View Full Version : ok, today i went to the local comm. college

06-30-2003, 08:28 AM
TO SIGN UP!!!!!!! yippeeeeeee

dh and i went together. now, i just have to decide wha ti want to be when i grow up :D i need something i will enjoy, but make good money at. not a millionare or anything, just good money. he is going for x ray tech, bu i wnat something else. i thought about criminology, but do not knwo what kind of job that would lead to. any help?

06-30-2003, 09:55 AM
No help per se, other than to pursue what interests you....if they are teaching it, then there are jobs in that field. Ask a counselor at the college what careers it may lead to. They are an abundance of help and information. Criminolgy seems fascinating to me though.

Just wanted to say GOOD FOR YOU!!!!! I went back to school a couple of years ago, have a long way to go yet, but after only two semesters I was able to find a job that nearly doubled what I was making without an education.

Best of luck to you!