View Full Version : Ok I KNOW its petty but it really bugs me

06-10-2003, 08:45 AM
Why do people post something, sometimes pratcially begging for help, and then never come back and at least acknowledge anything someone as said or suggested. i know of one who hasn't even logged on since begging for help

another one that kills me are the glory/drama hounds that post a desperate situation, then everytime someone suggests something, there is always a reason why that wouldn't work for them, or they've already tried it, its always something so they can stay in that situation

NOW I KNOW SOMETIMES ITS ACTUALLY TRUE... SO I DON'T NEED FLAMED,lol i already knew it was petty, but i've been sick, and i'm cranky.

06-10-2003, 08:45 AM

06-10-2003, 08:47 AM

06-10-2003, 08:52 AM
couldn't agree with you more KissMsLynn.
then I try to remember not everyone is available to get back online like I am and as frequently about 10 million times an average day. :D

I remember with dialup it took forever and a day to log in and respond, just reading the posts was quickier.

so anyhow I do think that people like an appreciation now and then...