View Full Version : Cool Health Benefit of Chewing Gum

Jolie Rouge
05-20-2003, 09:35 PM
If you suffer from acid reflux, here's an odd source of relief: chew a piece of gum for about 30 minutes after each meal. Reuters reports that new research from Great Britain shows post-meal gum-chewing appeared to reduce acid in the esophagus and quell heartburn symptoms among people with chronic reflux problems.

Why does it work ?

Lead researcher Angela Anggiansah of Kings College in London explained to Reuters in an interview that the gum stimulates the saliva. Since saliva is alkaline, it works to neutralize the remaining acid in the esophagus. She told Reuters that dentists have long known that chewing sugarless gum can slow the growth of cavities, primarily by lowering acid levels around teeth. Her research team wondered if the same mechanism might work to fight the common gastroesophageal reflux disease in which acid in the stomach washed up into the esophagus.

The small study conducted by Anggiansah involved 21 people with gastroesophageal reflux disease who consumed high-fat meals that were designed to make the reflux symptoms appear. Those who chewed gum after the meal experienced less post-meal reflux, heartburn, and discomfort, compared with those who did not. A larger study on "gum therapy" is planned. The findings were presented at Digestive Disease Week, an annual international gathering of gastroenterologists.

05-21-2003, 12:58 AM
I have GERD. I am defintely going to try this.