View Full Version : Stolen Identity

04-09-2003, 10:15 PM
My little sister knows about these boards and my board name. I need to talk. I went to get my drivers license renewed today and could not. It seems my little sis got stopped by police, flashed her big blue eyes at them and gave them my name. Didn't show up to pay my ticket, so I have a warrant. She has felony warrants and no drivers license.
I spent the day on the phone with detectives, dmv, traffic court, etc. I can't go to work or school without knowing I can't drive, turned my world upside down. The earliest court date I can get to prove it is not until 5/15.
She is bipolar, but I ain't forgiven again. I am losing my insurance, she is costing me a semester, I can't drive for 6 weeks, 2 pts. off my license.
I am done with 30 years of this crap. My DEH warned me to be careful, yet I excused her because she is "family".
If Stacy is reading this, then know that your felony's are noted. You will not chase me off another board, nor will I pay for your tickets. I shall see you in court.


04-09-2003, 10:39 PM
OMG!! That is terrible!! ((((NoFoolPrice))))

04-09-2003, 10:40 PM
Sorry you have to go through that. :( I have a sis like that too. Wonder if you can sue the police dept. They should have asked for ID not just taken her word for who she was. I hope you get it all straightened out soon. {{{{{hugs}}}}}

04-09-2003, 11:50 PM
Maybe some kind of restraing order would be helpful. You could include using your name for any reason as one of the conditions.

04-10-2003, 12:04 AM
I'm sorry I just don't understand. Didn't the cops ask to see her driver's license, or some other kind of id? Or did they just take her word for it? If they didn't ask for id, then they are negligent and you shouldn't be having to go through any of this. Is there something I'm missing? If not, if I were in your position I would get an attorney.

I'm bipolar also and that's just no excuse for her behavior. I know self control can be a problem with bipolar, but bipolar doesn't make you act like she did. I've known some people with severe bipolar and they never did things like that. I sure wouldn't let her use that as an excuse! I live a decent life with bipolar (and other problems), and if I can do it, so can she. JMHO

04-10-2003, 12:16 AM
Originally posted by Bohemut
I'm sorry I just don't understand. Didn't the cops ask to see her driver's license, or some other kind of id? Or did they just take her word for it? If they didn't ask for id, then they are negligent and you shouldn't be having to go through any of this. Is there something I'm missing? If not, if I were in your position I would get an attorney.

I'm bipolar also and that's just no excuse for her behavior. I know self control can be a problem with bipolar, but bipolar doesn't make you act like she did. I've known some people with severe bipolar and they never did things like that. I sure wouldn't let her use that as an excuse! I live a decent life with bipolar (and other problems), and if I can do it, so can she. JMHO

Ppl don't always have their identification w/ them (and some do and just lie), but as bad as a rap as they get, the police really are a trusting breed. They almost have to be, or every person who didn't show ID would be in jail until they could produce it and that would be ALOT of people. We got pulled over one night while out driving w/ friends. I thought for sure at that time (even tho I didn't) that I had a couple of warrants out for my arrest and made it a point to not carry my ID. So when the police man asked for it, I didn't have one w/ me. They can still look in their computers under your name and birthdate and an actual copy of your license, picture included will pop up on their little computer screens. My picture came right on up and he knew I had atleast had a license at one time (even tho cause I thought I had warrants it was expired, but I wasn't driving so it's a moot point). Or atleast they do here, they might not in other places. They obviously don't do that in other places, or this girl would not have been able to get away w/ what she did. It is to my understanding tho that even if they can't see a picture of it that every police computer system in the country can pull up all other information of a license on their computers even if there is no photo. If the sister fit enough of the basic description that is put on drivers licenses then they would have accepted that it was her. It might not be right, but ppl already complain about overcrowded jails as it is, could you imagine arresting *every* person who didn't produce a drivers license but did give name and birthdate and seemed to fit the general description on the computer? It would be a disaster for police departments across the entire country and sometimes things like this happen. Atleast the OP has some recourse and can get this straightened out and her sister SHOULD be responsible for what she did.

