View Full Version : Womens Rights - Please Help

05-14-2003, 07:24 AM
Important Information -- please read and show your support for WOMEN'S
RIGHTS. TO show your support click on this link:

Thank you!

The following is an alert from Million4Roe.com:

Thursday, the Senate Judiciary Committee voted 10-9 along party lines to
> send to the Senate floor the nomination of Carolyn Kuhl for the Ninth
> Circuit Court of Appeals. They also passed by 16-3 the nomination of John
> Roberts for the DC Circuit Court of Appeals and then the full Senate
> confirmed his nomination the same day. This week the committee is
> expected to vote on Charles Pickering, who was rejected by the
> Democratically-controlled Judiciary Committee last year, for the Fifth
> Circuit Court of Appeals. These nominees should not be confirmed. Their
> nominations are part of Bush's efforts to stack the federal courts with
> reactionary judges.
> Thank Committee Democrats for Opposing Kuhl, Urge Them to Filibuster Her
> Nomination on the Senate Floor, and Urge Them to Vote Against Pickering
> http://capwiz.com/fmf1/issues/alert/?alertid=1793936
> During her legal career, Carolyn Kuhl has strongly supported the
> overruling of Roe v. Wade. As a member of the Reagan Administration
> Justice Department, she co-wrote the "most aggressive memo" in the
> Department urging that the Administration argue that the Supreme Court
> should reverse itself and overrule Roe. The Administration accepted her
> position. The brief the United States government submitted stated: "The
> textual, doctrinal, and historical basis of that decision [Roe] is so far
> flawed that this court should overrule it." Kuhl has also advocated for
> weaker sexual harassment standards and for the exclusion of women from
> state funded schools like the Virginia Military Institute (VMI).
> Charles Pickering has a long history of voting against women. As a state
> Senator, Pickering supported a constitutional amendment to ban abortion
> and chaired the subcommittee of the National Republican Party that in 1976
> approved a plank calling for an amendment to the U.S. Constitution to make
> abortion illegal. Pickering has opposed the Equal Rights Amendment and as
> a district court judge, criticized remedies provided by the Voting Rights
> Act to redress discrimination against African-American voters. There is
> also new evidence that Pickering left the Democratic Party in 1964 to
> protest the national Democratic Party's support for civil rights and its
> attacks on segregation, and furthermore, that he tried to cover up his
> past in committee testimony. In a public statement he signed in 1967,
> Pickering said he wanted to preserve "our southern way of life," and he
> bitterly blamed civil rights workers for stirring up "turmoil and racial
> hatred" in the South. Confirmation of Pickering would be detrimental to a
> whole range of issues affecting women and minorities.

thanks everyone! jen