View Full Version : Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

04-25-2003, 08:28 PM
Okay... my ex has been gone for a month so I figured it's time for me to start dating again. So I accept a blind date... that would be mistake one.

We talked on the phone a couple nights, hung out a couple times, he seemed like a nice guy, shared a couple goodnight kisses... well, tonight I go pick him up from work thinking I'm just going to drop him off and come home. He has me running everywhere in my car, picking people up... dropping people off.

I got tired of driving so I let him drive for awhile. We sit at this restaurant for 2 hours waiting for someone to get off work. They finally get off work and I guess he was showing off his "driving skills" and it was annoying the crap out of me. So the next time we stopped I said that I was going to drive from then on. He didn't give me my keys so I said it again.

He throws my keys on top of my car, won't tell me directions to these peoples house and when we finally get there he gets out, grabs his stuff and goes in the house without even a goodbye....


I think I'm gonna hold out for the hot guy at Walmart. :p

04-25-2003, 09:29 PM
And I forgot to mention that the ex called today "to see if I'm okay" hmmm... a month later!!! Must have been a huge hit to the ego when I had to ask who it was... lol...

but according to him I've "been with" 2 or 3 guys already and he knows that I have.... WHATEVER

04-25-2003, 10:38 PM
OK, first clue: he does not have a car of his own (or that's what I got from your post) My rule is no job, no car, no place of your own, no date! You are so much better than that. Don't accept his calls, you deserve a man that will treat you with respect. If he is acting like such a baby in the first couple weeks, imagine 4 or 5 years down the road! Stay strong!

04-26-2003, 01:22 AM
If he is acting like such a baby in the first couple weeks, imagine 4 or 5 years down the road!

My thoughts exactly!!! I so don't need the drama of an immature punk right now.... I just can't wait to see if he has the NERVE to call me for a ride to work tomorrow.

04-26-2003, 06:01 AM
{{{hugs}}} You poor thing. My sister has the worst time (calls herself flypaper for freaks, if that gives you any idea, lol). But now she's with a guy who treats her like gold. Keep your chin up and good luck.

04-26-2003, 09:46 AM
I think I'd be having a talk with whoever set up that blind date. What were they thinking?

I just talked to her. She can't believe the way he was acting either. Flypaper for freaks huh? Sounds like the way I am too!! She can't quit apologizing but I think it's kind of funny... got to find the losers to find the keepers, right?

04-26-2003, 10:04 AM
(((AngelBear3)))...we have just about the same luck with men ...LOL...Keep your chin up ..a REAL one will come along soon :)

04-26-2003, 10:06 AM
angelbear hold on good things come to those who wait.........

I met the love of my life right here online ;)

04-26-2003, 12:49 PM
LMAO... the jerk just called and wanted to know what my problem was last night......

04-26-2003, 12:51 PM
LOL! Poor jerk, he hasnt got a clue. AND I hope to GOODNESS you dont stick around to give him a clue either.

I think a month is too short of a time to be ready to date again, but thats my opinion. I waited almost a year after me and my ex split. And he lived 3 states away. I know that I refused to date anyone that relied on me to take them ANYWHERE. If they cant at least come and pick me up, then they arent worth my time or trouble.

04-28-2003, 10:16 AM
After picking up his cousin and their friends, I felt responsible for making sure that they got home alright. That's why I didn't just leave.