View Full Version : OMG!!!! What do I do now??????

05-22-2003, 10:02 AM
I know that here are many of you who've been through many situations and know how to deal with it so here's mine:

Last night as I was driving into my driveway, I heard a loud BUMP into my car and I thought that my car started to fall apart or the engine fell out so I stopped the car and get out to see what it is. Then I hear few teenagers shouting "I'm sorry!" and I realized what just happen: baseball hit my car and there was a big dent next to gas tank!!!:eek: :eek: :mad: :mad: :( :( I started screaming back to them "What do you mean, you're sorry? Come over here and look at my car!":eek:

To make this long story short, mom of the guy who hit the ball came over later and she said that she was going to clame it on her car insurance or her homeowners insurance and she left us her info and left. Today she called back and said that she spoke with her agent and he said that she's not responsible for that b/c we live next to school...:eek: :eek: :confused: :confused: WHAT?????????? What do you mean, they are not responsible????? He said that we should claim on our insurance:confused: right....

I just don't get it and I think she's just trying to get away without paying for that. Maybe her insurance won't pay b/c she wasn't driving a car but what to do now???

Anyone can say something -- say it PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!

:( :( :(

05-22-2003, 10:10 AM
I don't know the rules and regulations of insurance so I'm not gonna claim that I do but even if her insurance won't cover the damage it is still HER responsibility to pay for the damage I would think. I don't see how it could make a difference where you live since it wasn't a student that caused the damage during school, it was her son. Maybe someone else will have a different take on this, I dunno. Try calling your local police station and find out what your rights are, maybe they could tell ya something.:confused:

05-22-2003, 10:11 AM
Try calling your local police station and find out what your rights are, maybe they could tell ya something.

sounds like a good idea and perhaps they could explain the next to the school comment as well.

05-22-2003, 10:48 AM
I am pretty sure her homeowners insurance would cover this...did she give you the name of her carrier? I would call them and ask. I would also call the police dept and find out if you could file a report.

Good Luck!

05-22-2003, 11:15 AM
all else fails u can take them to small claims court even though iam sure the claim is not small you can still have a judge hear your case,,i would think this can be done!! iam not a expert either but i have heard of simular cases being done in small claims court

05-22-2003, 12:25 PM
Actually I called police right away and officer called me back and she said that she doesn't want to come and we have to resolve it with parents and if we cannot resolve it with parents then she would come. I asked her to come anyway but then she said that it's going to be some time before she is able to come and it was getting late so I said ok, don't come. I think that I can go there myself and file a report.

And we did think about small claims court too -- in case everything else fails and we have to fix it ourselves -- we just take all the bills there and of course add court fees to it too.

05-22-2003, 12:39 PM
UUMMMMM OK........?????? I didn't realize the police can not come when requested???? OMG! I'd be more mad at the police than the teenager! Now YOU have to go to the station cuz she didn't want to come out and take a report?? I'd be steamed if I were you! An insurance co. will want a police report to file a claim.

05-22-2003, 12:51 PM
Yes, I was suprized of her attitude...:eek: She was like "I don't want to come" I'm like "What?"
Then she started "Since it was an accident and they didn't do it on purpose"

Well, what about car accidents -- we call them accidents too and they are but police comes anyway...

And we pay huge TAXES and when we need police, they tell us they don't want to come...:mad: :mad: :eek: :confused:

05-22-2003, 01:06 PM
Natasha call her superior ASAP. That's crap. "They don't want to come"?? What is a police officer for? Besides she should be there when trying to deal with the other people, what if tempers fly and it gets out of hand?:mad:

05-22-2003, 02:33 PM
Here in Houston they are trying to pass a new "rule" about cops coming to the scene of an accident... They are trying to get it passed so that they DON'T come to the accident site!!! To me that's unreal!! I hope this all works out for you, I know it will be a headache until you do.

05-22-2003, 03:02 PM
I called the police department about coming there and filling the report and police officer said that since there was no criminal activity but just an accident, I cannot file a report....:( :eek: :mad: I said "Well, what can I do?" and he answered that if that lady doesn't want to pay for damage, then I should take her to small claims court and he gave me their phone #.

I spoke with my insurance agent and they are not going to pay b/c:
1. It wasn't my fault
2. I don't have that kind of coverage on my policy.

I called her insurance and they going to reserach more and call me back but they were still saying that she's not responsible since if I was driving by the field, I was taking risks...:eek: :eek: :confused: :confused: :mad: What is that supposed to mean?????:confused: I live there!
ANd she said that if you're driving by the golf field, you're taking certain risks -- well, the gold field that I know had a yearly fee and they put up a very high fence and I never seen a golf ball falling on the road!
And this was an elementary school and those guys are from high school and if they were playing there, they should shoot ball in the "safe" direction. We lived here since 1997 and there were so many balls bouncing from our house, ending up in our yard, roof, etc. and is there a law to protect us from such accidents. Maybe I should call the city since we do pay very high taxes and they should do something about it. I don't think that we should take it with our homeowners insurance and pay $1000 deductible...:eek:

05-22-2003, 05:07 PM
I would take the car for a free repair estimate .. Any dealer should be able to do this . Get a quote IN WRITING. I would think that someone is responsible here and it's not you. You probably
don't have comprehensive coverage on your policy. That's probably the reason why your agent is saying you don't have coverage. I having been a Comm'l Lines Broker (Past), know that the service doesn't end with a sorry your not covered excuse. Many times, I've advised friends to pursue it, and get a letter of denial from their insurance carrier from the Agent saying yeah or nay ... Don't worry about reporting a claim out of fear it will raise your rates .. That's what your paying for isn't it? You don't alway's get the correct answer either .. Many times the person who advises a person is WRONG .. I had the lady across the street mention to me she was broke, her Common-Law husband of 12 years passed from Parkinsons. His deposit from SS had already been deposited 3 days before he passed... Social Security wanted the money back when she questioned them. She sent it .. WRONG! .. Once it's in an account (dual bank acc't here) they
were no longer able to request it back .. I called on her behalf after getting permission and lo and behold, BINGO. They owed her his $1100.00 back .. I drove her 4 days later to pick up the check at a local SS Office.. She cried, her response at first was, they told me no. I said, Margaret, never take that answer as final.
Keep pursuing it, and always always always, I can't say it enough, take notes, dates, times (exact times! - I mean for example 1:03 PM), brief description, who did you speak with, If you do go to court, showing up with a file of Notes, and usually the other party in small claims court, will show up with none. And
I've seen the judge notice this, and well, who do you think has gained an advantage ... All that time and effort, notes, etc and the other party usually can't even remember the day whatever happened .. Good Luck! ( I taught an old friend .. Notes/Notes/ and more Notes) .... In SF he was awarded $40,000 upon leaving his Rent Controlled Apt, and called to thank me for the advice all those years ...

05-22-2003, 07:02 PM
ok how close do you live to the school??.....i am thinking if you are right next to it then the school district would cover it.....have you considered this option?? if it was hit from their grounds then the school bears some responsibility........

05-22-2003, 08:40 PM
The school grounds is accross from my house and it's school field and the school itself is at the other end of the block. I'm thinking of calling the city and asking about my options.

05-24-2003, 09:07 AM
i think you should cause it is school grounds and they would be responsible in my beliefs