View Full Version : Stay Safe!!!

05-23-2003, 03:23 AM
To all those leaving today for the 3 day weekend ....have a great time and stay safe.......and have a great Memorial Day weekend!!!
Stay Safe........

05-23-2003, 05:32 AM

05-23-2003, 10:20 AM
lol no one caught my goober here.....if leaving today it is a 4 day weekend........and i am jealous of you.....lol

05-23-2003, 12:17 PM
We leave tonight so I'm still counting it as a 3 day week-end

Jolie Rouge
05-23-2003, 09:14 PM
While you are celebrating or relaxing or both, take some time out to appreciate the meaning behind this holiday. We should all do our best to honor our brave men and women in uniform this weekend and say a special prayer for those who made the ultimate sacrifice to protect the precious freedoms that we enjoy in this great land.

This Memorial Day is an extra special weekend here in Louisiana because many of the soldiers that took part in the Iraq War are not yet coming home from their long deployments. There is nothing like a military homecoming with lots of smiles, kisses and new babies and loved ones waiting. There is not enough rain in the world to dampen the enthusiasm of these family reunions. We salute our local men and women in uniform and wish them all the best.

God Bless America

05-24-2003, 05:22 AM
very well said Jolie

Jolie Rouge
05-26-2003, 09:35 AM
This is what we did Saturday. Today we are going to take the kids to the War Memorial downtown ...

May 25, 2003
Flags Fly Again on Graves at Port Hudson National Cemetery

(Port Hudson-AP) -- The flags are up again at Port Hudson National Cemetery. For more than 50 Memorial Day weekends, World War II veteran and Boy Scout Master James Jacocks has led scouts to put an American flag on every grave at the cemetery. His original troop of 20 scouts has grown up.

The graves, once marking only soldiers who died during the nation's longest siege, have multiplied. And word of the annual observance has spread. About 125 Boy Scouts and their families kept the tradition alive Saturday. In just an hour and a quarter, they had marked all 11, 057 graves with small American flags.

The flags will stay up until after Monday, when the Port Hudson cemetery holds a Memorial Day Ceremony at 4 pm.
