View Full Version : Best U.S. Presidents? This Is Surprising

Jolie Rouge
05-27-2003, 08:44 PM
Who do you regard as the greatest United States president?
That's the question of a recent Gallup poll, and while the first two names on the list aren't surprising--Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy--the names in the No. 3 spot might raise some eyebrows. It was a tie between President George W. Bush and Bill Clinton. Never mind the scandals. Never mind the impeachment. Clinton topped Ronald Reagan, George Washington, and Thomas Jefferson in this poll with 11 percent of the vote, compared with Lincoln's 15 percent and Kennedy's 13 percent.

Here are the top 10 U.S. presidents,
according to the Gallup poll:

1. Abraham Lincoln: 15 percent

2. John F. Kennedy: 13 percent

3. George W. Bush and Bill Clinton (tie): 11 percent

5. Ronald Reagan: 10 percent

6. Franklin Roosevelt: 9 percent

7. George Washington: 7 percent

8. Harry Truman: 4 percent

9. Jimmy Carter: 3 percent

10. Theodore Roosevelt, George H.W. Bush, Thomas Jefferson (tie): 2 percent

Gallup says our attitudes about who is the greatest U.S. president are shaped by partisanship, age, and education. Clinton's largest fan base is among teens and 20-somethings. When the same question was asked two years ago, Ronald Reagan was the hands-down winner with 18 percent of the vote, while Clinton had just 9 percent of the vote.

All the way with JFK:

Yes, America, there was a Mimi, a teenage cuddle for President John Kennedy back in 1962 and '63. But there was also a Pam, a Priscilla, a Jill (actually, two of them), a Janet, a Kim, a Mary, and a Diana... www.cnn.com/2003/ALLPOLITICS/05/19/timep.jfk.tm/index.html