View Full Version : Stray Beagle Found 800 Miles From Home

05-19-2003, 03:34 AM
Stray Beagle Found 800 Miles From Home

Chubby Pooch Missing Since March

AUBURN, Ala. -- Stray dogs show up all the time around Auburn University in Alabama. They don't usually belong 800 miles away in Kansas.

But that was the case with Norman, a beagle who wandered away from his home in Solomon, Kan., in March. He showed up on the Auburn campus Friday. If he walked all the way, he'd have had to average about 20 miles a day.

Staffers checked the dog's collar and found a tag with the name of his Kansas hometown on it. They called City Hall in Solomon, and the astounded city clerk recognized their description of the chubby beagle.

Norman's owner, Jennifer Cross, says she was crying too hard to keep on teaching her class after she got the news that her dog had been found.

The Crosses hadn't planned to take a vacation this year, but now it looks like they'll be driving to Alabama to fetch Norman.

I had a cat once that disapeared and 3 years later it was sitting outside my front door smiling at me. He stayed for a month then disapeared again.

05-19-2003, 08:00 AM
Hmmmmmmm, looks like I need to call Auburn and see if they have found any of my missing dogs;)

When I was little, we were moving from Alabama to Tenn and we hollered and yelled for our dog, Peach, but he would not come, so we had to leave him...we came back down here to visit my grandmother 3 months later and convinced my Dad to ride by where our trailor used to be and there on the porch steps was Peach waiting for us....that was all that was left of the trailor:p we had that dog for about 15 years before we had to have him put to sleep:(