View Full Version : Priceless...lol

05-15-2003, 11:41 PM
Dear Annie: I read the letter about the mom who objected to the clothes her pre-teen daughter wore, so Mom dressed like her daughter, and the girl stopped. This reminded me of a similar situation I had with my 18-year-old son and his music.

When "Jeff" was a senior in high school, he bought some of those CDs that most parents dislike because of the vulgar language. I was constantly asking him to turn the music down, so I wouldn't have to hear it.

One day, when Jeff was in school, I listened to the CD over and over until I had some of it memorized. When he brought a friend home that day and turned on his favorite CD, imagine his reaction when I knew the words and sang right along loud and clear. His friend was rolling on the floor laughing, and my son was mortified. I haven't had to listen to it since. CD player: $100; Eminem CD: $15; the look on my son's face: Priceless. -- Diva Mom from Wisconsin

Dear Mom: We really like you a lot. You've got guts, lady.

05-16-2003, 05:11 AM
LMAO!!!! Hmmmmm... that wouldnt work in my house, my dot and I listen to the same music... EVEN 70's music!!! :eek:

05-16-2003, 06:11 AM
Mine wants COUNTRY and I want older hard rock. ITs a weird combination at my house.