04-10-2003, 12:26 AM
[COLOR=red]I guess it's just different here. If you are driving and don't have your license with you they will take you to the police station. If someone can bring it in, then you just have to pay a fine. If you can't/won't produce the actual driver's license you receive a much larger fine, and if you have one, you lose your license (I don't remember for how long). They will not/cannot just take your word for it here. It's state law. I guess that's why I didn't understand... [COLOR]

04-10-2003, 06:27 AM
What should have happened when she could not produce a license is that they should have fingerprinted her on the back of the citation, but they did not. Our descriptions are very similar, although the citation does note that she has blue eyes, mine are green. Also, I can prove where I was the day of the citation, she lives an hour away, and the citation was in her hometown, not mine. I swear, the girl farts roses, she has been running around with felonies for years, she always just gets a little slap on the hand, while her family pays for her actions. Once again, I am suffering because of the little b's behavior, but it's only temporary. This time I am pressing charges, and according to the detective in her hometown, someone else is pressing identity theft charges too. She's a thief and a liar and a druggie, her mode of operandi is to meet guys, get them to trust her (I don't know how she does it, by the second day, these idiots give her their life story and credit cards), then she runs off after cleaning out their bank accounts and maxing their cards. She always uses the excuse "but I am bipolar!" No more. She figures good old sis will just take the rap for her again, but good old sis is fed up. I can't even finish out my semester at school, I don't dare drive. I had two bday parties planned in the next couple of weeks, DEH and dots, but I have no way to go shopping and prepare for these, so thanks, Stacy, you screwed up dots bday, what a wonderful aunt. I know I will eventually be able to clear my name, but what a hassle! DEH has to lose a couple days of work to drive me to court, I have to miss out on classes, will have to pay to reinstate my insurance and live in fear of being arrested. I have tried for years to help this girl, and she has screwed me every time. The stories I could tell about how badly she has treated her family are unbelievable. What is more unbelievable is how we all felt sorry for this miserable excuse for a human and just kept letting her do it to us. I used to let her move in with me when she got stuck, but I finally quit that, got tired of her sleeping with my boyfriends. Our poor mom, she has taken so much from her. I just don't understand how anyone could be so evil. I used to think I was just a better person and a bit naive, but no more, I know now that I was just stupid to let her get by with it. I have to put a security lock on my name with the DMV and the credit bureaus, what a hassle! I checked my credit report on the advice of a detective that knows her, and gee, what a surprise, I sure am applying for a lot of credit cards these days! She is trying to get a new id as me, and I am not going to let it happen. The girl is going to jail, and this time her family will not be there to bail her out. She has put a complete hold on my life. Like I said, it's only temporary, but can you imagine what it would be like to all of a sudden find out you are wanted by the police and can not drive? I am just sick about this. What's funny is that even little dot was not surprised when she found out. She is so cute, she said "mom, nobody can mistake you for Aunt Stacy, you are so much prettier!" I am just sick about school, last semester I made dean's list, this semester I have to drop my classes and will get F's, a month left of classes, I have aced everything so far, but I just don't dare drive to school now. I always believe that things happen for a reason, I have no idea why this is happening, but it sure sucks.

04-10-2003, 06:39 AM
:eek: Sorry for your troubles.

And for your sister...SHAME ON YOU!! You should go sit in jail and rot awhile!! But it seems like she would just be one of those ppl that sue for kool aid refills or soap on a rope. :(

04-10-2003, 06:43 AM
I wouldn't worry too much about the insurance part. If you can provide the court papers to the insurance company, they should take that off your record. (At least the company I worked at would) Also, once you have gone to court, make sure to follow up on your DMV record to make sure it's cleared off.

04-10-2003, 07:05 AM
They will put her away this time, I will make sure of it. People like her should not be allowed out in society to prey on innocent victims. I actually have lived in fear that she would try to steal my identity, I knew I was a logical choice, but what could I do? Go to the police and say "my sister is going to get stopped and use my id?" I had no proof, but now I do, I will be there in court when they cuff her and put her away where she belongs. It really is making me physically ill, how can anyone be so bad? I just don't get it. I feel bad for my mom and my kids, they are so ashamed of her and so outraged at her for how she has screwed me over again. I am just really, really sad, I can't believe we share the same DNA.

