View Full Version : okay, here I go.....

07-16-2003, 06:58 PM
She is in her crib, crying her eyes out. I am doing what the doctor said, I am only going in for a minute and telling her everyone is asleep, so it is time to go to bed. Then calming her down and leaving the room. Then she starts screaming again. DH is beening REALLY hateful about it. He gets on my nerves sometimes! Poor baby. I hate doing this to her, but the doctor gave me a paper to help me teach her to sleep in her bed, and it says if she doesn't learn to sleep through the night, by herself, that she will be like this until the age of 4! Can't have that ya know!!

07-16-2003, 07:02 PM
Oh boy! I remember those days! Hang in there and know that you are doing the best for her-even though it doesn't sound that way right now.

07-16-2003, 07:03 PM
I know, my baby girl is going on 4 in Oct and I still have to hold her to get her to sleep. It's just so darn hard letting them lay in their bed and cry and scream. My hubby was/is the same way that's the biggest reason I can't get anywhere with mine. Good luck!!!

07-16-2003, 07:04 PM
hang in their it will get better boy do I remember the days just stick to it and you will see she will be sleeping in her own bed in her own room. hugs to you

07-16-2003, 07:09 PM
well there goes that, dh went in there, and picked her up! Jeeze, I will never get her to sleep in her crib with him around! He says she is scared to death, and he can't stand to see her like that!

07-16-2003, 07:13 PM
I know it does sound cruel but it really is the only way to get her to learn to fall asleep on her own. You will have a few sleepless nights but in the long run it will be well worth it. Hang in there. Hands you coffee & ear plugs.

07-16-2003, 07:15 PM
thankyou, I think I am going to need em

07-16-2003, 07:19 PM
Ever since i started working my son goes in my bedroom at night with my hubby and stays in there until he is tired.We won't let him fall asleep in there though.I don't want to start that.

07-16-2003, 07:19 PM
Originally posted by midniteblu2
I know it does sound cruel but it really is the only way to get her to learn to fall asleep on her own. You will have a few sleepless nights but in the long run it will be well worth it. Hang in there. Hands you coffee & ear plugs.

ANd I will give you handcuffs for the hubby..........

Men do NOT understand. When I took my oldests bottle away, I lived at home. I had NO trouble for the first few days, then I was having all kinds of trouble. Come to find out, my daddy was giving him a bottle during the day while I worked. :rolleyes:

07-16-2003, 07:28 PM
Please let your DH know that he HAS to let her do this...otherwise you will be trying to keep an older kid out of your bed, and fighting for weeks as they get older. My friend has a 10 yr old who will not go to sleep, unless you lay down with her....

07-16-2003, 07:40 PM
I didn't find this out til last year but.....(my son will be six in Aug)............ When he was a baby, hubby and I worked separate shifts, I worked days, he worked nights, while I was at work, hubby put son in bed with him (against my wishes, that has always been a big no no, you start sleeping with a baby, you end up with a big kid in your bed later, love him, but cherish my comfort too) I have had probs since son got out of his crib, of him coming in my room at night, and getting in my bed, put my foot down, would get up in the night or next morning, son would be at the foot of my bed in the floor.

Tell hubby, at that age, they can put on a good show, as long as he, or even you give in, she is gonna milk it for what it is worth. If all else fails, put a radio in with her, on low, with classical or soft music, it will help, also, give her a favorite blankie, and maybe when she gets a little older (at least over a year) a SMALL stuffed animal to snuggle. (bath before bedtime helps, and try to put her down for nap earlier, so she is tired come bedtime)

know it is hard, but it has to be done, you will have a more secure child in the long run. I got my way with my daughter, and she is not as bad about the bed thing as my son.

07-16-2003, 07:53 PM
I had to do this with Kat when she was about 6 months old. We moved to a new place & she started crying at bedtime. It's hard to do, but in a week she was going to sleep on her own every night. She's 2 now, & I don't have a problem getting her to go to bed. Just hang in there, it'll work out! :)

07-16-2003, 09:22 PM
Hang in there. It is hard, but it is worth it. My aunt rocked her children to sleep. Her son was 5 when she stopped and her dot was almost 8.:eek: I swore then and there I would never do that. Don't get me wrong I rocked them, it is just that at bedtime they laid down to go to sleep.

07-16-2003, 11:11 PM
She thinks you have left so call to her that you are there and she is ok. Then after a minute, if she is still crying, go in to her and lay her down with a small snuggle toy and show her how she can soothe herself to sleep. Pat her back for a minute and leave. She will learn how to go to sleep on her own, otherwise she will never learn for

This was on dateline so maybe you can get a tape of it at the library or somewhere to show your hubby. Then if he still interfers tell him he has to stay up with her. LOL

07-16-2003, 11:39 PM
I feel for you!

07-16-2003, 11:49 PM
Lisa you might want to try reading to her. Maggie loves her nightly routine. She gets her pj's on, drinks a little bit of water, puts on chapstick, (lol) and then her and her daddy read a book together in her room. We leave a light on in the hall for her. She looks at her books or plays with another toy. She calms down and finally she says "Goodnight Mommy... I love you. Goodnight Daddy... I love you". And after that we don't hear another word. It took awhile to get the routine down but it was worth it. Good luck!

Oh another thing that worked wonders was a sound machine put on white noise.

07-17-2003, 07:19 AM
Well I am going to keep trying, I know she was doing it, cause she was "PLAYING" us, because after he picked her up and brought her into the living room last night, she still wouldn't cailm down, well I went into my room to watch General Hostp., took her with me to try to calm her down, wasn't in there two seconds and she was laughing and talkin up a storm and crawlin all over the bed. I called dh into the room and said, look daddy, she says haha I got my way!!! He said I guess so and walked out of the room. So last night I put her in the play pen, and she slept in it for a good while, BUT this is hard, the doctor said that since she is 9 months old, that she isn't suppose to be eating at night, so I have to stop that too, so I have two things I have to go through right now. Let me tell you, I wouldn't give it to her last night, the child screamed her head off, she cried with the pacy in her mouth. So at 6 am this morning I was feeding my daughter, I couldn't let her cry anymore for not eating. So I have a lot on my hands right now I guess. Poor baby, I can't stand to here her cry. The NEXT baby I have, will sleep in crib on Day , no bassinett for that kid I tell ya!! I have learned my lesson!

07-17-2003, 08:34 AM
are you putting cereal in her last bottle for the night? I don't know if I care to much for your Dr. If Savannah is hungry then feed her. ugggggg just my opinion.

07-17-2003, 09:55 AM
That is what I thought to! She kinda made me mad when she told me that. She said that Savannah wakes up at night wanting to eat, cause she thinks it is a reward for waking up. I think she is hungrey. Yeah, I still BF too, but I have been giving her a bottle at night, with cereal in it. Cause she was waking up alot to eat at night!

07-17-2003, 10:01 AM
are you still depressed? I notice your title says that.

07-17-2003, 10:02 AM
omg lol I just noticed your sig line! hehehehe

07-17-2003, 10:14 AM
oh no, guess I need to change that, LOL!

07-17-2003, 10:16 AM
that's great! I am glad your in better spirits!

07-17-2003, 10:26 AM
I have 4 kids - bf them all but one till they were 1. The first two I just couldn't do the cry it out - it was just easier to get them into my bed at night and feed them every few hours that they woke up. Due to this I finally got fed up staying up past 11 every night with a 4 and 2 year old. I got them into a good routine, bath, jammies, reading three books then lights out. My next one - at 9 months I got a fisher price light and sound machine thing that hooked to the crib - it only took about a week and he began to love to go to bed and slept through the night within two weeks. My final one - she bf all night long it seemed, would never take a bottle - then at 6 moths she suddenly wanted a bottle and stopped bf-ing. So I did the same thing for her at night with the sound/light machine - rice in her bottles and within a week she went down and slept with no problem, was sleeping through the night within a few weeks.

It is very hard but trust me, once your daughter learns and knows mommy and daddy are not coming to get her - you will be so happy you stuck with it! I did it cold turkey and only get in on the first night every few minutes - after that they only cried about 5-10 minutes each night. Good luck!

07-17-2003, 10:39 AM
She also told me that her head would shape out on its own. She lays on one side, so it is kinda loppy, and she told me not to worry about it that it would shape out on its own! I don't know. I wish I could change docs, but it is the only place taking Kenpac right now

07-17-2003, 10:42 AM
Originally posted by magicwoman19
That is what I thought to! She kinda made me mad when she told me that. She said that Savannah wakes up at night wanting to eat, cause she thinks it is a reward for waking up. I think she is hungrey. Yeah, I still BF too, but I have been giving her a bottle at night, with cereal in it. Cause she was waking up alot to eat at night!

I don't think babies can wake up cause they know they will get a reward. LOL Adults can't even do that. Being hungrey wakes them up and they want some food. Make sure she is getting enough before she goes to sleep so she will sleep longer.

07-17-2003, 10:43 AM
I wish I had stuck to my guns with our youngest! I'm having a hard time getting her to go to sleep in her own bed at nite. She wants to sleep in our room in her playpen. I've finally put my foot down. She'll cry for awhile but finally settles down after she realizes that I'm not going to give in. Its hard, believe me I know it is. I think its easier for them when they get used to sleeping in their own room at a younger age. It was with my older ones anyhow. She was our last baby so I guess we just gave in to her too easy. Just stick to it and it'll get easier.
(((((magicwoman19 & Savannah)))))

07-17-2003, 03:10 PM
my kids always wanted their own beds, but then i started them out from day one in thier own crip in their own room in the dark, that way they never started sleeping with me, so i never had to break them from it. and to this day they have no problem sleepin in the dark.

i would go nuts if they wanted to sleep with me. GOOD LUCK!!

07-17-2003, 04:09 PM
thank you, I don't understand why she wakes up crying all night long, when she is in the bed with me, but she does. Guess what, today when she went to take a nap, i layed her in her crib, she woke up, so I just left her there, well then she started playing. Then about 45 mins later she wanted out. So then about an hr after that, she finally fell asleep, so I put her back into the crib. She was in there a total of like 15 mins, woke up, and has not went to sleep since. Can you believe that, I have tried and tried to get her to take a nap and she will not. I think it is cause she knows I am going to put her in her crib. What a little stinker!!