View Full Version : Charming Skunk

the fugative
06-11-2003, 09:26 PM
Associated Press

Published June 9, 2003 SKUN10

POPLAR BLUFF, Mo. -- Residents on Willow Street in this southeast Missouri town find the skunk roaming their neighborhood charming and anything but a stinker.

This skunk apparently likes people, even following neighbors around and brushing against their legs like a cat.

Since making its presence known a couple of years ago, the olfactory-offending animal has become a fixture around Willow Street.

``He really took up with a woman who lived down the road,'' said Margie Timmons. ``He would wait for her at her mailbox at night when she would get home from work.''


06-12-2003, 05:01 AM

Have you ever smelled one of them!!EWWWWWWW!! We had a dog get "skunked" when I was a kid. Even the tomoto juice they
say to use didn't help that much.

A couple of years ago we were camping and I was woke up in
the middle of the night by a smell. I woke up Hubby and he
says "YUP that's a skunk" and goes back to sleep. That sucker
had to be in my site! ICK!!

06-12-2003, 05:41 AM
awwww, how cute:) I think I would be a little nervous if a skunk came up and brushed against my leg though!:eek: I hope nobody makes him mad!:p

06-12-2003, 06:37 AM
i think i would have animal control catch it and have those glands removed by a vet and let it back out there, lol.

06-12-2003, 06:42 AM
Probably just a kitty with an odd marking. It better watch itself or Pepe La Puu will fall in love with it. LOL Mon Amie. :D :D

06-12-2003, 07:41 AM
eddie worked at a upscale lake community. they had a skunk who would eat right of their hands. i asked him HOW do you feed a skunk by hand, he said very carefully & slowly with NO sudden moves. LOL. not me!

06-12-2003, 09:06 AM
My uncle had a pet skunk, back in the "olden days" when it wasn't illegal to have their glands removed. My mom said she was the sweetest pet they ever had.