04-10-2003, 07:27 AM
Too bad we can't choose family....

JMO - if she knows enough to use bi-polar as an excuse, she knows enough to know she is doing something wrong.

I hope you get this straightened out soon! Couldn't you talk to someone at the school and see if they will let you do some of your work online? Or maybe someone could loan you their notes or tapes or something so that you could still finish out your semister? Maybe one of the other students could pick you up for school or something....

04-10-2003, 07:59 AM
Thanks for your advice and kind words, everyone. I just emailed teachers and explained my bizarre situation. I am a very good student, they know me and I have high hopes that we can work something out. Send positive vibes my way today, please. It is going to be another day of detectives and insurance and credit bureaus, and I really don't feel up to it. Kind of just want to crawl in a corner and hide, but I don't have that luxury, I have to deal with this situation and will not rest until I know that she can not hurt my family anymore. Despite my name, I have been a fool, but I will no longer tolerate her abuse. Blood runs thinner than water sometimes, obviously, she didn't care about hurting her family, and we no longer care that she shares our DNA. We are ashamed, yes, but we will no longer be victims. The rest of my family just wants to strangle her over this, but I am just really sad and trying my best to stay off the pity-pot. I wish I could be angry, but it is just sad and confusing when your own sister could be so hateful and mean.

04-10-2003, 10:21 AM
What I am sorry about is that my poor old Ma has to go through this. She is really worried sick about me and has not been well lately. She wants me to get an attorney, and I am thinking maybe she is right. She said she had read a lot of stories about identity theft and that it can take years to straighten out. My mom is 71 and tough as nails, she has been through so much, yet she is the sweetest person one could ever meet. She does daycare and is an internet shopping junkie, everyone loves her. I think she almost feels guilty because I have to go through this crap sis has dished me once again. Not mom's fault, she certainly did her best, my elder sis and I are proof of that. Who knows what deviation genetics may pass on? "Nobody told me there would days like this!"

04-10-2003, 10:25 AM

04-10-2003, 10:32 AM
I hope you dont have to miss classes this close to the end of the semester. Any way you could ride the bus or get another student in your class to give you a ride? I hope it works out. Keep us updated. Hope sis from hell gets whats coming this time. I know how you feel I have one of those too.. drugs, police, kids that my mom is raising.. and she just had another one in jan. :( If you ever want to chat just pm me :) good luck.

04-10-2003, 10:48 AM
Well, I did email teachers and waiting for a response. I did the bus thing before, for two years, 20 hours a week of buses. I am taking night classes now, becuase of childcare situation, and the bus stops running before I get out of class. I can get there, but not home again. I will figure out something, I have a rep as a problem solver. However, it will take time and money and again, time. The chance of going to jail scares me terribly. I would love to pull a blanket over my head and go to the couch in the garage, put on my new Beatles Anthology and pretend this isn't happening.

04-10-2003, 10:56 AM
Hopefully you can get a ride home with one of the other students or even maybe a teacher? I really hope things work out for you. :) I hate it when people take advantage like that and wont stand up and be a woman/man. Hope your mom is doing ok with this too. I know it is bound to be hard on her. {{{{{hugs for you and mom}}}}}}

04-10-2003, 11:46 AM
ahhh, (scifi))) hugs back to you too. Thanks for your concern, it's so nice to know I can come to BBS and find comfort. I do hope my sister is not reading this thread, but she probably is, I already feel so very invaded but I am sure she would invade my board, nothing is sacred to her. It hurts terribly that she is my sis, but just to know that there is someone out there claiming to be me to avoid imprisonment or get credit is just really creepy. As I sit here, she could be using my name to buy a car or get out of a ticket, really creepy.

04-10-2003, 12:27 PM
OMG!! Im so sorry she did this to you

04-10-2003, 12:32 PM
just got more info. Someone had better stop me because I am personally going to take her to task. How dare she use my name?

