View Full Version : Texans-Need Your Input!

06-12-2003, 07:34 AM
My son is moving to your state in July to start a new job and since we have always lived in Iowa, I am wondering what essentials he needs to take with him? We have heard about the fire ants and of course know about the heat. His birthday is at the end of this month and one thing I was thinking about getting him is a weather radio. Is this a good idea? Anything else you guys can think up for me would be a big help. Thanks!

06-12-2003, 07:35 AM
shorts, tank tops, sunglasses, sunscreen.
bug spray, fire ant killer, mosquito repellent.....
like a whole moving to texas kind of gift basket

which part of texas is he moving to?

06-12-2003, 07:44 AM
Be sure to tell him that Texas drivers think that turn signals are optional, and that the other rules of the road apply to everyone but them. I wish someone had told me about the traffic before I moved here! I thought Kansas City drivers were crazy...

06-12-2003, 07:45 AM
Being a Texan myself, I think that captorquewrench's suggestions are great....The big one I find here that we need the most is mosquito repellent and fire ant killer... The heat here is bad.....What makes it worse is the humidity...I hope his trip goes well... Keep us informed....

06-12-2003, 07:48 AM
hehehe one of those little hand held fans that also mist you.

06-12-2003, 07:51 AM
He's moving to Sequin. Does that sound right? He'll be working at Texas Lutheran College. When he flew down to apply for the job he thought it was just beautiful there. He said it was like apples and oranges comparing it to Iowa. Luckily he tolerates heat well, but hes been living on the Iowa-Minnesota border for the last several years and thats like going from one extream to the other!!

06-12-2003, 07:54 AM
to make sure the Radiator fluid is always filled in his car
I see more people on the side of the road with overheated cars than
anything else here deep in the heart of Texas. He needs to keep a gallon of water in the trunk and have air conditioner in car
serviced before he moves here. It is SO expensive here, because they
know we will pay anything to have air in the car. and at least where I live they really enforce the seatbelt law- but all other traffic laws are optional. especially turn signals and it is shocking how often people pass on the SHOULDER of the road. giggle giggle.
and a big HOWDY to your son.

He is moving to a wonderful area of the state- lots of chlli cookoffs
and it is indeed beautiful.

06-12-2003, 08:06 AM
Sequin is really pretty. I lived in San Marcos for three years, student taught in Lockhart - love the area - lots of fun things to do, especially if you like the outdoors. But yes, bug repellants, sunscreen, fire ant stuff (if he has his own home), sunscreen, aloe vera for when the sunscreen doesn't work and more sunscreen! It is hot and humid in central Texas! But he'll love it - it's a great part of the state!

06-12-2003, 08:08 AM
central texas is one of the prettier parts of the state. wonderful state parks, and not nearly as sticky as the weather in Houston or even Big D.

im sure he will love it.

06-12-2003, 09:16 AM
Lots of calling cards so he can call Mom???;)

06-12-2003, 10:05 AM
Originally posted by FreebieCyn
Being a Texan myself, I think that captorquewrench's suggestions are great....The big one I find here that we need the most is mosquito repellent and fire ant killer... The heat here is bad.....What makes it worse is the humidity...I hope his trip goes well... Keep us informed....

Yes, the drivers here are awful... as he's coming from a place where ppl are used to snow and driving in wintery type weather, he should definitely know that we don't get snow, just ice and everybvody and their dog thinks they need to drive on it despite the fact that none of them have a clue how to do it!! My hubby is from up north and he gets so agrivated w/ texas drivers.

I hope he loves his new job though!!

06-12-2003, 10:10 AM
I have one.....tell him to be careful when driving in any type of rain....even a drizzle because people in Texas freak out when rain starts and drive terribly!!!

06-12-2003, 11:43 AM
And I'd lke to add to girlwithsouls comment... Use extreme caution in the rain while coming up to an over pass!! Really, we can't drive here as it is, throw in rain and somehting that looks like a big hill it's 10 times worse. LOL

06-12-2003, 12:01 PM
Seguin is wonderful. Conveniently located close to Austin and San Antonio. Nicely close to the outlet malls in San Marcos!!! (danger, danger!!;) ) I don't know how the roaches are in Iowa but in Tx we didn't call boots roach killers for nothing!!! Them suckers are B-I-G in TX! Tell him not to freak out when he sees a roach! Tell him to bring an appetite for some goooood mexican food!!! DOn't worry, he'll love it. As will you if and when you get to visit him!