View Full Version : Bloody nose help

05-27-2003, 04:07 PM
My son has been getting a bloody nose almost daily for the last month or so. Went to the dr. today but left after waiting over an hour to see him. Does anyone have any ideas on what to do other than saline drops.

05-27-2003, 04:14 PM
My brother had this problem...really there was nothing that we could do to stop the bleeding..it stopped on its on. We did find out what caused it though....there are really little veins in the nose..and they burst very easy..without help may I add. So that may be what the problem is. My brother had to get his veins "burnt" they do it with meds that they stick in there. It has worked for over a year now!

05-27-2003, 04:34 PM
My DH puts a little bit of vaseline in his nostrils at night when it starts getting dry out.

05-27-2003, 05:09 PM
best way to stop a nose bleed is roll tp or a piese of parper towel about an inch long up into a log stick it under your top lip That is what my doctor told me to do along time ago when i got nose bleeds Mine would start if I have a fever they ending up couterrisen {sp} my nose to keep it from bleeding

05-27-2003, 05:34 PM
Please take your son back to the doctor no matter how long you have to wait. I don't want to scare you but my cousins daughter was having frequent nosebleeds with fatigue. She ended up diagnosed with a form of Leukemia. It has been many years ago and I don't remember if there were other symptoms but I clearly remember it was the nosebleeds and fatigue that brought her to the doctor. It may be nothing serious but you should get it checked soon.

05-27-2003, 05:55 PM
You need to make sure to see your Doctor as soon as you can it could be as simple as a sensitive nose...but...and not to scare you but could also be something serious.

The sooner you go see his Dr. the better. Tell him/her the frequency of the nose bleeds any triggers (causes) of the nose bleeds and such.

Or like in my Dear Daughters case her nose bleeds were only one symptom of Leukemia (blood cancer). The sooner you see your son's Dr. the better. Don't let this pass you by. It may be more important than you think.

05-27-2003, 05:57 PM
My daughter was getting nosebleeds a lot. She would just be standing or sitting or whatever and blood woudl start pouring out of her nose. COme ot find out it was allergies. Since she has been on allergy medication it has not happened again. Good luck!

05-27-2003, 07:36 PM
You didn't say how old your child is, but I remember getting bloody noses a LOT as a kid...the kind that it would take ice and the whole 9 yards to get them to stop. His Sinuses/Allergeries more than likely are what are causing it. Also STRESS! If I am really really stressed I will have major bloody noses, I mean bad enough that it's almost necessary to call 911. Has anything changed at home?

05-27-2003, 07:40 PM
yes i third and fourth the doctor bit....my dad swears by Triaminicin it is an orange liquid that helps stop them. However it sounds like maybe more involved here. When i was 8 i got the chicken pox and one was in my nose bled and bled till i had to go to the emergency room and get my nose packed.....talk about a fantastic feeling....NOT!!

05-27-2003, 07:53 PM
My daughter had frequent serious nosebleeds. After about a year of hearing the family doc. say it's just the dry hear/air, I finally threw a fit until he referred her to an ENT. She ended up having 2 surgeries because the blood vessels were too close to the surface of the nose. They had to carterize them and since then she does not have any nosebleeds. It was so bad for awhile that the poor child would walk upstairs to go to bed and it would start pouring, or sitting in class and it would start pouring. Please take your child to the doctor, I know my child's life is so much better now.

Cauterization involves using special solutions or an electrical or heating device to burn the vessel so that it stops bleeding. Your doctor will numb your nose before the procedure. My daughter was put to sleep and had surgery for this because of age: she was 10 at the time.

05-27-2003, 08:15 PM
He is 11, nothing has changed at home. They generally last 1 min or so, just long enough to know that they are there.

movie nut
05-27-2003, 08:24 PM
First, have him see a doctor. If nothing serious is wrong, a humidifier might help. You don't give the state you live in; if you live in the Southwest (AZ, NV, etc.), a humidifier may be of great help. I lived in Arizona & New Mexico while growing up, & had dreadful nosebleeds because my nasal cavities were dried out. Also, the suggestion about petroleum jelly (Vaseline is good, but generic works for me too) is excellent.

hth :)