04-10-2003, 01:04 PM
From whatI am hearing today, my sis is trying to claim my identity for credit cards. If I don't knock her on her butt, my kids or mom will. Yes, ladies, I am now angry as hell.

04-10-2003, 01:06 PM
BTW, you have never seen me angry. I am usually so complacent. This will probably be the only time you see me pissed. I am indulging myself with this one time...

04-10-2003, 01:14 PM
I have to be careful of what I say

04-10-2003, 01:15 PM
You better hope that she doesn't have your kid's SS# or she can claim them on her taxes. And you wouldn't know until after you had filed.

Find some way to get to school. I mean if you have to beg a neighbor or another classmate to help you out for a month it would be worth it. School is far too important.

As for your sister, I think that she needs a major reality check. Put her in jail or whatever you have to do to get your life back. She's not worth it. And being bi-polar is no excuse. I'm bi-polar and I would never do anything like that.

04-10-2003, 01:49 PM
{{{{{HUGS}}}}}} I hope you can find a way to get to school.

I do hope she is reading this thread and knows how mad/upset/hurt you and your family is because of her.

Good Luck.

04-10-2003, 02:17 PM
Can you get a hardship license for now? (will they allow that if you explain what happened?)

Also, will your professors allow you to finish up class via the internet?

04-10-2003, 02:55 PM
It just amazes me what "family" will do sometimes. <shakes head> If you have more info I would call the police and let them know. Keep them updated on whats going on and make sure they keep you updated as well. I would make sure the schools know that no one else is to pick up your kids. Who knows what she might decide to do? She could pick them up to show, yes she does have kids (aka as you). Someone that messed up you never know what they might try. Best to cover all your bases. I would also take out a restraining order against her to include your whole family, work, school, kids school, anywhere you can think of to add. (maybe even your moms). Have you heard from your professors yet? {{{{{sending more hugs your way}}}}} :)

04-10-2003, 04:16 PM
my god... what a mess...i personally would have found a ride or hitch or whatever i had to do to find this girl, if she was my sister, and kick her arse GOOD. sounds like she needs a reality check and I think you should be the one to give it to her! i let my sis get away with alot of stuff... but this is just way overboard!!!

jmho, tammy

04-10-2003, 04:23 PM
uhh, if you do not have your ID with you, u r to give your SSN, am I not wrong??? I have never been pulled over without my ID, but I talked to someone who was pulled over 2x in one night w/no ID and this is what happened to her...

04-10-2003, 04:30 PM
{{{{{Hugs}}}}}, I am sorry for what your sister is putting you through. That really sucks. I sure hope that you can get a way to get your classes finished so you don't have to quit them. Good luck to you, I hope you get this all straightened out.

04-10-2003, 05:44 PM
she does have my ss#, and she has my moms, sis, and cousins handwriting and social security # memorised. My mom even found a notebook where she was practicing our signatures and my moms bank account #. I am really scared that I am in deeper than I first thought.

04-10-2003, 05:51 PM
Take that book to the police when you press charges.

04-10-2003, 05:52 PM
Also, I am working with the police, she is wanted where she is for identity theft. The Redondo Beach detective is a doll. It's such a weird story, the cops in my hometown thought maybe I was just trying to get out of a ticket or get vengeance on my sister.

04-10-2003, 05:59 PM
Is anyone holding me back from driving to Redondo and laying her butt out in the street?

04-10-2003, 06:01 PM
i am not holding you back... i say get yourself there and show her whats right and whats wrong... a little bit both will be good for her! I swear to you, I would have hunted my sister down and beat her good. No mercy for those who do you wrong... especially the ones that are supposed to love you!

jmo, tammy :D

04-10-2003, 06:11 PM
I can't drive, I can't kick her ***, I will go to jail! I letting the cops deal with her .I have kids, I will do this legally.

