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03-06-2003, 07:45 PM
hello my mother in law has congestive heart faliure will its undr control with med has had it for 10 years will last year she found out she has arteritios inflimmation of the arteries will she is taking predisone and has gained alot of weight but feeling ok will she went and had her blood work done and her chlosterel is 300 could this be from the predisione? or weight gain?? im wanting to know some answers thanks

03-06-2003, 07:54 PM
I dunno, but I wanted to give you {{{{{{{huggles}}}}}}}

03-06-2003, 08:00 PM
Did some research, and this is what I found for you:
Some immunosuppressive medications such as Cyclosporine and the newly introduced rapamycin, and steroids such as Prednisone, can cause an increase in levels of cholesterol as well as increased blood lipids, resulting in hyperlipidemia. Immunosuppressive medications may cause a rise in blood pressure as well.

Steroids can also break down muscle, change the way your body uses sugar and fat, and increase sodium (salt) retention, which may worsen blood pressure. In addition, steroids can cause an increase in appetite, which may lead to unwanted weight gain.

If you are looking for additional information, the following sources may be helpful:

American Dietetic Association Consumer Nutrition Hotline:
American Dietetic Association Web site:
American Heart Association Web site: http://www.americanheart.org

I hope this helps!

03-06-2003, 08:27 PM
thanks guys i appreciate it