View Full Version : Sorry About The Dog

06-25-2003, 03:23 PM
Deep in the woods of Tennessee on a country road, a speeder hit and
killed a dog. The dog's owner stood nearby, a gun in his hand. The
speeder looks at the owner sheepishly and says, "Looks as if I killed
your dog."

"Sure does."

I'm sorry. Was it a valuable dog?"

"I wouldn't say that."

"Well, suppose I gave you a hundred dollars. Would that be enough?"

"Well, I don't know."

"Two hundred dollars. That should do it."

"Sounds good."

The speeder reached into his pocket and came up with the money. Pressing
it into the man's hand, he said, "I'm sorry I spoiled your plans to go

"I wasn't going hunting. I was heading out to the woods to shoot that
mangy mutt."