View Full Version : I am so pissed!

04-20-2003, 02:39 AM
I just hate being angry. Bear with me, I am so friggin pissed. Little sis thought she could steal my identity and get by with it. This hurt my ma pretty bad, she feels so bad that her daughter could be such a lowlife. If I could get my hands on that girl I would strangle her, what a lowlife sniveling stupid slimy little ***** she is, and we cut her off over a year ago because she is such a low down horrible person. I have to vent, I swear to god girls, I have to vent, how on earth could anyone be so evil? Hows could any little slimy lowlife hurt her mom like that? She got me good, and I took care of it, but to hurt her mom? After I went to court and dmv and got my name cleared, I thought I was ok, but no, I am not, I am so pissed about her doing this to my mom. Stupid little twat, she stole my boyfriends, she took my moms Windsong not once, but 3 times, we laughed about it, but now she took my name. Oh man, this was a nightmare and I hate her. My poor ma, she told me to press charges, and she is hurting, it's just not fair. Oh yes, it's not over, the lowlife had credit cards in my name! It's not fair that my mom has to go through this.

04-20-2003, 09:09 AM

04-20-2003, 09:15 AM
It really hurts when family does things like this. {{{HUGZ}}}

04-20-2003, 10:50 AM
((((hugs)))). That is horrible. I can relate my brother did this to my dad. Ran up a lot of debt in his name. The debt was so high I am having to send myself thru college(I am so cool with this). I think his debt was about 50000. My parents decided to pay it so sweet brother wouldn't go to jail. So I can definately relate.

04-20-2003, 10:59 AM
{{{mlayton1994}}}Your poor parents, probably should have sent his butt to jail though, that is the only way some people can learn. How horrible of him to do that to you! I love college, I am an old broad and a single mom, but I just got my letter from school telling me I am graduating with honors, I am so excited. Hang in there, girl, school is so wonderful, it has opened so many doors for me. I am sure your parents are very proud of you.

04-20-2003, 12:59 PM
My cousin was injured in a car accident and spent the rest of his life in a coma. He was in a spealized nursing care facility. While there a male care attendant got all of his private info. oust of his chart. He got a fake ID and bought a car using it. Dumb@ss though used my Aunt's address instead of his own. Auntie got the car title in the mail and called Channel 11 news help division. They did an investigation and had him arrested.
I have another cousin that someone stole her identity and as she got that all fixed someone different did it to her again. She has now gone through it 3 times. She even had to change her name.

04-20-2003, 01:41 PM
I don't even know what to say. So I'll just give ya some hugs. {{{hugs}}}

04-20-2003, 02:51 PM
its amazing what your own family can do to you-I feel bad for you. I have a lowlife sister also, so I can relate.

04-20-2003, 04:41 PM

04-21-2003, 09:39 AM


04-21-2003, 02:45 PM
hope they throw the book at her..{{{{hugs}}}}}