper, and something to write on. I just feel that we are so lucky to have our children and where else should they be then with us learning about God. I do not think childrens church is a bad idea, as my church as one. I just grew up in a small church and when you turned 3 it was time for you to come worship with the rest of us.

07-25-2003, 01:04 AM
I agree with children being in church. Sometimes it's the parents who distract me more correcting their children for the smallest things.

The parents should bring quiet toys or snacks for the children to keep them occupied. It's a long time for kids to stay still. The parents who watch their child like a hawk and talk to them all through the service and passing the child back and forth to the father and mother are a pain. I want to tell them to leave. I don't think they want to be there and it gives them something to do, concentrate on the kids.

One time a couple kept making their little boy stand, kneel and sit when he just wanted to lay down. They would yank on him to stand up and stand up straight. It made me tired to watch them and I wanted to lay down. LOL

Then you have the wisperers. They distract you by wispering about everything they see in church and pointing when they see someone they know to the other. We have a mother and teen daughter that do that. I do not like it if they are in front of me. I never see them pray just gawk around. Why are they there? Oh well, not for me to judge. I would like to tell them to stop bothering me though.

07-25-2003, 04:08 AM
IMHO, I think small children shouldn't be made to sit up front with their parents. I think that children's church is a great idea! That's where our daughter (now 11 - sorry - ALMOST 12! LOL) has always gone. The service is geared towards the kiddos and they get more out of it than listening to an adult sermon. Then when she gets to be in the 6th (or is it 7th) grade, she will get to join the Youth Group, but will sit up front with us on Sunday mornings.

The small kiddos love to learn Bible stories and verses! They don't get that opportunity in "big" church - all I think they hear is "blah blah blah ... sit down ... shh ... stop it" etc.
So anyway, I think that kids should have the chance to go to children's church instead of big church - they get soo much more out of it! But like I said, this is just my own personal opinion! ;)
God bless!<><

07-25-2003, 01:51 PM
My daughter is now 4 and she has always stayed with me in the church. We carry quiet toys with us if We need them but she has been in church all her life. So now I think she is old enough to understand and We dont have to use the toys as much. She has also been taught that If she disrupts church enough that She has to be taken outside then she gets disciplined. We have alot of small children in our church and it wouldnt feel right if We didnt.

I'm not saying anything bad about cryrooms or kids church or anything like that. I'm saying that I perfer the children to hear the same message I do. I believe that if a child was suppose to understand that particular sermon that it will be preached so the children can understand it. :D

07-25-2003, 02:54 PM
I'm a teacher in the nursery at church. I have the infants - 3yr olds. I know these kids couldn't sit still in church and prefer being in nursery with me. We have snacktime,playtime, and we listen to music the whole 2 hours.

07-27-2003, 09:04 PM
Church is a family and children should be part of the life of that family. We always took our son into the service with us, when he was a baby. He slept in his carry seat and received a blessing during communion.

Now we attend another denomination and children are welcome in church, but they also have a nursery, sunday school and children's church, so that the parents can get more out of the service. When our son got to be around 2 years old he started going to nursery because I couldn't enjoy the service if I was trying to keep him happy and occupied.

Now he is six and he prefers to come sit with us in church instead of going to children's church. That's fine with me. He loves to sing the hymns and sits quietly and draws during the sermon.

You never know what they are absorbing during the sermon. As long as they are being quiet and not interupting, then they should be allowed to be in church.:)

<img src=http://www.click-smilie.de/sammlung/linie/smiley-linie-011.gif>

"I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of the wicked." Psalm 84:10