04-10-2003, 06:14 PM
yeah i see your point... i really think you could look into that hardship license idea... heck if i lived near you... i would take you to school and back... I know how hard it is... and how much time and energy that goes into it. When someone messes with your school, then they are just fighting dirty. good luck, nfp... i am sure everything will work out.. and heck, maybe you can kick her butt later on in life.. :D :D :D


04-10-2003, 06:22 PM
thanks, loach, I will work something out about school, still waiting for my teachers to respond, but bet my butt, I will not go from A's to F's. I'm pretty freaked right now, even my mom told me to calm down. It's just really weird to have your name stolen, I am not sure how to deal. The ignorant ***** makes me feel sorry for her, that she needs to steal my life.

04-10-2003, 06:39 PM
She has your moms bank acct # :eek: I would change accts quickly. If she hasnt already cleared it out she probably has plans to, why else would she have the #? I commend you for being so calm and cool. I dont know if I could under the circumstances. Do save that book and take it to the police. Another nail in her coffin. And just in case she is reading this.. I would get it and hide it now and not at your house or your moms. Someplace where it will be safe and she cant get to it.

04-10-2003, 06:40 PM
i can't imagine how you feel... once 450$ was stolen from my paypal/bank acct... that's as close as i have came... and I know I was very upset about that. It will take a bit of time... but they will get her. I have no doubt. ((((nfp)))

04-10-2003, 06:41 PM
Deleted because I was mad but shouldn't have dissed DEH anyway

04-10-2003, 06:51 PM
My ma is sending me copies of everything, we do have ourselves covered. She is scanning and sending.

04-10-2003, 06:57 PM
It's just amazing that someone can turn your life upside down.

04-10-2003, 07:00 PM
Some people think they can do anything and get away with it because they are family. :( I wouldnt let strangers do that to me so why should I let family? I have a sis that got into drugs bad and stole from me and my mom. So I do have a sense of what you are going through. You always think, she is my sister... but even that has a limit. You can only forgive so many times. :( She I think is the one who screwed up my assistance and could cost me my house. I cant prove it but I have suspicions. :( Sorry didnt mean to take over your thread. :) Just wanted you to know I can understand a little.

04-10-2003, 07:09 PM
Sometimes family can hurt you more than a complete stranger would ever even consider. The best thing you can do for HER is to make her own up to her doings. Not just for revenge, but for her own good. If she keeps getting away with stuff, why should she stop. Sometimes you have to hit bottom to realize you need to change, and I think this that is the only way your sis will learn a lesson!! Put yourself first in this mess though, don't let anything else get taken from you and do what you have to do (legally) to make sure that happens!!! Also...wth does "DEH" stand for??? If it's initials for a name that's all you need to say, but it's driving me nuts!!! Keep your chin up hun, and good luck.:) ;) :p :cool: :eek:

04-10-2003, 07:16 PM
Deleted, - DEH again

04-10-2003, 07:18 PM
I am bipolar also and even though I may get caught up in the "war" argument I just see steeling some ones Identity as a very blatent and malitious (sp?) act. Especially to steal yur sisters!!!! Is she even taking medications? I got into some trouble before I relized how sick I was... BUt not that bad of trouble. It was just petty stuff but still was bad enough. Maybe she isn't taking the right stuff if she is. I know it doesn't matter if she is or not in the skeem (sp?) of things but if she were on meds she might be a totally new person. That is what my family says about me. Maybe she needs to be put away for a while if not in jail in a hospital Because if she doesn't get the help she needs she will do it when she gets out! Now I bet ya that is a scarey thought! May be some one can push for her to be seen? good luck!

04-10-2003, 07:39 PM
ginna, really do appreciate your input,but yes, sis has been on mood stabilizing drugs for a coulple of years. Evidendtly this guy she knew that was a DA assistant in LA erased her records. Redondo cops and I are working to get her fingterprints, the girl had at least 4 felonies in the state of California. DUI, dealing speed, terrorist threats, and they just disappeared? She had an assistant to the da that must have hosed her records, but we get her fingerprint, they don't lie. Weird how her records just disapppeared. But I do have a detective that is not buying it, he will get her. It's bizarre, and I can see how you would not believe me, hell, I would not believe me, I think the fingerprints will tell.

04-10-2003, 07:58 PM
DEH, lol

04-10-2003, 08:01 PM
I hope everything works out for you.......

