View Full Version : Live Journal

07-06-2003, 09:04 PM
I want to start a journal with live journal. but you either have to pay are have a pass word to join. Because of money situations i cannot pay to join right now.But i would really like journal community like that to be a part of I would really appericate any one that is a member to give a code if they wuold.. please.. my email address is jilly18_2000@HOTMAIL.COM IF YOU DONT WANT TO GIVE YOUR CODE OVER THE INTERNET WHERE EVER ONE ELSE CAN SEE itHAS WELL. i am only wanting to use as a place to express my feelings not as a place to do harm to anybody thanks in advance if anybody has a code i can use. thanks jt25

07-06-2003, 11:04 PM
Jt, a good free place for a journal is www.melodramatic.com It's what I use.