View Full Version : I need someone to fill me in on General Hospital!

04-29-2003, 03:37 PM
I missed it yesterday, but read the recap on line. I'm sure it leaves out a lot though. Today (tuesday) I missed the first 45 minutes of it, and the last 15 just left me wondering what I missed. How does Rick know about Sonny? Who is he? What' going on with that?? Fill me in!! THANKS!!

04-29-2003, 03:51 PM
Well Rick is Sonnys brother. He told him that today! Jason found Courtney, Carley went to go get Micheal at the courtermans, and it showed her starting to fall down the stairs AGAIN!!! (That makes me so mad)

04-29-2003, 03:51 PM
I've missed the past two days but managed to see the last 10 minutes of today. The last thing Rick said to Sonny as Sonny was holding a gun to him, was "Go ahead and shoot your brother!" (or something to that effect!) Where did that come from!?!

04-29-2003, 03:52 PM
This show is so weird now but I will try to tell you. Ok Ric is Sonny's brother. Same mother,differnt dad. Im going to list a website that you can goto to get all the info cause it is confusing!
goto www.wubs.net and click on rumors and scoops. It will tell you just about everything. If you still need more then go here http://groups.msn.com/GeneralHospitalHappeningsTwo/yourwebpage21.msnw

04-29-2003, 04:05 PM
Read it in my Soap Opera Digest earlier. Ric is Sonny's brother from Sonny's mother and Ric's father. Here is how the story goes in the mag.
The revelation that Ric is Sonny's half brother, occurs in Ric's family home on Martha's vineyard, which Sonny recalls having been in as a child with his mother Adela. With some prompting from a pistol-packin' Ric, Sonny remembers Ric's father Trevor, was Adela's (his mothers) boss at one point and that Sonny was responsible for his mom falling down a flight of stairs. "Sonny's recurring nightmare of Carly going down stiars...we reveal the genesis of this whole thing in his past." notes head writer Robert Guza, Jr.
Turns out that Adela had been pregnant with Trevor's love child, Ric, at the time prompting Trevor to give her an ultimatum: Give up Sonny for adoption and start a new life with their baby or disappera. Adela obviously chose to keep Sonny (Trevor raised Ric)- Thus in Ric's mind robbing both Ric and Adela of a happy life.

There's more but my hands are tired. Mostly about how this vandetta against Sonny is being played out.

04-29-2003, 04:34 PM
Those are some wicked rumors/scoops!!!:eek:

04-29-2003, 07:20 PM
oh and michael went to see AJ. Carley found out he was there and went to get him. She and AJ fight on the stairs.. and yep she falls again. :eek: Thats where it left off.

04-29-2003, 07:42 PM
Good lord, that girl just cannot keep herself on the stairs. :rolleyes: LOL!

Thanks for the updates!

04-29-2003, 07:46 PM
bobby is sleeping with susie who is johnny's girl who is slinking around with fred who is carlas husband who is stalking sally who is pregnant with bobby's child and no one loves anyone cause they forget who they are to be with ......stay tuned for tomorrows episode...CLEAR AS MUD NOW HUH.......LMAO YOU WOMEN AND YOUR SOAPS yuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

04-29-2003, 08:26 PM
I'm still waiting for them to bring back the Helena Cassadine story as they left us hanging with her peeking in on Luke and Laura saying "I got you now!"

04-29-2003, 08:51 PM
Originally posted by tsquared
bobby is sleeping with susie who is johnny's girl who is slinking around with fred who is carlas husband who is stalking sally who is pregnant with bobby's child and no one loves anyone cause they forget who they are to be with ......stay tuned for tomorrows episode...CLEAR AS MUD NOW HUH.......LMAO YOU WOMEN AND YOUR SOAPS yuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

Hey, Id watch GH just to look at Maurice Benard aka Sonny. Hmmm now thats a delish man. *fans self while drinking ice water* ;) :D

04-29-2003, 09:13 PM
Originally posted by scifiwoman
Hey, Id watch GH just to look at Maurice Benard aka Sonny. Hmmm now thats a delish man. *fans self while drinking ice water* ;) :D

yyyuuummmm! ;)

04-30-2003, 05:52 AM
Originally posted by Talanco
This show is so weird now but I will try to tell you. Ok Ric is Sonny's brother. Same mother,differnt dad. Im going to list a website that you can goto to get all the info cause it is confusing!
goto www.wubs.net and click on rumors and scoops. It will tell you just about everything. If you still need more then go here http://groups.msn.com/GeneralHospitalHappeningsTwo/yourwebpage21.msnw

i LOVE the wubs site.:D and i really get a kick oughta the "wubs" themselves. those are too funny:p

04-30-2003, 07:11 AM
I watched 5 hours of this soap on SaopNet the other night trying to get caught up! Thought my eyeballs were gonna fall out! :)

04-30-2003, 10:57 AM
Originally posted by ahippiechic
I watched 5 hours of this soap on SaopNet the other night trying to get caught up! Thought my eyeballs were gonna fall out! :)
5 hours of that crap.......they should!!!!!!!!!! how did you remember who was sleeping with who??????????