View Full Version : question bout my cat

04-28-2003, 12:38 PM
My cat had a kitten lastnight. I dont understand how she could have one cause it really looks like she could still have more and her belly is awful hard still. Anyway, how would I know if shes not nursing the kitten? I havent seen her with it much and when she is laying with it, it doesnt nurse on her. I have never dealt with kittens before I just dont want it to die if its not eating. How would I know if its not eating? lol I sound like a moron but I couldnt bare to see it die :(.

04-28-2003, 01:24 PM
Call your local vet. If she isn't nursing the kitten, it will die. call your vet now and take the cat in.

04-28-2003, 03:33 PM
o wow how fast time flies. i justw ent through all of this jan 17th just ask the chatters-lol they helped me through it. email me and i can help ya or add me to yahoo messenger as turnercreations

04-28-2003, 05:21 PM
If she has a big one or one sideways in her it may not be able to come out and blocking the others. she may not be nursing cause of this problem, she is in pain. Get her to the vet.

All pet lovers, try to watch Animal Planet on channel 67. "That's MY Baby" program is very educational.