View Full Version : POLL : What would you do for $1 million?

Jolie Rouge
03-15-2003, 10:07 PM
Nothing, money is a material possession. ~~ 55%

Anything, I'm broke as a joke! ~~ 29%

Cut off my finger. ~~ 10%

Knock off my own mother. ~ 5%

Cutt of a leg. ~~ 1%

03-15-2003, 10:12 PM
Yikes!!!! :eek: It's just amazing what people will do for some dough.....

03-15-2003, 10:14 PM
None of that stuff! lol

Jolie Rouge
03-15-2003, 10:33 PM
But with "Reality TV" shows making such ratings - Survivor, The Family, Married By America, ect, ect, ect, ... it begs the question -

What *would* YOU do for a cool 1 million dollars ?

03-15-2003, 10:41 PM
hmmm... would the finger cutting off be done under anestesia by a surgeon??? LOL!

03-15-2003, 11:18 PM
we live out in the country, and during the summer the roads out here get so hot the tar starts melting and gets icky, even splashes and sticks on to your car if your not careful. We always use to joke with eachother, would you walk across that road for a million dollars, OUCH!!

03-15-2003, 11:23 PM
:eek: I would definitly need more money than that Jasmine!!! Owie.

03-16-2003, 06:32 AM
I might consider what Demi did and sleep with Robert Redford! LOL

03-16-2003, 07:06 AM
auntnanny ...I hear ya !!lol Me too..he gets better with age doesn't he? yummy

03-16-2003, 08:54 AM
OH! FOR a million. :rolleyes:

I thought it said WITH a million.:rolleyes: