View Full Version : The Babysitter

04-30-2003, 09:27 AM
Today when I was bathing Brenten I noticed a bruise on one of his buttcheeks. I went to look closer and found 3 fingers and a thumb on the other butt cheek. I am sooooo upset, you cannot even imagine. I asked him about it later on and he said "She always smack our butts mom" and walked away.

Now I have to go find another babysitter, ad I am not going to trust this one either!

I am so upset, I have pictures of the bruises.....


04-30-2003, 09:52 AM
Time to look elsewhere and if she is leaving bruises I would wonder about charging her with battery.

04-30-2003, 09:58 AM

04-30-2003, 10:01 AM
I am afraid that she would lose her kids.....

I know for a fact she doesnt hurt them!

04-30-2003, 10:02 AM
I AM SOOOO SORRY!! RescueAPit I bet its taking all you have not to go over there and beat her butt!!!!!

04-30-2003, 10:04 AM
Originally posted by RescueAPit
I am afraid that she would lose her kids.....

I know for a fact she doesnt hurt them!

She have a license to do the babysitting?? Sounds to me that she only has patience with hers. Maybe get her license revoked.

04-30-2003, 10:15 AM
Originally posted by kelblend
She have a license to do the babysitting?? Sounds to me that she only has patience with hers. Maybe get her license revoked.

She is unlicensed... I had him there because she had great references.

04-30-2003, 10:16 AM
If you don't want to charge her then you had better be talking to her and tell her that she is not to do this to your kid. A swat is one thing but to leave bruises is something different.

04-30-2003, 10:17 AM
I wish I could post the pics of his bruises..... My mom said she had to have hit him very hard to leave them like that!

04-30-2003, 10:20 AM
*picks jaw off floor*

((((RAP))) im so sorry this happened to your child, i would be so
P!SSED. i agree with schsa a swat is one thing, but to leave a bruise. good luck in whatever you decide to do about this.

04-30-2003, 10:22 AM
she must have hit him pretty hard to leave bruises. there is a difference with a pat on the butt and a wack, she must have pulled his pants down and gave him a really big wack.
Do you think her kids would tell someone if they were hit hard enough? No because they don't want to lose their mommy so they keep quiet. Please look into this, not just for your child but for any otheres that get in contact with her.

04-30-2003, 10:47 AM
I had problems with a daycare provider. The final straw was what made me quit a great job that I loved to stay home and make less money. The daycare was in a church across from our elementary school. About this time last year the lead provider was reading a book to the group after school. My 8 year old was sitting on the floor. There was a boy in a chair behind him. The boy smashed my sons hand with his foot. Instead of punishing the other child and moving him she picked my son up by one arm off the ground put him in a chair in the corner. I turned her in to the daycare board. SHe claimed he wouldn't be quiet for her to continue to read the book. His hand hurt and was very badly bruised but that didn't matter to her. A week later while I was fighting to have her removed there was another problem. They sometimes walk the children after their homework was done back over to the schools playground. The leader ran to the store to buy snacks (which is supposed to be done before or after school when there are no children there) and left another provider alone with the 30 odd kids on the playground. My son and another girl were on the swings. Two junior high students told them to get off. The girl told them no they had to wait their turn. The boys told this girl and my son they would come back the next day with a gun. So Chris and this girl told the day care lady. SHe walked them back to the church and took them inside to play. NEVER was the police called. Chris refused to go back again and personally I couldn't put my child in danger again. I called the police that night when I got him home. Pressed charges against the boys and the church for allowing this to continue. All the parents got wind of it and the day care had to close for 4 months to do damage control.
My point in telling you this is now that Chris isn't there anymore I hear stories from other parents about what happened there. You don't know what else is going on. Please talk to the other parents and see if they are having any problems. You may not see her but you don't know what goes on behind closed doors. I do believe in spanking but I don't believe in doing it hard enough to leave a mark.

04-30-2003, 11:01 AM
I am so sorry that happened to you.
I am not sure about the laws around you
but in the state of Texas a "swat" is acceptable
and if there are marks only on the bottom, that is okay.
It sounds strange I know, but I know that even
a swat from the school is acceptable to leave a mark
on the BOTTOM only.
so, for those of you with school aged children in
the "paddle" states you have to sign a form saying you
don't want your child to recieve swats, but usually in that case
if your kid causes a disruption you have to come pick them up for
the rest of the day. As you can imagine, most parents
just say
"swat him"
yes, I am a teacher.
but I do NOT swat children.

04-30-2003, 11:03 AM
Originally posted by deedee01
That is so wrong, first of all, she shouldn't spank him, he is not her kid, she could put him in time out. I would call and confront her and tell her you are thinking about pressing charges and see what she says.
You should also contact every one else that leaves thier children with her. They have the right to know what type of sitter she is , whether they do anything about it is up to them, but I would surely let people know to be aware.

I totally agree! I'm sorry this has happened your son, that is just awful! Please keep us updated

04-30-2003, 11:15 AM
Originally posted by RescueAPit
I am afraid that she would lose her kids.....

