View Full Version : How Do I Get Off The Bad Traders? I'm Caught Up!

06-09-2003, 07:14 PM
How do I get off the Bad Traders List here? I am finally caught up with everything, yet I am being told I am still a bad trader? I am caught up. I have sent the (very late) Candle Exchange and another package that actually made it to The1Bea unharmed this time, I was ON TIME with the Bath and Body thing.

Get me off this thing... Please.

06-09-2003, 07:26 PM
No offense, but just because you are caught up on your trades/exchanges doesn't make you a good trader. A good trader IS what a good trader DOES! :)

06-09-2003, 07:33 PM
Agreed. And what I DID is KEEP my word. Yes, I was very late but I DID send everything. Please, look at the Neener Neener Forum and look at The1Bea's post for an example.

06-09-2003, 07:34 PM
Originally posted by Cowgirlie_in_Tennessee
How do I get off the Bad Traders List here? I am finally caught up with everything, yet I am being told I am still a bad trader? I am caught up. I have sent the (very late) Candle Exchange and another package that actually made it to The1Bea unharmed this time, I was ON TIME with the Bath and Body thing.

Get me off this thing... Please.

glad your caught up :)
and a reply to sivohdarba WHAT? she is asking to be removed because she was mostly likely listed as deliquent, she hasn't been asked to be considered a GOOD TRADER but just for it to be known she is completed with her obligations.

06-09-2003, 07:39 PM
THANK YOU FOR UNDERSTANDING!!! (((((ODYSSEY!!)))) I'm not asking ANYONE to say I am a awesome trader, or even a half decent one but that everyone please be aware that I DO live up my word. I have sent something for EACH and EVERY Exchange and that includes: Christmas Ornament, Valentine's Day, Hubby Exchange, Easter, St. Patty's, Candle Exchange, and most recently Bath and Body. I think that's all... I may be late, but I DO keep my word.

06-09-2003, 07:52 PM
Things happen and you have made an effort. I say let bygones be bygones. If I remeber correctly you were in the Christmas exchange I did and held your end no problem. At least you aren't like true bad traders that never correct their mistakes.

06-09-2003, 07:57 PM
I'm not trying to be mean but it seems that she has been late with every exchange, or at least most of them. I'm not saying that she doesn't send anything at all but people would like to get their stuff when everyone else does, not 2 or 3 months later. I guess thats why she's on the list.

06-09-2003, 08:56 PM
I agree Tasha

06-09-2003, 09:00 PM
Ya know what though, I was WAY early with the Bath and Body Exchange... that should count for something.

Thank you Gemini...

06-09-2003, 09:07 PM
In my opinion, you should join the next few exchanges you choose to and IF you send your package on time THAN you should be removed off the bad traders list to show you have good intentions. And that goes for anyone on the list, not just you.

06-09-2003, 09:07 PM
Keep spreading that rumor, Chelle or start a petition. LOL! ;)

06-09-2003, 09:11 PM
Originally posted by MistyWolf
In my opinion, you should join the next few exchanges you choose to and IF you send your package on time THAN you should be removed off the bad traders list to show you have good intentions. And that goes for anyone on the list, not just you.

Easier said than done... I've attempted to join 2 different Exchanges and got denied. Can't prove you're gonna do what you intended when no one will let you. *sigh* However I did do the Bath and Body Exchange and ran the Magnet Exchange, as well as the Nail Polish one...but if people want to have tunnel vision on such issues...oh well, nothing I can do.

06-09-2003, 09:22 PM
Maybe someone can mark on the list that you did catch up on your obligations, plus sent out an exchange on time, and are running an exchange as well .. that way whoever is running an exchange can use their discretion to if you can join or not .. but they may have more of an open mind about it, or at least they should to give you a fair chance.

06-09-2003, 09:32 PM
I knew I liked you for a reason... :p Seriously, I appreciate the comments. I guess I'll just keep asking the various Exchanger People if I can join...if not well I tried.

06-09-2003, 09:34 PM
Cowgirlie....someone will give you a chance, Im sure.

06-09-2003, 09:37 PM
Yes, someone did... YOU did Talanco and I appreciate it. **SMOOCH**

06-09-2003, 10:11 PM
;) Yes, they do. :D

06-09-2003, 10:18 PM
I have only done 2 exchanges on here, and I had a great time. I have been a bit behind sending one out, but beleive it or not "ship" happens. I've had one of those- I'm gonna mail today then I go home and puke, next day I don't feel much better, day after loaded up with homework, etc... I just let people know what's going on and hope they understand and if not I grumble my dying angry butt to the PO, lol, kidding. It's sad that people won't let you join. If I had the brains to run an exchange I'de trust you cowgirl.

06-09-2003, 10:26 PM
Originally posted by chelle33
Your caught up so i think that your should be taken
off the list :)

I agree with Chelle. at least you fullfilled your obligation. There has been some people that haven't even sent their end of a trade, when they got something. I would rather get something late than not at all.

06-09-2003, 10:31 PM
I also think Misty has a point. If you absolutly must be on that list, you should have a side note next to your name that you did send your end and caught up to your exchanges! Late is better then not at all.

