View Full Version : got a ? for those with curly hair

05-14-2003, 02:03 PM
have any of you ever had your hair straightened? i have curly hair and am wanting a change. i have had my hair cut short for about 5 months now and i LOVE it. it was down my back, but i finally got the nerve to chop it off. now i want to try something new again, ( i think i got bit by the bug, lol) any ideas? tia

05-14-2003, 02:13 PM
When I saw the title of the thread, and with the humidity around here, I thought this was going to be a question of are there any good secrets to dealing with the frizziness. :D I've never had my hair straightened, although I've always been jealous of those with the beautiful straight hair, it looks like it's so effortless!(Not trying to say it is, you'd just have to have curly hair to understand I suppose) :D Sorry I have no help or advice, but good luck if you take the plunge! :)

05-14-2003, 02:26 PM
Originally posted by ksmomof2
When I saw the title of the thread, and with the humidity around here, I thought this was going to be a question of are there any good secrets to dealing with the frizziness. :D I've never had my hair straightened, although I've always been jealous of those with the beautiful straight hair, it looks like it's so effortless!(Not trying to say it is, you'd just have to have curly hair to understand I suppose) :D Sorry I have no help or advice, but good luck if you take the plunge! :)

I know just what you mean, my sister has straight hair and doesn't have to do anything to it for it to be beautiful and shiny. My curly, long, thick mess takes for ever to look nice and only minutes in the humidity to look like I just rolled out of bed. I had my hair straighten once and it didn't take, I also thought that if they straighten it, it would just look straight -no- you have to blow dry it that way everytime you wash it. :eek:

05-14-2003, 02:29 PM
Yes I have HAD it straightened (first time when I was a Freshman in high school and my hair fell out/broke off 1/4" long all over my head), and I have straightened it myself. It's much cheaper and easy to do yourself (or have a friend do it) The product I have used in the past with best results and less stress on my hair can only be purchased at a beauty supply house (Sally's doesn't carry it) I can't remember the name, but it's a French product/name. I'll see if I have any paperwork on it. Some commercial 'straighthair' shampoos and conditioners/serums work very well too, depending on HOW curly your hair is. I also use a flat iron. You might want to invest in one of those for $10-$15 first.

05-14-2003, 02:30 PM
I have THICK wavy hair. So thick I broke 3 thick ponytail holders in 2 days! The only thing I've found that helps is Matrix sleek and smooth shampoo and condtioner and Citre Shine straightening balm. Then I have to blow dry it straight. It takes forever! Good luck!!

05-14-2003, 02:32 PM
I got nappyhead. Fried from perms and color. I heard a commerical the other day, Hay Hair. lol That's me. So no advice from the nappyhead, but hope u find what u like.

05-14-2003, 02:51 PM
I have thick hair and had mine straightened when I was 3 months pregnant with my first child. It didn't damage my hair, but my curls never came back. You might think I'm crazy but use doggie shampoo on your "hay head" it will help and give it an awesome shine. Just make sure you wash it several times with a GREAT smelling shampoo after the doggie shampoo.

05-14-2003, 02:59 PM
I have thick straight hair-and have to curl it, or I look like an afghan hound;) Can't help ya sorry.

05-14-2003, 03:01 PM
There is a Japanese straightening process that you can do. I have had it done, it costs $$$$$ and doesn't damage your hair.

05-14-2003, 03:10 PM
Okay ... I've had my hair straightened professionally and also done it at home by combing permanent solution through my curly locks.

No permanent damage to my hair.... BUT .... after about a week to 10 days when your hair grows out, the roots are curly and the ends are straight and stick out all over the place. This is even worse to cope with than the curls!!!

05-14-2003, 07:42 PM
I found the *BEST* stuff for my hair. I used to spend so much time on my hair. I have very thick wavy/curly hair. Everyone always comments on where did I get all my hair lol

Well, I found this product on accident ..it was at Big Lots. It's called ABBA - weightless styling gel. It had a lavender top, ..white bottle.

Well this stuff rocks. All I do, is wash my hair, brush it out, and while my hair is still wet, I put this gel in my hair, and let it air dry. Or usually end up going to bed with my hair still wet.
And, presto, when I wake up, it's like magic. I've never had my hair look so good.. No frizziness, defined curls, ..it kinda keeps everything "together"

I've seen this at Albertson's..but evidently the bottle has changed. It's a different color now. You gotta try it!! ABBA Hair Products!! Remember that.

05-14-2003, 07:51 PM
Originally posted by marci-h

No permanent damage to my hair.... BUT .... after about a week to 10 days when your hair grows out, the roots are curly and the ends are straight and stick out all over the place. This is even worse to cope with than the curls!!!

ROTF, I'm sorry but for some reason I couldn't help but laugh at that;)

I have curly/wavy hair and if I don't hurry up and get my thyroid straightened out I won't have to worry about it b/c I will be balled:eek:

05-14-2003, 08:07 PM
Ugh! My hair was always straight and I love it, but ever since I got pregnant I seem to be getting major "curls" to it? Is that unusual? The humidity here is NOT helping! I've been using some frizz product from the salon and have to blow my hair dry every day just to keep it sorta straight now and if it rains... I'm all frizzy again!

So... No ideas for you, just wanted to moan about my hair probs, guess that's what they call threadcrapping. =)

Good luck whatever you decide to do!

02-22-2004, 01:34 AM
I have straight hair, and let me tell you, I do need to add products to my hair. I recently got it straightened. And this is what she did, she put some TIGI After Party Smoothing Cream and Control Freak Serum in the palm of her hand and fingered it thru my hair. Then she blow dried my hair with a paddle brush. Then used the straightening iron after that. My hair was so sleek and flat. and shiny, I loved it. The hair products are made by Bed Head and can be found at Beauty Co. Good luck!

02-22-2004, 06:15 AM
Originally posted by Queensown
Ugh! My hair was always straight and I love it, but ever since I got pregnant I seem to be getting major "curls" to it? Is that unusual? The humidity here is NOT helping! I've been using some frizz product from the salon and have to blow my hair dry every day just to keep it sorta straight now and if it rains... I'm all frizzy again!

So... No ideas for you, just wanted to moan about my hair probs, guess that's what they call threadcrapping. =)

Good luck whatever you decide to do!

My hair did the same thing! I used to have hair so straight that even when I curled it with a curling iron it wouldnt hold. Then I had my kids and POOF! I have loose curls now and I was so used to having straight hair I dont know what to do with it!