I know for a fact she doesnt hurt them! Maybe she needs to lose her kids, if she done this to your child then who elses child is she doing this too, You should take pictures of the bruises or take the child to the hospital and let them take pics and let them know how the bruises got there, as if you sit there and do nothing about reporting her you are just as guilty of child abuse as she is.....No child should be spanked that hard :mad: Do what you have to do for the sake of your child and the others that are in her care, before something drastic happens and you feel guilty for not reporting it........JMHO

04-30-2003, 11:24 AM
I stay home with my children exactly because of my fear of something like this happening. My husband is a Sargeant in the Dept. of Corrections and you would just die at the kind of scum he deals with and the things they have done to children. People who you would never think could hurt a child, but have.

Report her....She put her hands on your baby...She is lucky you don't kill her.

04-30-2003, 11:52 AM
Originally posted by morris2b
Maybe she needs to lose her kids, if she done this to your child then who elses child is she doing this too, You should take pictures of the bruises or take the child to the hospital and let them take pics and let them know how the bruises got there, as if you sit there and do nothing about reporting her you are just as guilty of child abuse as she is.....No child should be spanked that hard :mad: Do what you have to do for the sake of your child and the others that are in her care, before something drastic happens and you feel guilty for not reporting it........JMHO

Dont turn this around on me. And as far as you know I may have already done some of these things Would you like a minute by minute account of the things that happened since 8 this morning??

I edited to add that maybe if you read more carefully before jumping all over my **** you WOULD SEE I ALREADY TOOK PICTURES!!!!

04-30-2003, 02:46 PM
Perosnally I would be pressing charges, regardless of wheather she would loose her kids or not! I would not only be very worried about what my own child has gone threw, but what the other children that she is watching are still going threw! I hate to say it but a smack like on a different part of the body could do some serious damage! or even kill a child if it were to be in the ribs and she were to crack one! I am sorry but if it were me, that is what I would do!
I hope that you find another babysitter soon! and I hope that your little one makes it threw this ok.

04-30-2003, 02:48 PM
I have to agree with everyone that you should talk to the other parents, and I think truthfully yes you should do something, if she gets away with this what will it be next time, breaking a bone, scarring someones child, maybe for life.
Good luck, hard spot to be in but hope your able to decide

04-30-2003, 06:45 PM
I am so sorry this happened to you and your child. I am a day care provider and the first thing I find out is what kind of punishment is ok and what is not. I do swat kids on the butt as a last straw and with the parents premission. But never have I ever even came close to leaving marks on a child. This is the main reason I started working at home. My DD was being watched by a babysitter and it got to be such a hassle, my DD would cry all day long when she knew I had to go to work that night(clue #1). One day I took an early out and came to get my DD and she was in bed asleep at 6pm(clue #2). Then one day I found a bruise on her butt that was shaped like a belt. There was no more clues I was out of there. Then the neighbors started telling me how bad she was to my DD. HELLO, why did you not tell me that from the start? I decided that I could not trust anyone with my DD after that and I have never regreted giving up my high paying job for my peace of mind.

05-01-2003, 04:10 AM
Originally posted by RescueAPit
Dont turn this around on me. And as far as you know I may have already done some of these things Would you like a minute by minute account of the things that happened since 8 this morning??

I edited to add that maybe if you read more carefully before jumping all over my **** you WOULD SEE I ALREADY TOOK PICTURES!!!! I was not getting all over your a$$, I was just stating a fact!!!!!!!!!

You said you were afraid she would lose her kids, well WTH kind of human being would find out that there kid had bruises from an adult and then have the nerve to say I am afraid they will lose their kids????? Get real here, we are talking about children, what if your child is not the only one packing bruises from this woman????Her child/children may actually look worse on the underneath, where things can be hid so easy........

Looks like everyone else is pretty much saying the same thing as I said, oh maybe I worded mine differently and you say I am jumping your a$$.......:rolleyes: Sorry if that is how you took it, but child abuse is not something that anyone should play around with......

05-01-2003, 04:55 AM
As an abused child I agree you should report her. I understand not wanting to get involved all too well. I wished for years and years that someone would be brave enough to get involved. Everyone knew what was going on but no one wanted to 'get involved' cause like you, they didn't want him to lose me to the state... and I think a few of them were scared of him too. No matter how well you see her treat her kids, you have no idea how they are treated when no one else is around. My dad treated me like a princess when we were around ppl but he hid my abuse well. I only had bruises on my butt and my back and during the summer he would refuse to buy me shorts so when he did bruise my legs no one could see it. He'd even go so far as to drag me in the bathroom in CHURCH to slap me around but no one ever wanted to know about it so no one 'got involved'. Please make a report, I'm not trying to bash you or make you feel guilty, I'm just begging you... for the sake of every child that's been in contact w/ her and especially the ones that live under the same roof... pls be brave enough to get involved... if those children ARE being abused they will thank you someday, I promise.

05-01-2003, 05:15 AM
Originally posted by morris2b
I was not getting all over your a$$, I was just stating a fact!!!!!!!!!

You said you were afraid she would lose her kids, well WTH kind of human being would find out that there kid had bruises from an adult and then have the nerve to say I am afraid they will lose their kids????? Get real here, we are talking about children, what if your child is not the only one packing bruises from this woman????Her child/children may actually look worse on the underneath, where things can be hid so easy........

Looks like everyone else is pretty much saying the same thing as I said, oh maybe I worded mine differently and you say I am jumping your a$$.......:rolleyes: Sorry if that is how you took it, but child abuse is not something that anyone should play around with......

I'm gonna agree with you morris2b,,,100%. If that was my kid, with bruises on them from ANYONE, I'd be on them like stink on chit! I have 'swatted' my kids, and never in my life have I left a bruise! My gawd!!! Think of how hard she had to have wacked your child to leave a bruise,,,OF HER FINGERS!!! And I'm curious as to how you know for a fact that she's not abusing her own children, you just now found out she's been 'wacking' your children for sometime now. Oh the hindsite on this if something happens to a child in her 'care'.

05-01-2003, 07:49 AM
I'm sorry this happened to you child, and hope he is ok. I agree that your should speak to the other parents about this. If this had happened to another child in her care, wouldn't you want someone to tell you?? I have swatted my child, and even used a belt on my son once, when he was 8, it didn't even leave bruises. So it must have been a pretty hard "swat" to leave fingerprint bruises on his butt. I would also report this to CPS, (or whatever they are called in your area) they need to investigate. You can't just "know" what she does to the other children or her own. If everything is on the up & up, great. If not, you would be doing all the other children who stay there a big favor, maybe even save their lives. How guilty would you feel if something happens to one of the other children, because you didn't report this incident???

05-01-2003, 11:33 AM
I have to agree with everyone else. You really need to contact the authorities about this. Someone who has enough b@lls to hit someone else's child hard enough to leave bruises is more than likely abusing their own children. My father used to abuse us, and would leave the marks where nobody could see. I never said anything because I was too scared and her children probably are too.
Dont let this go any further, what could happen the next time or to someone else's child??

05-01-2003, 06:17 PM
I don't think I'd report her without talking to your son 1st to find out exactly how often and how hard she spanked him. BUT if you had told her not to spank your child and she did anyway, thats a different story. Not everyone thinks the same way and not everyone thinks that just because its not their kid, they shouldn't spank. Oh and I didn't think anyone here jumped on you either-everyone is just giving you their opinion.

05-01-2003, 07:10 PM
I wasn't going to reply but i can't stop myself !
i had a babysitter abuse all 4 of my kids one time 22
years ago, it had went on for atleast a month before i
found out . it was terrible ! the a**hole i was married to
would not let me do anything , i'd been thinking of divorce
anyway so this put the iceing on the cake ! i divorced him ,
I was in a bar one night (my mom had the kids) i saw that beotch!
i told my friend "watch this" i walked right over to her and kicked her guts out ! i beet her till she was bloody , ripped her hair out!
nobody stopped me cause the whole time i was saying THIS IS FROM 2 YEARS AGO WHEN YOU HURT MY KIDS ! And several other things !

05-01-2003, 09:13 PM
i knew i wasn't going to jail but even if i did i would have been home before the kids even got up in the morning . it was worth the risk , and also she did not spank my kids , i never said what the abuse was , i should have killed her but i don't want to go to hell !

05-02-2003, 12:05 AM
Originally posted by reneep45
i knew i wasn't going to jail but even if i did i would have been home before the kids even got up in the morning . it was worth the risk , and also she did not spank my kids , i never said what the abuse was , i should have killed her but i don't want to go to hell !

I'm not a violent person...but someone abusing my children would be an exception. I would lose my mind.

05-02-2003, 03:31 AM
RescueAPit, I am sorry that you took what I said the wrong way......I don't want hard feelings with you or anyone else here at BBS..

05-02-2003, 04:37 AM
Originally posted by OX_Love_OX
I'm not a violent person...but someone abusing my children would be an exception. I would lose my mind.

EXACTLY ! I am not & never have been violent, but nobody knows
how they will react till it happens to them .
Also i am 47 now & i'd probably handle it differently now , ya
know ,, like uuuuuuhh pay someone else to do it ! lmbo ! just kidding ! I'm not sugjesting that Jody do that to her babysitter either, she will do the right thing for her situation.
And back to you Jody , i'm so sorry this happened to your child & it's bad enough to have to leave them , then this happens !

05-02-2003, 05:52 AM
Not saying that this is the case and not taking the baby sitters side, but do you know for a fact the bruise actually came from the spanking?

I know a lot of people who bruise very easily and it they even bump up against something, no matter how light the tap, it leaves a bruise on them.

Also, what kind of understanding did you have with this person? You cannot assume that a person will not discipline your child the same way they do theirs.