06-09-2003, 10:50 PM
I dont think that people who are late are "bad" traders. I think that "bad" traders are the ones that get something, and NEVER give something in return. I am on the bad trader list and I have always sent my side out, I may have been late on 1 exchange when my son was ill and we were in a hospital out of state, and went we got back i sent my exchange out. and i am still on the bad traders list, i dont think that its fair, i dont think that its fair cowgirlie is on the list, and i would like off the list too.

06-09-2003, 11:04 PM
Well 1Bea, you've never stiffed me on anything and I welcome you to any of MY Exchanges.

If people don't want us in their exchanges, we'll just exchange our own gifts...and they'll miss out on the goodies. ;)

06-09-2003, 11:05 PM
Has anyone seen ryansnana post? I never got the Mother's Day exchange from her and she was suppose to have been in a fire. Just wondering.

For the ones who have been late lots of times, you do get a reputation and it makes it hard for the organizers. If the exchanges are hard for you I don't know why you want to do them. IMO.

06-10-2003, 12:08 AM
WTG C_I_T...I think it is wonderful that you came through. Better late than never, and honesty does count and you have shown you were very honest :)

06-10-2003, 08:02 AM
I think you should stay on the Bad Traders list BUT have a notation that you did finally send your end out. The Bad Traders list is like feedback here or at ebay, it should be used by future swap organizers to judge whether or not they want you in...consider it your "credit rating"....just like in real life, a bad credit rating will haunt you for years.

06-10-2003, 08:03 AM
:rolleyes: And I wonder why I have never and will never do the trades.
Things do come up and people run behind but all the bashing that goes on makes it so not worth it. Would appear C_I_T and Elusive have fullfilled there obligations even if late and people still want to bash them. At least they made the effort to catch up. I also wonder why they would even want to do trades and risk having rude comments directed at them. Yes, these are my opinions but I'm tired of the same people bashing other members. Isn't that what PM and e-mail is for? To work out problems and see what is going on instead of broadcasting on the forums? Please feel free to bash, flame, burn or otherwise attack me.

06-10-2003, 08:31 AM
No bashing, Crick, in fact I totally agree with you. Elusive and Cowgirlie, I'm glad you got caught up:) I think maybe if you just give it time, do the exchanges you can as someone else already suggested, maybe it will get better for you. I commend you on trying again, and being so honest and open. I don't usually do exchanges, but if I did, I would exchange with either of you. At least you are honest and in the long-run, you do fulfill your obligations. From what I've read on here, most people do not do that.

06-10-2003, 09:06 AM
Things do come up and people run behind but all the bashing that goes on makes it so not worth it. Would appear C_I_T and Elusive have fullfilled there obligations even if late and people still want to bash them. I haven't seen any bashing going on in here, I must have missed something. :confused:

For the ones who have been late lots of times, you do get a reputation and it makes it hard for the organizers. That is so true. People don't want to sign up for the exchanges because they are scared that they wont get their end of the deal, thats why the list was formed. Yes I know some of yall have gotten caught up but how long did it take you? Thats what people don't like. Some people were behind on several exchanges at one time, thats another thing that bothers people. If people know that they are behind on one exchange then why sign up for 2 or 3 more?

I do understand that things happen, but for something to happen at every single exchange is just kind of odd.

I would love for everyone to be able to sign up for the exchanges that go on but it just can't happen because not everyone keeps up with their end of the deal. When someone doesn't get their package on time (or at all) it really takes the fun out of it.

06-10-2003, 09:51 AM
:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: Like SOMEONE in this thread??? Perhaps??

06-10-2003, 09:56 AM
Originally posted by sivohdarba
No offense, but just because you are caught up on your trades/exchanges doesn't make you a good trader. A good trader IS what a good trader DOES! :)

Tasha, in my opinion this is bashing. Also not just this thread but in many others, traders/members have been bashed. Elusive did a thread apologizing for being late but was getting her deals sent out and people attacked from all angles. I don't post often but sometimes things just hit me the wrong way and I will speak up. Furthermore, to have a forum/thread where people are labled is totally uncalled for.
If someone hasn't fullfilled there obligations then yes, they should be blocked from further exchanges. However, neither C_I_T or Elusive have failed to fullfill there commitments, even if they were late they had the decency to post why and that they were trying. Just my out spoken opinion.

06-10-2003, 09:59 AM
I guess I look at it this way...

If one pays their bills late all the time, it will be reflected on their credit history and can affect their credit score. It takes a long time and a lot of timely payments to clear up your credit record.

The bad trader list seems similar to me. There is a certain amount of trust involved and it will take some time before trust is restored.

I don't do exchanges simply because my life is so busy that I don't know if I will have time to take care of my end. I'm not so concerned about what I get...but rather, I don't want to disappoint someone else. Therefore...I rarely sign up.

