View Full Version : Teen girl fined for failing to file $3.16

06-08-2003, 11:09 PM
HARRISBURG, Pennsylvania (AP) -- When 17-year-old Laurie Hanniford worked as a part-time swim instructor three years ago, she made $316 and paid $3.16 in local taxes. Last month, she was fined $352 for not filing a local tax return.

Hanniford, a high school junior, pleaded no contest and got the fine reduced to $77. But the ensuing outrage from her parents and the parents of about two dozen teens who received the same treatment has prompted officials to consider softening the ordinance.

"It's the stupidest thing I've ever heard of to fine her -- she was 14 at the time -- for taxes that have already been paid," said the teenager's mother, Sarah Hanniford.

When Laurie read the certified letter containing the words "failure to comply will result in your arrest," she called home from the post office.

"She couldn't drive, she was crying so hard," her mother said.

The Capital Tax Collection Bureau sent three notices for Laurie to the Hannifords' Carlisle residence, asking her to file the return, said bureau director Bill Harbeson.

When the bureau didn't receive a response, it had a district justice issue a criminal complaint. The Hannifords said they received no notices. Harbeson said many people think the letters are junk mail.

Complaints over the pursuit of delinquent returns are nothing new, Harbeson said.

"You think people want to pay taxes?" he asked.

He said the bureau, which collects taxes from 75 area municipalities and school districts, pursued 7,024 such complaints last year, including a small number of minors.

Township Council Chairman Tom Faley said he would try to persuade lawmakers to exempt those who make less than $2,000 from taxes. State law already allows tax exemptions for those earning less than $10,000.

In the meantime, Faley says he worries about more teens getting black marks on their criminal records.

"I don't know where this is going to stop," he said.

06-08-2003, 11:25 PM
That is the stupidest BS i have ever heard

06-09-2003, 12:56 AM
Here if you make X amount of dollars you have to file, whether you will owe or not. Her parents should have known the rules or at least checked. Ours will not refund less than $3. Isn't that sweet? LOL

06-09-2003, 06:41 AM
I realize this is a silly thing to get a person on, but around here and everywhere I have lived if you made money you file a return. It's not that hard, and her parents should have known that. People are saying it's only $3.16, but it doesn't take long for all of the little $3.16's to add up to alot of money. And the law is the law and it's really that simple. I know alot of people won't agree with me, but it's jmo.

06-09-2003, 06:55 AM
Originally posted by felician
I realize this is a silly thing to get a person on, but around here and everywhere I have lived if you made money you file a return. It's not that hard, and her parents should have known that. People are saying it's only $3.16, but it doesn't take long for all of the little $3.16's to add up to alot of money. And the law is the law and it's really that simple. I know alot of people won't agree with me, but it's jmo.

Unless I read it incorrectly, the girl already PAID the taxes out of her check, and just failed to file to get her refund...

Now that IS silly for them to get worked up over! :p :p :p

06-09-2003, 07:26 AM
Originally posted by Babygurl03
That is the stupidest BS i have ever heard

*Nods in agreement*

06-09-2003, 07:56 AM
I didn't say she didn't pay her taxes, I said she didn't file, as the story says as well. It is a law and laws are there for a reason, even if we don't agree or we don't like them. That said, I do think they have bigger fish to fry and should focus on the cases that are actually criminal and not just negligent.

06-09-2003, 08:08 AM
THis is not to argue either way, but they are probably pursuing her not for the 3.16 as stated, but if you think about it:
1) If she filed, she would have had to file single
2) Because she was living at home her parents probably claimed her on their taxes so she could not claim herself when she filed.
3) She did not pay that much in, so she probably would owe, and more than 3.16.

I think the issue isn't the 3.16 as previously stated, it is more than that amount she probably owed. Most taxes (state local federal) actually probably don't care if you file if you are due a refund, cause that is less money from them. They are probably on her because she owed, which is money due to them.

06-10-2003, 12:09 AM
YOu have to file every year here or be fined no matter what. Ours get taken out of our check as well. The filing determines whether enough or too much was taken out. Some people work in different cities than they live with different rates. Just how it works around here and remember having to do it at sixteen when I only worked a few months.

06-10-2003, 05:42 AM
hmmmmmmmmm we don't have local/municipal tax returns here, WOOOOHOOOOOO