View Full Version : Help from anyone

06-27-2003, 06:52 PM
Hi I work for a really big discount store that we all love very much!! Ohh let me say this first I love this web site, but I am having some trouble. I have a friend at work that is always having pains, come to find out she has a growth in her uterus the size of a melon. I feel really bad because all I want to do is to be able to help her get this operation that she needs. Hey I have been working at this store for over 5 years (I quit a few times though) but I can't get over 8 bucks an hour and I did a commercial for them. The health insurance is really expensive for what they don't pay us and she can't get any state help. I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions on raising money. We are trying to get the company to help but they haven't responded yet. Garage sale bake sale you name it we will do it but I thought that I could get some feedback from someone. Thanks

06-27-2003, 07:00 PM
Have you tried organizing a benefit? They do them all the time around here to raise money for such causes. They usually do food, an auction and a dance. I've been to some very successful ones.

Good Luck to your friend!

movie nut
06-27-2003, 07:51 PM
Is there a community advocate, human interest reporter on your local television news? Try and set up a fund for her operation (with her input), and let the local media know about it, where donations can be mailed, etc. Wingsfan's ideas are excellent too. Good luck.