View Full Version : By golly I think we got him

03-20-2003, 04:25 AM
If you've been watching the news then you know we made a strike early evening yesterday on where Saddam was supposed to be 2 hours later they showed a pretaped speech of Saddam where he stated the date, I think this tape was made long before the date given just in case he died, to keep his sons in power. He made no mention of the attack just a bunch of rhetoric about the USA. What do you think?

03-20-2003, 05:58 AM
yeah they said it was taped but they were unsure if it was really him. they said they had people studying it cause it didnt look like him they said

03-20-2003, 06:21 AM

Here's the one that did the speech..pretty POOR body double. Will Farrell does a better impression on SNL. :rolleyes:

03-20-2003, 06:22 AM
And another one of "Saddam"


03-20-2003, 06:24 AM
so r they saying its not him for sure now? i heard all that at about 3 this morning-couldnt sleep so i was watching it

03-20-2003, 06:32 AM
My guess is he's STILL ALIVE..him and Bin Laden are probably sitting together in a cave somewhere laughing at us. :mad:

03-20-2003, 06:33 AM
lol probably. i told my hubby last night that they arent as stupid as we apparently think they are. i said they were underground somewhere-duh. but anyways-lol

03-20-2003, 06:38 AM
I just saw McCain on CNN and he said it's thought they did not get him.It is thought he is still underground with his sons.The SOB should be underground alright...burning in hell!! :mad: