View Full Version : Scared and Confused

07-15-2003, 10:12 PM
Ok, most of you know that my son who just turned 10 in June was diagnosed with Bi-Polar and ADHD. Ok, he is now on 1000 mg of depakote, 20 mg celexa, 10 mg of zyprexa. He still throws a fit every so often, just the other night, he had got upset because I would not let him go camping with his cousins, sure he would have been taken care of, but I was trying to make a point with him, anyways, after my sister left, he was crying, screaming , whatever, and I just told him to go to his room, ok, he did, but about a 15 minutes later, he came out his face was covered with blood, his nose was bleeding, so was his mouth, I was so scared, I kept trying to wipe the blood off, trying to figure out if i needed him to go to the ER, got it to stop bleeding, and was not bruised or anything, didnt even see a scratch, he told me after 10 minutes of questioning him, what he did, he told me he banged his face against the wall, I had a talk with him and he seemed fine and went to bed, I cried all night over this. I don't know what to do, he goes back to the phychriatrist next week. It scares me wondering what his future holds for him, he was on home bound last year and when school starts this year we are going to try and put him back in school, cause he is still far behind. I cant stop thinking will he go through this all his life, I try to take it day by day, but I worry about him all the time and I am scared and it hurts me to see he has such moods swings and being so young and he deals with this all his life, thanx for listening...Beth

07-15-2003, 10:27 PM
Oh Gosh Beth I feel so bad for you. PLEASE keep in touch with me even if its just for a shoulder ok sweetie? Tami :)

07-15-2003, 10:30 PM
Beth~ Hang in there. Regardless of these problems, your son is an extra special blessing. :)

I don't really know anything about bi-polar and I only know a little about adhd because of my brother. My other brother is autistic. It has been a long road, but I am happy to say that they are getting it under control.

Is it possible to talk to the school district about a tutor? my brother got very behind as well, and my mom hired a tutor through the school district who handled special needs children. He got caught up in no time at all.

I also know that one thing that helped my brother with ADHD, is a new program (gosh can't remember what is is called) to where you are hooked up to a computer system and you play a repetitive game for 30 mins. You do this 3x's a week for a month. It actually helps the kids get back on track mentally and gets their body in synch with what their brains are telling them. It has helped my brothers so much, that now one of them is off medication, the other is on limited meds. I will ask my mom and then pm you with it if you are interested.

You might also want to look into certain natural remedies. I believe in the best of both worlds. Meds work, but sometimes going natural is a good healthy boost to. My mom took my brothers off refined sugar and no dairy. I've noticed that being on a higher protien diet has helped me to combat my mood swings because my blood sugar is not all over the place.

Anyway sorry to ramble (((((((((((((((((beth)))))))))))))))

Just wanted to give you some thoughts to chew on for awhile. :)

07-16-2003, 08:00 AM
I feel for you and your son. Bi-polar and being a rapid cycler is so hard to deal with at any age. I know that it has to scare you because you never know what he is capable of doing and in a few more years, when he's bigger and a teen ager it is even going to be harder on him.

If he is stable the majority of the time, I would go along with trying to mainstream him. He is going to have a hard time in this lifetime. You are to be admired for being able to stay sane through all of this.

07-16-2003, 08:27 AM
{{{KATinKY & Son}}}

07-16-2003, 08:31 AM

Did you call his psychiatrist when he hurt himself? I know when my son hurts himself or someone else they want us to call the doctor immediately. The last time, they put him in the hospital and it really helped him. They had the chance to observe him and tinker with his medication levels until they got him where he needed to be.

I am so sorry you and he are going through this. I know how hard it is. My son is 11 and it has been one big emotional roller coaster for all of us. If you ever need to talk, pm me. I will keep you in my thoughts.

07-16-2003, 08:35 AM
My friends son is the same way. He too is on zyprexa but he takes paxil as well since they have put him on that combo he has not been violent. He'll have occasional outburst but thats about it.

07-16-2003, 08:36 AM