View Full Version : It was a close one

05-02-2003, 10:22 AM
Courtney lost a tooth yesterday at school

last night she put it under her pillow

I fell asleep and dhubby didn't do TF Duty

That was one disappointed kid this morning.

Anyway she kept going in her room and looking, so i stuffed a dollar in her pillow case, way down in there. then she wa smoping and i told her go try again. whew. she was glad to find that dollar.

anyway, she left a note for tooth fairy. (last time she lost a tooth, her friends were telling her the TF was not real so she left a note requesting the TF's signature to prove she was real. she still has that one somewhere..LOL)

here is her note:

Dear,Tooth Fairy You dropped my tooth take it. Thank you. You sure did hide my dollar. I hope I see you again soon. Your friend, Courtney McNeil
O<tooth here

05-02-2003, 10:37 AM
How cute!

I have had to do similar things a couple of times. I fell asleep before they did and then had to hussle in the morning to take care of it.

05-02-2003, 10:40 AM
she wrote a note to the tooth fairy asking her to leave something in addition to the $$ as proof that she was real.I didn't panic...I went into the closet & cut a nice shimmery glitterey swatch of material from an old Tinkerbell halloween costume in the back of my closet & stuck it with the $$.Worked like a charm:D

05-02-2003, 10:43 AM
We have a special container on our fireplace for my sons tooth. That way I don't have to go in his room for it.
I have fallen asleep and forgotten to put the dollar in it a couple of times. I just tell him "" she must have been busy last night. She'll be here tonight."" The minute he is asleep I take care of it.

05-02-2003, 02:41 PM
This reminded me of a joke I saw when I was at the dentist...

A little boy was at the dentist and told him he knew what the tooth fairy looked like.
The dentist said "oh you do? well what does she look like then"
The little boy replied "just like mommy ,only naked"

05-02-2003, 02:58 PM
that is so cute.
once the TF forgot to take to tooth. it was too dark to find it. in the morning she was SO upset and felt she couldn't keep the $1.00. I told I would mail it to TF for her.