View Full Version : Screaming Neighboorhood Children

05-22-2003, 05:22 PM
Well, after 4 Day's off hearing this young girl scream, various times of the afternoon, early evening, On Monday, hearing this
Child screaming as if she was being hurt, or worse, kidnapped, I jumped up, and ran to the backdoor, looking down to see If I could find out where it was coming from. A yard 5 houses down.
Nope, not an Emergency, and I went back inside. Well, it happened again, Tuesday, Wed, and just now, Thursday. I just couldn't take it anymore ... And knowing I would feel horrible if I
didn't go take a looky and something did happen, and I did nothing. On the 4th time, I yelled out the Window to "Shut-Up".
and got a Nasty Response back, after also yelling my reason's why, from both Parent and unfortunately from the Parent's response that I don't have Kids, so Shut-Up, that now this Child
thinks it's OK .. In today's climate, ( I also yelled back, what If the neighborhood stopped running to check these screams out?) and she still yelled horrible things back) ... This is just a plea
for Parent's to explain why those loud, shrill screams can have value someday when they really need to do that .. Remember the
Boy who cried Wolf? ... Times have unfortunately changed where Kid's have to learn the new meaning of what's OK when playing.

I just think with summertime here, and more Kid's outside playing, we need to let them know why they need to save "those
types of screams" for when they need HELP NOW!


05-22-2003, 07:44 PM
cant you call and report it, You hear these terrible screams and want to make sure no one is hurt. Maybe after a few times of that happeneing the kids will learn to only do it if needed, not playing.

05-22-2003, 08:11 PM
How old is this kid? I know my 2 1/2 can scream some high piched ones when we are playing outside. It's hard to keep her from doing it.