View Full Version : How long did it take for your babies 1st teeth

07-08-2003, 08:17 AM
To come through???

Savannah doesn't have a single one yet, and she will be 9 months next week. Her bottoms ones are trying to come through, but they just haven't popped up yet. Last night she was so fussy, that I thought we would wake up today and have some teeth, but nope they didn't come through! I just wondered how long it takes! TIA, Lisa

07-08-2003, 08:40 AM
Every chld is different. Mine at around 5 months, but I cared for a little girl that didn't get teeth until 14 months and then cut 6 in 3 weeks.

07-08-2003, 08:43 AM
I agree every baby is diffrent. mine was 4 mon and my other son was 7 months.

07-08-2003, 10:46 AM
my first boy had teeth at three months of age! glad i did not breast feed him! ouch:D

07-08-2003, 11:08 AM
All of my kids were different.

My first got his first tooth at 8 months and then had all of his teeth by a year (that was 4 months of absolute he**).
My second didn't have a tooth in her little head until she was a year old!
My last two (who we joke are twins who aren't twins- both born on the same day, same weight, same length, 3 hours apart, and you can't tell their pics apart) both had their first tooth at 3 months.

Every baby is different. Hope that helps some.

07-08-2003, 11:48 AM
One of mine got hers at 3 months, and one didn't get any until she was about 10 months and then she got 4 of them in about 3 weeks. My youngest is 8 months old and she has 2, but then she is just starting to sit up! all kids are different and I'm sure you'll wake up one morning and see a little chicklet shining in there!

07-08-2003, 12:17 PM
I believe Clair was around 9 months. I was worried and asked her doctor but he said not to worry that it was usually a sign that they'd have really strong teeth.

07-08-2003, 01:47 PM
Well Let me tell you, She is so freakin fussy right now, I will be SO glad when they come through, she has never ever been like this before. EVER! Her little bottom gums are swellin, and I gave her some teething tablets, and tylenol, but nothing seems to be workin. I also gave her a bitter bisket, but she isn't doing so hot with that either!! Poor baby! I can't wait for em to come in

07-08-2003, 03:06 PM
Originally posted by magicwoman19
Well Let me tell you, She is so freakin fussy right now, I will be SO glad when they come through, she has never ever been like this before. EVER! Her little bottom gums are swellin, and I gave her some teething tablets, and tylenol, but nothing seems to be workin. I also gave her a bitter bisket, but she isn't doing so hot with that either!! Poor baby! I can't wait for em to come in

Try a frozen, wet washcloth. My kids loved them.

07-08-2003, 03:11 PM
Originally posted by magicwoman19
Her little bottom gums are swellin, and I gave her some teething tablets, and tylenol, but nothing seems to be workin.

Poor baby! :( She must be in pain.

07-08-2003, 05:47 PM
I gave mine freezies. Don't open them, just give her the package to chew on.

07-08-2003, 05:52 PM
OH I will have to try that, she is now sleeping, she just cries cries cries. I looked in her mouth, and were one on the bottom is trying to come in, there is like a crack, so I guess it won't be long before it is in. Plus our air cont is out here, so she is so hot, so she just has it bad all the way around. My poor baby!