P.S. - why are you giving your EX-hubby a party?????:rolleyes:

04-10-2003, 08:02 PM

04-10-2003, 08:04 PM
yes, DEH again

04-10-2003, 08:12 PM
People sure like to kick you when you are down dont they :(. He is just trying to cover for his own bad judgement. It must be your fault because it couldnt possibly be his.. :eek: :(

04-10-2003, 08:20 PM
Doesn't that mean that your ex could be in trouble too?
Accessory, aiding & abetting (sp?), co-conspiracy, etc...

Never trust an exhusband! If they could be trusted 100%, they probably would not be EX! (Just my personal experience).

Definitely, close out existing bank accounts & open new ones!

I hope everything works out for you!

04-10-2003, 08:30 PM
If she is doing that then her medication isn't working! she needs to be put in a hospital. Almost sounds to me like she is criminally insane.... I dunno I think once you prove that she did do it see if you can do something that will not only punish her but get some much needed help, cause it sounds like what she is getting now aint working and you don't want her getting to you when she gets out. I would also change yur number even go to social security and see on changing your family's numbers, all of them! good luck again

04-10-2003, 08:34 PM

04-10-2003, 08:47 PM
so what does this have to do with sis taking my identity? Plenty, she has always been excused, always gotten by with her crap because she was "bipolar". Yes, I threw some vents in there, but the fact remains, this little b has gotten by with it. This is going to be very difficult, although her boyfriends would love to see her in jail. And I am being exactly how I dont want to be, vengeful and hateful. See how people can bring you down to there level?

04-10-2003, 09:25 PM
oh boy! I had to go cool my heels for awhile cuz I was really upset. First of all, I don't care if her meds are not working, most of us take meds for something or other, it is not an excuse to treat people badly, secondly, I will see this through in court. There is absolutely no way that will take this rap. Thirdly, what a huge hassle! The credit reports and SS # and names and stuff, it is very difficult when someone steals your identity to put locks on your name.Trust me, it is exhausting, spent hours trying to lock my name up today. Lastly, don't think that just because you are in the right that the sheriff will believe you. He may have his own agenda or just doesn't want to deal with.

04-10-2003, 09:35 PM
Oh I think you are right .. she needs to pay!! but if she doesn't get help she will do it again! And you might be the target! so While she is doing her time she could get help maybe at those hospitals for criminally insane or something or just having help in jail. If she is not being medicated properly she will not stop and you will be targeted or someone else in your family might, what if she goes after your kids? eek I don't know what you can do but I would try as all h@ll to get her help while she is in jail!

04-10-2003, 09:46 PM
I am very scared that she will do it again, that is why I want her put away for good. My kids are scared of her. I don't think little dot should be so scared.

04-10-2003, 09:51 PM
Dot just came home from church, she had baked a cake earlier, how cute! She came in, a cat made her yell, I yelled, we came together with these big old scaredey eyes. It was funny, guess you had to have been there...the cake is really good, I am a lucky mom

04-10-2003, 09:55 PM
aww :)

on a bad note I don't think they will put her away for good..... she will get out... that is why I think judge should order assesment of her and such.... I am scard for you :( I do wish you the best and hope she gets what's coming to her!

04-10-2003, 10:05 PM
she will be held for two days, that's it. Really scary stuff, to know that she is out there, trying to hurt me and my children.

04-10-2003, 10:07 PM
:( :confused: :( :confused:

the system just sucks!

04-10-2003, 10:10 PM
Son and Dot know that she is evil, but she can trick me, can she trick them? Dot just told me that she would never go with Aunt Stacy, but it is scary. My son is 17 and certainly knows better.

04-10-2003, 10:52 PM
It's really screwed what sis is doing to me, but I am so lucky, I have beautiful kids, how much can she do to me? If I go to jail for her, it will only be a day or two, I will come home to my kids. When she goes to jail, she has nothing to come home to.