06-10-2003, 10:05 AM
Originally posted by Crick
Tasha, in my opinion this is bashing. Also not just this thread but in many others, traders/members have been bashed. Elusive did a thread apologizing for being late but was getting her deals sent out and people attacked from all angles. I don't post often but sometimes things just hit me the wrong way and I will speak up. Furthermore, to have a forum/thread where people are labled is totally uncalled for.
If someone hasn't fullfilled there obligations then yes, they should be blocked from further exchanges. However, neither C_I_T or Elusive have failed to fullfill there commitments, even if they were late they had the decency to post why and that they were trying. Just my out spoken opinion.

Crick and all that spoke on behalf of me and Elusive (and 1bea): I really appreciate it. But as I said last night, if people can't see past our being late, and not the fact that we DID ultimately live up to our end, instead of having people register for us to defend us, kill ourselves off or pretend that family signed us up for all of the trades, OH WELL- their loss. Even if I have to keep doing my own exchanges- because I enjoy these things- I will and ...

06-10-2003, 10:57 AM
Originally posted by sivohdarba
No offense, but just because you are caught up on your trades/exchanges doesn't make you a good trader. A good trader IS what a good trader DOES!

I see nothing wrong with what was said there and he/she did say No Offense. To me, thats not bashing. As far as the other threads, I must not have seen or read them. lol

If one pays their bills late all the time, it will be reflected on their credit history and can affect their credit score. It takes a long time and a lot of timely payments to clear up your credit record.

The bad trader list seems similar to me. There is a certain amount of trust involved and it will take some time before trust is restored. I agree

Even if I have to keep doing my own exchanges- because I enjoy these things- I will and ... I WELCOME ALL BAD TRADERS!!!!! Good luck :)

06-10-2003, 11:04 AM
I think it's wonderful that you finally caught up, but you know in the mean time others have stepped in and took up your slack. Flowers sent me some things when ryansnana fell through and I'm sure she and others have done the same thing for you.

Maybe if you send these people some things for being so nice for you, it would go a long way to erase you being late. I know the organizers are having a hard time when they organize exchanges and people tell them, don't give me so and so, she's a no-show. Then what do they do?
If two no shows sign up they usually match them up so they can haggle with each other but if only one no-show signs up it makes it hard. No one wants that person, would you?

06-10-2003, 12:27 PM
Originally posted by Elusive Butterfly
I di thank every one who has said something inmy be half.. and I agree with what some are saying here and disagree with others, but I will not let that bother me...
I fell behind on some exchanges, but I got them out and thats all that matters to me rite now.. and yes I have done more exchanges and got them out on time.
I made a mistake, and I know that for here on out there will be a be a few people who have formed an opinion on me, and that just how life goes... but I can honestly say that I never backed away, and I never hid from what I did, and all I can do is now move forward and and do what I have always done here.. and do the exchanges that I am allowed to do... no biggie....people are always gonna have a postive or negative opinion of you, its how you deal with it .
I know I will stay on the bad traders list, but its just a list after all.all my life, I have always been labled something.. fat, ugly, lazy, boring... but I made it through those names, and I to, will make it through this label.


Have a nice day

Exactly my point! :) You and C_T_I did the best you could do. Some people will agree with you (or me) and others won't. And that is my final reply in this matter....................for now.:D

06-12-2003, 08:22 PM
Originally posted by dianainaz
well I don't consider C_I_T a bad trader but I do want to make a comment......

if you do business lets say with a business online

business number one is consistent and you recieve what you ordered every time within 3-7 days

business number two is not cosistant and sometimes you get what you ordered in 3-7 days and then sometimes in 2-3 weeks and once in a great while it takes over a month.

who would you prefer to deal with??Business #1 or Business #2??

and this is JMHO but I feel traders who are on the bad traders list should be kept on there BUT with a notation that they have caught up and are currently doing good trades and then maybe a 6-9 month period after current trading is great then be taken off.But just because you hurry and do some awesome trades in a month period to make up for all the others does not erase what had happened in the past...;)

I agree totally! I apologize to all of you who feel I was bashing. I really didn't mean to come off that way at all. I do believe people deserve a second chance. I commend Cowgirl for being so forthright and honest. I still stand by my quote about " a good trader is what a good trader does". That doesn't mean that a once labled "bad" trader can't make up for past mistakes. Although I have only personally seen ONE person on this board who was once very maliciously labled as a bad trader make a complete turn-around and work really hard at making her trades/exchanges/auction wins successful and has regained the trust of the trading community. I have been taken advantage of and ripped off a lot on here, but would never NOT deal with anyone who was sincerely trying to correct past mistakes, unless of course it was me who they initally made a *mistake* with. Like the saying goes" first time shame on you, second time...shame on me!"
Good luck Cowgirl...and bea, I respect that you are trying to make what was once labled bad...as good! :)

06-12-2003, 08:41 PM
The bottom line is this: There are MANY of us who have been screwed on trades and some for a lot of money. It makes it tough to trust ANYONE but when you have trading in the blood and you have to do it....you want to do it with the most TRUSTWORTHY you can. I no longer send money to a newbie. Sad yes but the fact is I am tired of losing money. I will never probably trade with someone who was on the bad trader list but I am sure there are many who will and thats fantastic...someones gotta take em! LOL