View Full Version : Courtney Love Reveals Hot Secret Affair

Jolie Rouge
06-03-2003, 08:52 PM
Courtney Love says she once had a four-year fling with actor Edward Norton, but ditched him for a movie role--a move she now regrets.

The widow of Kurt Cobain told Vanity Fair magazine writer Steve Garbarino, "I love Edward so much." How could they have been together for so long and no one knew about it? "It's not in anybody's history book that we dated because he managed to scare the vultures off," she explains to Vanity Fair. "I dumped him for a movie role. If that isn't shallow I don't know what is." This is how much she still loves him: In her will, Courtney has left everything to Edward.

But what about Salma Hayek, who is Edward's current girlfriend? Love has an answer for that, too. "He'll never marry her. For one, he can barely understand half of what she's saying," she insisted to Vanity Fair.

Courtney says she has a "club" of friends.

Who's in?

That would be Drew Barrymore, Cameron Diaz, Angelina Jolie, Winona Ryder, Gwyneth Paltrow, and Jennifer Lopez. (Turns out Gwyneth and Winona are at odds with each other.)

Who's out?

Charlize Theron. "She's not in our club," says Love. But guess who Courtney thinks IS cool? Britney Spears. She even wants to write a song for her.

This is how much she still loves him: In her will, Courtney has left everything to Edward.

Hello ?? Shouldn't she leave "everything" to her CHILD ??? :eek:

06-03-2003, 09:54 PM
She is SUCH a ditz!

06-03-2003, 10:09 PM
I truly hate Courtney Love...