04-11-2003, 06:49 AM
Darn it, I am replying to my own posts! Just woke up and was hoping it was a nightmare, but no such luck. I feel like a sitting duck, just waiting to find out what else she has done to me. I can't drive anywhere, I have to depend on others now. This sucks! Still waiting to hear from teachers and see if I can finish out the semester somehow. Just opened yesterdays mail and found an invite for a President's Honor reception at school, can I go? No, I won't have a way to get there, this is ridiculous! I really don't want to be a victim, this is so frustrating. I am hurt and scared and angry and I don't like myself when I am like this. I am usually confident and smart and self-assured, she sure took a lot away from me. Oh geeze, now I am sniveling too! This is the most bizarre situation I have ever found myself in, almost surreal.

04-11-2003, 11:38 AM
Did you ask about a hardship liscense? You may be able to get one to go to work and school if nothing else. Worth checking into. Hope the day brings you some good news. Like her butt is in jail.

04-11-2003, 01:41 PM
OMG...I'm so sorry this is happening to you. My SIL had someone steal his identity. Luckily he found out fairly quickly and was able to avoid any financial responsibility. Unfortunately...even though it was over a year ago...things still come up periodically which show that this creature is still using his name occasionally.

I can't believe that your sister would do this to you. She truly is an evil person. I hope you are able to get the book "thrown at her"...so to speak.

Slight change of subject...you are best friends with your ex-husband??? That is a story that I'm sure we all want to hear...LOL!

04-11-2003, 03:54 PM
anything new yet?

04-12-2003, 11:28 AM
Nothing new really, I am just kind of hiding out in my room waiting for the police to knock at my door. I'm going to get into court this week somehow, even if I have to hitchhike there. They have one night a week that I may be able to get in and see a judge. It's just a really scary and depressing situation.
On the bright side, I just received an email from my journalism teacher, she has offered to drive me home from school! I can take the bus there, so I am ok with school, which takes a huge weight off my shoulders.
Also, a friend that works at the local minor league ball park called and offered me fifty tickets for dots bday, plus they will announce her bday over the loudspeakers and put her name up on the big scoreboard, how cool is that?
Yep, Kelsey, DEH and I are best friends and roommates. We both wanted the kids, and he wanted to buy a house. I met a wonderful lady that offered me a house for less than 1/2 its appraised value, so DEH bought the house, I get to live here until I finish school, and we both get to keep the kids. It's certainly not the ideal situation, but it works for us.
Everyone, thank you for your concern. I will keep you updated.

04-12-2003, 08:31 PM
Glad you got school figured out anyway. I hope you get to see the judge and get the rest sorted out too, very soon. I hope she really gets what she deserves.

04-12-2003, 09:58 PM
I'm glad things are going half way decent for you now... hope the luck continues.

04-12-2003, 10:25 PM
this is awful ! hope it gets straightened out ! i had a renter doing this kinda thing & i turned her in !! she was dumb enough to tell me she took ss# out of a girls purse & had tellephone & electric in her name !!!!!!! she'd been doing this a long time, when they got shut off notices, the electric company called me so i told them !!!!!

04-13-2003, 12:48 AM
I can relate to some of this the credit reporting agency that keeps track of your credit got my husbands report mixed up with someone( a relative also) who had filed bankruptcy, for some reason these twits put it all on my hubbies record even though the middle name was different and different SS#. Well while the other young man was buying a house my husband could not even buy a car and was walking to work in the middle of a blizzard half the time, it took us 6 months to get it all straightened out, a year later I decided to refinance our house with a different company the young man I spoke with said he could probably give me a better interest rate if I did not have that bankruptcy for the tv on there, thats right even though I had called tons of people and had all the bankruptcies taken off of our report the credit collecting agency had still left one on there. I called and got it taken care of by calling the younger mans original lender and had them remove it from our report. I called the credit reporting agency and told them what they had done to us and they would not even apoligize, I called a lawyer and they would not even sue the credit reporting agency even though because of them we paid more on our financing for the car we eventually did get. So if and when you get your credit report and have all this taken off keep checking back and make sure they remove it all. When you get this mess straightened out make sure you get copis of the court records and make copies to send to these credit reporting agency and if you can make sure you keep checking back the problem with these agencies is that they are too easily excused for making these types of mistakes.