View Full Version : Question for the dog owners

07-23-2003, 06:46 AM
This is a really weird question, but I don't know who else to ask! We all know dogs poop, and sometimes the poop when you walk them right. We all also know you are supposed to clean up after your pet when they go outside... well what do you do when your walking your dog and he's got the runs?!? :eek: :eek: :eek: I swear, it's bad enough Stanley walks while he poops so he poops everywhere, but the medicine he is taking gives him the runs, and it is impossible to clean up with a doggy bag. Grass isn't exactly the kind of place you can break out the lysol and paper towls! Do I just clean it up the best I can, or should I try to scrub it all out? I tried my best to get it out and I got it all over my hands :eek: :eek: I swear, after scrubbing with dish soap, hand sanitizer, etc... I can still smell the poo on my fingers. :( What do you guys do in situations like this?

07-23-2003, 07:13 AM
Try keeping him in one spot. I don't know if you have a yard but keep him in your yard where you have access to a hose so you can hose down the runny poop you can't pick up. As for the hand situation, it has happened to me too, I use rubbing alcohol when all else fails.

07-23-2003, 07:29 AM
mY DOG WALKS AND POOPS SO i KNOW WHAT ya mean. Hmm...not sure about the runs thats tough to clean up unless you take a small shovel with ya. I have done that one

07-23-2003, 06:20 PM
Thanks guys, maybe I'll try the spray bottle. I tried the alcohol on the hand, body spray, deoderant, even sprayed air freshener on it... maybe it's all in my head, but 12 hours later I can still smell it :rolleyes:.

I would walk him in the yard, but all he does is lay there and eat grass :rolleyes:. We live in a condominium complex and the yards arn't all that big at all, so my mom has me take him for a walk after he eats, leaving me to clean up his runny terds. :(

Fireball, I know what you mean about stepping in dog bombs. At Petco today, somebody's dog, I'm assuming, took a big dump on the floor and it was sitting there when I walked into the aisle... not cool, especially in a store! I remember being little, riding your bike in dog poo was the most humiliating thing in the world!

I have no idea why he walks when he poops, but he usually walks one way, and if you can't stop him, he pulls a u turn, and walks through it :eek:.

Thanks for the advice.

07-23-2003, 07:01 PM
try toothpaste to get the smell out, thats what i use when i go fishing to get the fishy smell off my hands