View Full Version : Julie Angel

05-13-2003, 11:56 AM
Savannah hates the veal and chicken gerber meats, you should see her face, she shakes her whole body and has the nasty look on her face!!! What does your little one like??? Right now she is eating squash, to get the chicken flavor out of her mouth, LOL!! She is so cute!! HUGS, and congrats on your house, Lisa

05-13-2003, 12:11 PM
He doesn't seem to like the meats at all! The beef and macaroni made his little belly sick. He cried and cried until he finally, well, ya know, had a diaper.... LOL. He likes the chicken and rice, but only a little bit. I have to give him something sweet, like pears with it. I give hime a bite of the pears, a bite of the chicken and rice, and then pears again. I'm not too too worried though, because I think they get alot of protein from the formula. The other night I gave him teeny tiny little pieces of real chicken, and he loved it! Don't try it until she has some teeth and chews everything, though. And I'm talking the tiniest little pieces. I did the same thing with a donut, and he was going absolutely nuts!!! Does Savannah have any of her teeth yet? Daniel has a few, and he is just teething like crazy!

And thank you for congratulating me on my new house! I am so excited!

05-13-2003, 12:17 PM
No, she doesn't have any teeth yet, and she will be 7 months old friday!! But she is teething like crazy, and has been since she was 4 months old, but they just won't come through! She eats crackers when we go out, but I have to watch her, as she likes to shove the whole thing in her mouth, lol!! She really likes the veggies and fruit, but she just doen't like the meats. My cousin says the meats are nasty and her little boy never did like them! I will have to get a picture of her eating the turkey and post it, LOL!! I have chicken noodle and the mix meats with veggies, but thought I would try her on just the meats first.

05-13-2003, 12:24 PM
Oh, yeah, the meats alone are disgusting! blech!
Don't worry about the teeth; my doctor said some babies don't get them until they are a year old!
I love the pics you post of Savannah! She truly is beautiful. I have to get Dan to get the digital camera out and take pictures, then you can tell me how to post them. I don't know how to work the dern thing. I can't wait until the kids start eating real food, my pics of my older son when he was a baby eating spaghetti are so fun! And I have a few good ones, when he was eating scrambled eggs and tipped the bowl and the food went everywhere!
Ya know, if you haven't already, I think you could try Savannah with a biter bisquit. I think that's the name of them, they are by Gerber, they are long and kind of wavy so the baby can hold them. She can gum on it, and it gets mushy. Just watch she doesn't get a big piece off. And you might want to try it just before bath time. Sit her in her high chair with just a diaper on because trust me, she will make a mess!

05-13-2003, 12:26 PM
You guys are reminding me of last Saturday. My niece's baby was laying in his car seat when he put his legs atraight up into the air. He had been trying to go potty for awhile with grunts and such. My neice went to check him and his potty had gone up his back, EEEWWWWW

She was holding him up in the air running around the room with him like he was gonna explode. His clothes caught all of it but when she put him on the floor and tried to take his top off--well you know where it went--into hair, etc. I told her it was bathtub time but she didn't put him there until that happened. lol :p :p

05-13-2003, 12:32 PM
LOL, Janelle, that has happened before! He did his "duty" and it went all up his back and down his leg YucccKKK!!! I put a comforter down on the floor for him to play on now that he is crawling, and I usually change him there, too, because he tries to roll off of the changing table now. Well, I layed him down on the blanket, tried so carefully to get his clothes off without making a mess, and he started squirming all over the place, and you can just imagine the mess! I'm not even going to say anymore about it because it is making ME sick just talking about it LOL! Well, we both had to take a bath LOL!

Another time, his Grammy was holding him, and he went, I guess some of the wetness of it got on her dress. She didn't notice it, and she went out shopping, and couldn't figure out where the smell was coming from. She said people were looking at her funny all day LMBO!

05-13-2003, 12:38 PM
OH Savannah has done plenty of that too! LOL!!!! She did it really bad to my mom, and it went into her hair and mom had to give her a bath. Then last weekend, she did it up her back! It was so smelly and just nasty, LOL!! She always manages to go up her back when she has a brand new outfit on! LOL!!!

05-13-2003, 12:42 PM
1st off...where are said pictures of Savannah--I love the little ones!

Secondly, congrats on the new house--excuse me--home Julie.

Mike =)

05-13-2003, 12:44 PM
Thank you, Mike! you can see pics of Savannah in the link on Magicwoman's signature.

05-13-2003, 12:53 PM
Originally posted by julie_angel
Thank you, Mike! you can see pics of Savannah in the link on Magicwoman's signature.

DOH! I'll put on my dunce hat now. :)

Mike =)

05-13-2003, 12:55 PM
Alright...now the link wont work--get the "The page cannot be displayed" ol' 404 error.

05-13-2003, 12:57 PM
That reminds me when Caelan was little. My mom went to change her and I kept telling her to wait. Well she didn't and from the other room I hear her screaming, "STOP PEEING!! WHY WON'T YOU STOP?!" Then a couple seconds later, "I DIDN'T MEAN FOR YOU TO STOP PEEING AND START POOPING!":D

Then when Keidyne was an itty bitty and was sick, hubby went to change her and she had the squirts REALLY bad. She hit him across the room. Squirt was right. :p

05-13-2003, 02:37 PM
LOL, MK! I know what ya mean, Savannah has done that too! LOL!!!

LLFAN, Maybe my BIL was updating the page, he does that from time to time, I will check it out, sorry it didn't work!

05-13-2003, 02:52 PM
Well when I type it in it will work, but when I click on the link it won't that is werid!

05-13-2003, 03:11 PM
Yup, it worked when I cut&pasted it. I just looked at her newborn picture page, and realized that she was the exact same size as my Daniel! He was only one tiny ounce heavier, and the same length!

05-13-2003, 03:14 PM
That Christmas Page is too adorable!

Mike =)

05-13-2003, 03:15 PM
oh wow, that is so cool!!! I just wonder how much she weighs right now, I think it is almost time to buy a new car seat, cause she is getting so long!! I weighed her a month ago and she was 18 lbs! She is just a growing!

05-13-2003, 03:15 PM
Oh thank you Mike! :)

05-13-2003, 04:10 PM
Since we already brought up the issue of dirty diapers, can someone please tell me why they go when you are trying to eat? Every gosh dern time I sit down to eat I tell ya! I SHOULD be so skinny by now! Yuuuuccccck!

05-13-2003, 04:11 PM
There goes Dinner! :eek:

Mike =)

05-13-2003, 05:53 PM
LOL!!!! I know, Savannah did that tonight, LMBO!!!!!!