View Full Version : Children...

07-22-2003, 04:56 AM
This has been on my mind a lot lately...children in this society are treated half like little princes and princesses (I am sure you all know a few parents who spoil their kids too much.) The other half are "throw-away kids,"---you know, the ones caught up in the adoption/foster care systems or hurt by an adult in their circle. That story from NH is just another example how cruel adults hold all the power over children.

I have one child(naturally) and often think of adopting another but we aren't in any financial position to have more. The bottom line is I have to get out and work again, just like many of you. A friend of mine is a foster mom (and a darn good one). I was curious about adoption and began searching online. Do you know they have photo after photo of children you can adopt? If you are sensitive, it can break your heart to see row after row of children hoping for a loving family. So many of these kids are sibling groups, many are minorities.

I guess I am writing this to say to all of you, hug your kids close and remind them how special they are. Remind your little prince or princess to count his or her blessings. And if you are an adoptive parent, my hat goes off to you. It is the most unselfish act you can ever perform...

07-22-2003, 06:09 AM
I too, have thought about adoption but I have a hard enough time providing for my two. It's sad to know that so many children will never have the opportunity to grow up in a loving household. :(

07-22-2003, 06:21 AM
I would love to adopt as well.. but lack of room and financial wise has prevented us from doing so... although I do disagree with your first paragraph op.. most children are not spoiled or throw aways.. most are normal children....

07-22-2003, 08:36 AM
Most kids are "normal." I wish we could hear more about the good deeds done for kids and by kids so we have a more balanced view. I also wish this generation of kids knew what being relaxed was about (not feeling like they are missing out because they aren't in tons of activities or have a million playdates).:)

07-22-2003, 12:10 PM
Since my husband and I had children young, we will still be at a good age when my kids go off to college. I haven't discussed it with him yet, but I, at least, have considered becoming a foster parent or adopting a child after my kids are grown. My thoughts and opinions on that might change after the years when I've had time to raise my own and may actually have time to myself, but right now, that is my plan.

07-22-2003, 04:55 PM
I've heard that it's very hard to adopt an american child and that is why a lot of people adopt children from different countries. It's still hard but there isn't as much red tape as involved in adopting an american child. I know of two different families who have adopted outside the country.

07-22-2003, 08:51 PM
i have always wanted to adopt ,i have know this since i was little.
as my grandmother was adopted. my husband and i gto married tried to have kids could not. i was so excitied,when we were going to adopt.went`w all the stuff for adoption , the classes filling out about a thirtyage book each, talk to a family counselor, and then we got aproved. so we where going to adopt. then my husband i myself hadto (we didnt have to but we did) get custody of my niece and nephew they are 2 and 5 .they are my babies we are there parents. anyway... i would love to adopt someday and i will when the kids are older. adoption is such a great thing . not just for the kids but for whom every is lucky enough to adopt them.

07-22-2003, 09:20 PM
If the laws were different, more people would adopt American kids and babies. I know that in FLORIDA, they allow a biomom up to a YEAR to come and take the child away. I am sorry if this offends, but I totally disagree with that. I think that to rip a child from the only family the child has ever known at 1 yr old is cruel not only to the child, but to the adoptive family as well. But then the laws don't consider the adoptive parents, just the bios. For some reason the laws only consider blood to matter. ??? If I had my druthers, the law would give the bio mom 90 days at the latest to sign and the child wouldn't be placed with the intended family until then. I have heard of too many heartbreaking stories to even risk adopting. I couldn't take it.:(

07-23-2003, 11:52 AM
((((Divine)))) I've got one very spoiled little princess. :D We've already discussed having foster children once we're able to. But I gotta be 21, so in a couple years we'll have a few more spoiled kids running around! :)