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04-21-2003, 12:39 PM
I got an e-mail from my brother today asking me to call my dr and ask him to call in a prescription for my brother for pain pills. He said that his wisdom teeth are bothering him and he is swollen. He asked me to then call my father at work and tell him where the prescription was filled so that my dad could pick them up after work. He said he would do it, but he had to work today and wouldn't be able to....

Ok, here is my beef with that:
1.) Just this past week, he tried to start trouble between my father and me.

2.) I had made an appointment with an oral surgeon, made arrangements for my brother to make payments because he doesn't have dental insurance, made arrangements for a sitter to watch my kids while I drove him to and from the dentist, made arrangements for someone to stay with him until my father got home from work. - He cancelled after my sitter arrived and refused to call the dentist to cancel the appt. I had to do it.

3.) My brother is 27years old and I am not responsible to make sure he has medical treatment. He has 2 fifteen minute breaks and a half hour lunch - he can call a doctor then.

4.) My brother has a drug problem and I will not ask my dr to give him pain pills. My stomach just churned when I read his e-mail.

5.) My brother has blamed me for his drinking problem. I have never taken him to a bar, nor have I ever bought or otherwise provided alcohol to him. He wasnt' even legal drinking age when I moved out of the family home!

I protected my sibs from our abusive mother and made sure they were cared for. I made all the meals, did all the cleaning, made sure everyone had their homework done, did all the laundry, and everything else that a parent would do since I was small. (Started cooking etc when I was 9)

He has done so many terrible things to my family and I am all for getting on with your life and if you aren't doing the same crap, then forgive and forget - BUT I will not be taken advantage of. I am still paying off his and my mother's bills that are on my credit report. I have had limited contact with my brother recently and now I am once again paying for being kind. I should have kept on being a
b!tch and had peace in my life. I hadn't spoken with my brother for almost 5 years.

I just have to keep reminding myself that I am not responsible for the world and to get the "walk all over me, I am a doormat" sign off of my forehead! I am NOT doing anything for him. He needs to GROW THE FECK UP!!!!!

04-21-2003, 01:00 PM
You are exactly right. You are not responsible for him and if it were me I wouldn't do for him. He can call the doctor and pharmacies are open from 9 am to 9 pm depending on where you live.

Sometimes you just have to kick butt to get the rest of the world to understand that you won't be taken advantage of. Stand up for yourself. No one else is going to do it.

04-21-2003, 01:06 PM
You sound like you feel quilty but I don't understand why. You've more than done your share towards your family. It's time for some tough love and for your brother to stand on his own 2 feet.

BTW, what kind of doctor would prescribe pain pills without seeing the patient? Your brother expects too much. I have a feeling he knows what buttons to push when it concerns you.

04-21-2003, 01:55 PM
I haven't had any contact with my brother for almost 5 years - none. My dad "accidentally" gave my brother my e-mail address and he e-mailed me. Once every few weeks, he would e-mail me about our childhood - trying to make sense of things. That is the only reason I talked to him at all.

The only reason I helped with the dental appt was because my father asked me to. And I have not done anything for my brother since that one time.

I don't feel bad for my brother - he dug his own hole by messing with my family and threatening my children. I just get sick of people thinking that I can and will do everything for them. Where would he even get the idea that I would is beyond me! Like I said, there has been very limited contact only recently and nothing for almost 5 years previous to that.

My dr would not prescribe any drugs without seeing a patient first.

04-21-2003, 05:40 PM
I have the same problem. My brother is 30. He still lives with my parents. He owes them so much money it is redicoulis. He uses drugs. He is now supposed to be moving out. They can't wait. I am hoping he will actually grow up one day.

04-21-2003, 10:22 PM
This all sounds familiar...I have two brothers who are drunks & a sister who is beyond lazy. (All three are lazy and worthless)Yes, you got it, they all reside with my mother. Not a damn one of them have jobs. My poor mother lives off of my fathers Disability. (She was on SSI prior to my fathers death. She has health problems & is unable to work.) These three fools refuse to get a job, they say they don't have to. Mind you, they are 32, 28 & 26 yrs old.

I can't get it through their thick arse heads. That they need to work and help out. They just ignore me or call me names, tell me to mind my own damn buisness. I asked them, "What the hell do you plan on doing if something was to happen to mom"? They just look at me all stupid. I guess they think she'll live forever and take care of their sorry arses...

Sorry for taking over your thread...I know how brothers/sisters can be....Most of the time they are pure pain in the arse.

04-22-2003, 07:44 AM
You know, I just can't believe how many sorry people there are. NoFoolPrice was just talking about her sister and I can totally relate to her and now everyone who has gone through basically the same thing replying to this thread... It is just unbelieveable! I mean, these people are not children - they are all adults!

I truely wish everyone the best. I have decided to completely sever ties with my brother again and not even have the limited e-mail contact. My peace of mind is more important.

Thanks for listening to me vent!

04-22-2003, 07:53 AM
RC, I think you said it when you said, "he needs to grow up" I totally agree.

04-22-2003, 08:26 AM
My brother lives in a house my mom GAVE him, and ended up getting a loan on it, which my MOM has paid on the last year or so. I am through with him. I only am civil when I see him, and I swear if my mom complains about him ONCE more to me I am going to tell her that maybe if she quit babying his sorry arse and bailing him out all of the time, that he might grow up and take care of business. He has 2 small kids, and his wife left 2 yrs ago and hasn't come back, so Mom thinks we all need to feel sorry for him. Nope. I feel for the kids, but not him. Not at all. He has been a spoiled brat since he was born. Me and my sister had to clean up after him, and he was the prized child. Never had to be responsible, and he treats my mom like a dog. If I see him do it again, I have decided that even if it means my mom gets pissed, I am going to tell him off royally and tell him to grow the heck up. Oh, he will probably run off at the mouth with cuss words at me since he isn't intelligent enough to come up with something else to say. But I do not care. He can kiss my big ol' butt.